These are quick, simplified wing designs for four thaerin. Other thaerin of the same species / races would have similar wings. These would most likely be more detailed when actually drawing the relevant character.
There are more thaer species than this but I'm not going to bother designing them at this time.
Topleft: Thaer soleiel (M, Fibriel Solaer). They have design elements of dragons and phoenix, and their wings have the basic shape of a dragon's but are more feathery like a bird's. I could never decide if I wanted to be a dragon or a bird, so now I can be both. (<-- Pr0 B] )
Topright: Thaer silvriel (F, Laethe). Their wings are simple and much smaller than usual. They're like elves, happiest in the forest.
Bottomleft: Thaer natariel (F, Miriel Claeriste). They're aquatic and their wings are finny for swimming. The males will probably be rather effeminate due to the smoothness and curvature expected of a water-dweller. They lack gills but their lung capacity is excellent and they're pretty. (Hopefully.)
Bottomright: Thaer maliel (F, Nihila). They're darkly colored. They look a lot more evil than they are. Well. Some of them.