Here we see Dusk working in his library. One of the books was getting old, the cover fraying and pages decaying. It was inevitable that the books in a library built and added too over hundreds of years would occasionally need replacing. Early on he did it by hand, but after a while this gets tedious, and is much to slow. So he developed a spell designed to copy the text from one book, and paste it into a newly made blank binding. A copy paste spell, if you will.~ So here we see him perform a totally mundane task, and still manage to be flashy with it. I was really wanting to get some non-lewd art with Dusk, so I am glad I managed to get lucky and get this from Fortuna. <3
This picture not only includes his updated hair color design with a black base, and purple ends, Though the lighting makes it look mostly purple (Not a nitpick, just a fact of lighting!~) and he totally dyes it cause it looks good of course, but is also the first picture to show a permanent addition to his outfit. The necklace he wears is something that icly he'll never take off, even when naked. Even if I am ~sure~ a lot of future art will overlook it. XD The symbol is the cradle of essence, a simple design that was used by sarsis. Many of his family, including my own characters Sally and Rosa, wore it. So I had a necklace made in SL, and made it a permanent part of his outfit, to remember Alps by.