feel your mind inflate to a more susceptible space, where the emptiness of your head and more weight to your person brings more room for the words of your trusted hypnotist to work wonders on you.
paid recorded live session Butterball done at their request personalized towards them.
induction: relaxation styled with inflating mind and heavy weighty body
content: more susceptible to hypnosis via added weight to the subconscious, every layer of softness making the subconscious more receptive (targeted towards clients interests)
awakener: 10 count with inflation theme to leave the feeling of floaty bloaty goodness to the client (done as an added bonus to indulge clients interests)
Warning: lots of weight gain implications, if susceptible to that kind of thing do be aware you should watch your eating habits, its possible that implications of weight gain = more susceptibility could be unintentionally picked up from this, you have been warned.