ever desire to be closer to the critter you play as in dungeons and dragons? want to feel like your favorite character or even a character you made and brought to life, well now you can!
induction: fractal with visual theme of walking into a dark cave
content: become your sona for 30 minutes. trigger phrase (SONA ARISE) early end trigger (Dispell) (works on any hypnosis trigger currently in effect.)
safeties: can only be activated by those you trust only activated in a place that doesn't cause social problems can only be activated when you have the time to give it the attention it needs to activate.
Warning: this trigger has a lot of potential for a lot of things. you become your sona like role playing a character as though you were a method actor, fully immersed in the role. i do not control how your sona acts, if your sona has a volatile personality, or harmful tendencies then avoid this file. otherwise this file should be safe as i believe that most sona's are good critters looking to have a good gentle time. i am not responsible for your sona's actions.