Mike and Bon-Bon were having a fun little date, and decided to grab some lunch at a 50s style diner that Bon-Bon happens to love. After some burgers and fries, they then decided to liven up their dessert by doing a special at the restaurant: The Kitchen Sink Challenge. An actual Kitchen Sink that’s been filled with ice cream, bananas, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, and topped with party sparklers. If the entire table eats the whole sink in one hour, their entire meal plus the ice cream is free, and you enter the Wall of Fame. For normal folks, this might seem impossible. But between Mike and Bon-Bon’s respective appetites, it was a piece of cake-flavored ice cream.
Michael: “You sure know some great places, Bonnie. Now open those pretty lips up and have a nice big scoop of Chocolate Rocky Road.”