After ten minutes, Daniël is allowed to get out of time-out, but what he doesn’t know is that is only the beginning of his punishment.
“Daniël, get your backpack and follow me.” Timothy instructs.
“Yes sir.” Daniël replies as he gets his stuff and follows the tiger into another room.
“You do realise why you were sent to time-out?” Timothy asks.
“Yes sir.” Daiël replies.
“And can you tell me why?” Timothy asks, trying not to come across as too angry.
“Because I bullied Benjamin.” The bear replies softly.
“Exactly.” Timmy says. “I know you already went on time-out, but your punishment is still not over, I'm very strict about bullying.” He says. “Since you want to make fun of Benjamin for wearing protection, you’ll have to wear one as well.”
“I’m not wearing a diaper!” Daniël shouts.
“You know, I was thinking about pull-ups, but that is a much better Idea.” Timmy thinks out loud as he takes a diaper out of the bear's bag, which is meant for nighttime use. “You can either put them on yourself or I’ll put it on for you.”
“Me and my stupid mouth.” Daniël thinks. “Well I’m not wearing one! That’s far too embarrassing.” He talks back.
“Well I don’t care, you’re getting punished so you’re wearing one.” Timothy says, slightly more aggravated. “Plus you have to wear them at night so I don’t see what the big deal is.”
“I ain’t wearing it, you aren’t the boss of me!” Daniël continues.
“If you continue like that you can walk in nothing but a hoodie and a diaper.” The babysitter threatens.
“But I’m not a little baby like Benjamin that needs diapers.” Daniël explains, thinking that that’ll help his case.
“Well you’re for sure acting like a little baby.” Timothy replies. “And little babies get less dessert, less time to watch tv and an earlier bedtime.” He says.
“Aww.” Daniël whines.
“You did all of this to yourself.” Timothy explains. “Now will you put that diaper on yourself or do I need to do it for you?” He asks.
“I can do it myself.” Daniël says.
“Alright then, I’ll check on the food, but if you aren’t back in five minutes wearing a diaper, I’ll have to do it for you and you’ll be in big trouble.” Timothy explains.
“Y-yes sir.” Daniël says. He quickly takes off his pants and underwear and puts on the diaper. It takes a couple moments after he’s finished to build the courage to go outside, but eventually he goes to the living room and approaches Benjamin.
“I’m sorry for making fun of you Ben.” The bear apologises as he tries to hide his blue diaper.
“It is okay, now we are all wearing diapers.” Benjamin chuckles. “But you still wear them at night?” He asks curiously. “I didn’t know you still wet the bed.”
“YOU EAVESDROP- nevermind, if you tell anyone I will make you regret it.” Daniël threatens angrily.
“Calm down, I won’t tell anyone and I won’t make fun of you.” The Lynx replies nervously. “I just never noticed, despite the fact that we are best friends and often have sleepovers together.
“You don’t know how much stuff I hide from you.” Daniël chuckles.
“Like what?” Benjamin asks curiously.
“Like the fact that I have superpowers.” The bear lies.
“How dumb do you think I am?” The lynx asks.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” Daniël chuckles.
“I guess not.” Benjamin replies hurt. “Oh look, Ethan is awake.” he says, looking at the half-asleep fox.
‘Huh?” Ethan says, rubbing his eyes. He then notices the cub's diapers and lack of pants. They notice his confusion.
“Yeah long story, but we both need to wear diapers and we can’t wear pants over them.” Benjamin explains.
‘Me too!” Ethan giggles as he takes off his pants, exposing his cloth diaper.
Benjamin laughs at the fox. “If you want to.” He says as he hugs the fox. “At least you're still dry.”
“So Ethan’s more potty trained than you.” Daniël teases.
“Shut up.” Benjamin says.
“Fine then.’ Daniël replies, not wanting to get into trouble again. “So what will we do now?”
1. The cubs play Uno (a game notorious for breaking friendships.)
2. They play monopoly (again, good at ruining friendships.)
3. They play another game (comment)
4. They watch some cartoons, but can’t decide on which one
5. Other (comment)