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by lolboy4
Somehow, Froakie has managed to befriend a legendary, Articuno! One day, she came to him asking about ways to learn to hold her breath longer, knowing Froakie had quite a few tricks he'd learned. So, that night, they went to Froakie's favorite pool together (Don't worry, Froakie has permission to be there at night) for him to instruct her. Articuno's doing better than she expected already, and while she's struggling, Froakie is petting her wing to help her keep calm, occasionally bubbling some words of encouragement. It likely won't take much practice for Articuno to outlast him underwater!

pokemon 178,100, underwater 8,095, ambiguous gender 7,736, pool 6,489, petting 1,223, gmod 509, breath holding 408, froakie 287, articuno 237
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 month ago
Rating: General

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1 month ago
Awww, how sweet, I honestly love articuno so much...so seeing them underwater like this makes me very very happy, I might have to roleplay as one some time :)
4 days, 3 hrs ago
*It's late at night, probably around 11pm or so, articuno and froakie are out by the pool, hoping that articuno will learn how to hold her breath longer... as they get to edge of the pool, articuno is getting visibly nervous, her wings fidgeting a bit*
"Froakie, I don't know about this...I'm very nervous..."
4 days, 3 hrs ago
"Relax, it's gonna be fine! I'll be right next to you to make sure nothing bad happens to you!"
4 days, 3 hrs ago
*she sighs a bit*
"Alright...I'll try my best to relax, I wanted to do this so... might as well" *it was clear deep down inside articuno that she was still very nervous, but she tries to push everything away*
4 days, 2 hrs ago
"You've got nothing to worry about, this'll be easy. Just do some deep breathing before you go under, and try to stay as relaxed as possible." Froakie climbs into the pool, waiting for Articuno to do the same.
4 days, 1 hr ago
"Ok..." *articuno took a breath to try and compose herself, then enters the water as well...the water at this time at night was cold, but articuno didn't mind since she was an ice type*
"Least the water is nice on my feathers..."
4 days, 1 hr ago
"It's a bit cold for me, but I figured you'd like it. That and no one else being around is why I picked such a late time."
4 days, 1 hr ago
"Wow we've only been friends for a week and you already know me so well... that makes me happy, thank you froakie" *articuno smiles a bit*
4 days, 1 hr ago
"You're welcome!" Froakie hugs Articuno. "Once we're done with some practice, we can just hang out here for a while if you want. We've got the pool to ourselves all night!"
4 days, 1 hr ago
"That'll be great!" *articuno hugs froakie back gently* "Alright... guess I'll try to do this now... gotta have the practice..."
4 days ago
"Just head under whenever you feel like you're ready. I'll try to match how long you stay down, but we'll see how it goes."
4 days ago
"Alright...I'm probably not gonna be the best breath holder but ill try my hardest" *with that articuno starts taking some deep breathes, for air and to calm herself down*
4 days ago
Froakie starts breathing deeply as well, wondering whether the bigger breath holding advantage will come from him being a water type or Articuno being a legendary.
4 days ago
*after a few seconds, articuno took in a last deep breath, puffed up her cheeks and submerged underwater, her eyes tightly closed as sunk to the bottom of the pool, hoping froakie will be there next to her*
4 days ago
At the same time as her, Froakie holds his breath and dives down, standing on the bottom next to her and smiling at her.
4 days ago
*articuno opened her eyes for a split second to see froakie right there, then she smiled a little and closed them again, trying to focus on staying calm and not let so many bubbles loose*
4 days ago
Froakie watches Articuno hold her breath, glad she's doing so well in spite of having been nervous before.
4 days ago
*It's becoming visble on her face that she's starting to get nervous, letting small bubbles loose from her beak, but still tries to stay calm*
4 days ago
Noticing her getting nervous, Froakie gently holds one of her wings and pets it, hoping to help her keep calm.
4 days ago
*a visble smile appears on her face at the gentle pets, it does help her relax further, letting a couple bubbles loose, her face still hasn't changed colors and she was already 5 minutes underwater*
3 days, 23 hrs ago
Froakie is feeling an urge to breathe at this point, but he's still doing fine for now, smiling back at Articuno.
3 days, 23 hrs ago
*articuno wraps her wings around froakie in a hug to relax further, her cheeks puffing up the way they are is making her look 10x more cute*
3 days, 23 hrs ago
Froakie hugs her back, though he can't quite get his arms around her because of how much bigger than him she is.
3 days, 23 hrs ago
*after 11 minutes, articuno's face finally flushes red a bit, and she's starting to get nervous again*
3 days, 23 hrs ago
At this point, Froakie is blushing some as well, but he decides to sacrifice a little air to try to help keep Articuno calm. "Hblang in thblere, you're dobling great!" He's thankful that being a water type means he can talk fairly clearly underwater.
3 days, 23 hrs ago
"Mmmbl..." *articuno tries to stay calm further, letting bubbles escape her beak to help reduce some pain in her chest*
3 days, 22 hrs ago
Froakie starts petting Articuno again, hoping that'll still help even with her clearly starting to get a bit low on breath.
3 days, 22 hrs ago
*it helps a bit, her eyes still squeezed shut as she focuses on her breath hold*
3 days, 22 hrs ago
Froakie tries his best to keep himself quiet and not worry Articuno, but little grunts are starting to be audible anyway, his blush slowly spreading across his face.
3 days, 22 hrs ago
*articuno's blush is slowly covering her face as well, grunting slightly as she's getting more worried*
3 days, 22 hrs ago
As he watches her struggles increase, Froakie stays ready to help Articuno if she ends up needing him to.
3 days, 22 hrs ago
*articuno's face is fully red, bubbles trickling away as she covers her beak with a wing in an awkward way*
3 days, 22 hrs ago
Froakie hops off the bottom to hold Articuno's beak shut for her, needing both hands for it. He smiles at her despite his own strain.
3 days, 22 hrs ago
*articuno slips a smile through her closed beak and relaxes her wings, hugging froakie to stay calm as she starts to whimper*
3 days, 21 hrs ago
"K-keep it ublp, you're doing greablt..." As much as Froakie wants to breathe, he intends on staying with Articuno as long as he can.
3 days, 6 hrs ago
"Mmmm...." *articuno whimpers some more, it's clear she wants to breathe soon, but tries her best to stay put*
3 days, 6 hrs ago
Froakie is only a little better off than Articuno, and while he accidentally lets out a little whine, it's clear he wants to stay with her.
3 days, 6 hrs ago
*articuno keeps going, now 18 minutes underwater and still going ok*
3 days, 6 hrs ago
Even as Froakie own need for air continues to grow, a burning feeling forming in his lungs, he stays with Articuno, little bubbles starting to leak from his lips.
3 days, 6 hrs ago
*articuno's need for air grows and grows, really now wanting to surface*
3 days, 6 hrs ago
As much as he wants to keep helping her, Froakie has to take a hand off Articuno's beak to cover his own mouth as a tiny bit of a deeper blue than normal appears on his face.
3 days, 5 hrs ago
*immediately articuno covers her beak with her wings*
3 days, 5 hrs ago
S-soblrry... B-but I nebled to cover mbly mouth toblo..." Froakie briefly takes his hands off his mouth to talk, then covers it again.
3 days, 5 hrs ago
*articuno nods, looking up desperately at the surface*
3 days, 5 hrs ago
Froakie looks up as well, unsure of whether continuing to stay underwater is a good idea.
3 days, 5 hrs ago
*articuno is thinking the same way desperately wanting air*
3 days, 5 hrs ago
With his face fully a breathless blue, Froakie can't willingly take any more, bolting for the surface.
3 days, 5 hrs ago
*articuno manages to stay for a few more seconds before bolting up to the surface as well, gasping heavily for air*
3 days, 5 hrs ago
Froakie is panting heavily, but smiles at Articuno. "Th-that was really good... M-maybe 20 minutes!"
3 days, 5 hrs ago
"Hah...hah...20 minutes?! Wow! I didn't expect that!!"
3 days, 4 hrs ago
"C-certainly got you some good practice, huh?" Froakie's breathing slowly goes back to normal, as do the colors of his face.
3 days, 4 hrs ago
"Yeah I guess so.... that definitely felt good to get practice in...thank you froakie..." *her face returns to normal too*
3 days, 4 hrs ago
Froakie happily hugs Articuno. "You're welcome! Now, do you want to stick around here or head out? It's definitely pretty late..."
3 days, 4 hrs ago
*articuno happily hugs froakie back* "Guess we can stick around here for a bit, then we can head out, I'm pretty tired"
3 days, 4 hrs ago
"Sounds good to me. A more casual dive after that practice one would definitely be nice."
3 days, 4 hrs ago
"Yeah for sure..." *articuno smiles a bit*
3 days, 3 hrs ago
Not bothering to get fully prepared, Froakie takes a single deep breath and dives back underwater.
3 days, 3 hrs ago
*articuno takes a single deep breath too and dives under too*
3 days, 3 hrs ago
Froakie happily swims all the way down to the bottom of the deep end, looking back at Articuno and smiling.
3 days, 3 hrs ago
*articuno's cheeks cutely puff up with air as she swims to the deep end with froakie, both of them getting there as articuno sits down, patting some space as she wants froakie to sit on her lap with a blushing smile*
3 days, 3 hrs ago
With a nod, Froakie sits on Articuno's lap, letting some bubbles loose.
3 days, 3 hrs ago
*with a smile articuno let's some bubbles loose too, nuzzling froakie and even kissing his cheek*
3 days, 3 hrs ago
Froakie blushes from the kiss, but after a few seconds, he gives Articuno one as well, nuzzling her back afterward.
3 days, 3 hrs ago
*articuno blushes, wrapping her wings around froakie in a tender embrace, pretty much cuddling with froakie underwater*
3 days, 1 hr ago
Froakie hugs her as well, closing his eyes and cuddling with her.
3 days, 1 hr ago
*they stay quiet for 3 minutes, enjoying each others company and even tho articuno's face is red from not probably preparing she's stays put*
"I-i... lovle yblou froakblie...." *she said very softly*
3 days, 1 hr ago
Articuno's confession briefly stuns Froakie, with his blush now not just from needing to breathe, but soon... "...I love yoblu too!" He kisses her, bubbles slipping away in the process.
3 days, 1 hr ago
*articuno smiles so happily, she has never felt this happy before as she gurgles out some more bubbles without a care in the world, kissing froakie back*
3 days ago
Froakie lets more bubbles out, uncaring of how much air he's losing, Articuno being all he cares about right now.
3 days ago
*articuno keeps hugging froakie close, but not wanting her lungs to complain again she points up towards the surface*
3 days ago
"Yeah, we prblobably shoubldn't push ourblselves like earlibler again."
3 days ago
"Yeablh..." *holding froakie's little body, articuno pushes herself up to the surface*
3 days ago
Froakie lightly gasps upon surfacing, thankfully not having been under a whole lot of strain. "So... Guess we're in love now, heh..."
3 days ago
*articuno gasps as well*
"And I thought I would have a crush on someone who was a legendary pokemon like me... but nope, I'm in love with you... never thought I would say something like that"
3 days ago
"I never expected this either! But, I'm not complaining~" Froakie gives Articuno another kiss.
3 days ago
"Hehe! Me neither!" *articuno kisses froakie back then yawns*
"It's been a long night, I definitely need some sleep"
3 days ago
"Yeah, me too... Can I stay over at your place for tonight?"
3 days ago
"Of course you can! Although it's a little far from here, I can give you a ride so we can get there quicker :)"
3 days ago
"Th-that'd be awesome, yeah! I've never gotten a chance to fly on someone before!"
3 days ago
"Hehe! Anything for you buddy" *articuno lowers her back down so froakie can climb on*
2 days, 23 hrs ago
Froakie happily hops onto Articuno's back, getting himself secure. "Alright, I'm ready!"
2 days, 23 hrs ago
"Sweet! Hold on tight!" *articuno spreads her wings and takes off into the air, making sure to go at a comfortable speed so froakie can hold on*
2 days, 23 hrs ago
"Woah, this is awesome!" Froakie looks down off Articuno at the ground far below.
2 days, 23 hrs ago
*articuno smiles and giggles* "Seems like your having a good time!" *she keeps flying, getting a burst of speed in the direction towards her home*
2 days, 23 hrs ago
"Yeah, you're really making me wish I could fly on my own!"
2 days, 23 hrs ago
"Hehe, hey if at anytime you wanna ride, I'll do it! Only for you and nobody else ;)" *articuno smiles more, her home becoming visible*
2 days, 23 hrs ago
"Sweet, thanks! Oh, that's your home coming up over there, right?" Froakie points to it.
2 days, 23 hrs ago
"Yep!" *articuno's home was super fancy on the outside, it was clear that being a legendary pokemon has its advantages...she lands right beside her home and let's froakie down*
2 days, 22 hrs ago
Froakie jumps off Articuno's back once she lands. "Pretty sweet place you've got! Makes sense it'd be this cool for a legendary!"
2 days, 22 hrs ago
"Yeah! You'll love my place!" *after another yawn articuno leads froakie inside her home, which was massive and very decorative*
2 days, 22 hrs ago
While Froakie does yawn himself, he looks around Articuno's home in awe. "Man, it's even better on the inside!"
2 days, 22 hrs ago
"Mmhm! My bed is pretty huge too, considering I'm a large pokemon in general, heh" *articuno shows froakie around then eventually gets to her massive bed that can fit like 15 people in it!"
2 days, 22 hrs ago
"Holy moly, I don't think you'd take up the whole thing even if you spread out as much as you could!"
2 days, 22 hrs ago
"Hehe pretty cool huh? I have plenty of space to rest here" *then without hesitation articuno hops onto her bed*
"Come here bud! It's nice and cozy!"
2 days, 22 hrs ago
Froakie jumps onto the bed as well, laying down on it. "Sure is, this is great..."
2 days, 22 hrs ago
*articuno wraps her wings around froakie and smiles, putting a blanket over them*
"Well, good night my friend"
2 days, 21 hrs ago
"Good night..." Froakie cuddles with Articuno, closing his eyes and soon falling asleep with her.
2 days, 6 hrs ago
*articuno soon falls asleep as well, smiling very happily*
(The end!)
2 days, 6 hrs ago
(That was neat! Nice to have some breath holding practice stuff again)
2 days, 6 hrs ago
(Yeah for sure! It was great!)
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