So, while I was in the area having attended two crowds, going three for three on this occasion. And given this is of the very few days I honestly enjoy, I did just that. So I entertained myself with another gathering
So it being Chinese New Year, Jeremy would immediately be one of the people I tag into a grouping with. And like an ABSOLUTE FUCKING GIGACHAD he'd be the one up front ordering food for everyone like a boss while having no need to elaborate.
Of course I'm footing the bill because like most things, I can afford it, but it's the gesture that counts.
(P.S: Vaini wasn't sure what colors to give you, so she just took your shirt and went "Asian Vaporwave Sunset." Look, we're unapologetically going with that)
As it's been stated multiple times that if I'm somewhere, Dark is going to 9 out of 10 times going to be around. Plus I am not on dish duty by myself tonight, so, him being there is because Bro strats are Pro strats.
...Look, he's being fed. This is a fair trade off.
This one was an easy one. As coming off the Year of the Rabbit while straight up being a rabbit, it's merely good luck having him there just by his hair color and being a bunny. A rabbit being the fabled pet of Chang'e the Chinese Goddess of the moon, and red being the color that wards away the Nian. (Congratulations, if you read this far you've just been educated.) So I pretty much associate Robby Bun as "The Chinese New Year Bunny."
Plus he's bloody adorable so yes, he got an invite.
Now it makes sense that if Jeremy's here Diana would be. They're basically husband and wife. That and second bunny in the room. Also, I kinda felt it was a little awkward that Jeremy and Dark were the tallest two there so that was part a reason. Got ridiculously lucky with finding an outfit that not only suited her, but matched her eye color. Both of them.
See what we did there?
Yes. I know. I know. Chizi gets to be in most of the Lunar New Year images this year. He's the only one in my species outside of myself that looks like he's up for this all year round. So congratulations runt, you're touring the mainland with me.
So. Hear me out.
I pretty much had no one else that I could think of off the top of my head with red hair. Next I went with brown. I knew 11 people with that hair color, couldn't decide and rather than spin a wheel, I wrote down a few numbers grabbed my dart board and figured whichever was closest was going to be the winner. As luck would have it, it was the Juno puppy that came up. They also know Robby Bun so , helpful! Gave them a shirt, said it's a celebration, you're invited, and there's food.
And unironically I needed some way for you to stand out as "red bunny in a Chinese restaurant on Lunar New Years" is about the same as saying "cotton ball in a snow storm" So, you had to be next to Jeremy because spots and.. well.. contrast in height. ^^;
That said, you're welcome Robby Bun :)
And unironically I needed some way for you to stand out as "red bunny in a Chinese restaurant on L
Thank you so much for the picture! i love it! <3 <3 you're an awesome person *hugs* i actually really like the outfit too hehe (one small thing would be my colors are outdated now my fur color should be grey not white anymore. but that can be solved next time)
Thank you so much for the picture! i love it! <3 <3 you're an awesome person *hugs* i actually reall