Took a moment to get together with my counterpart and give a meal to Sir Helmeet El Gato. A.. very good old friend of mine that's helped me a considerable bit over the years in ways I simply will not explain.
While there just for fun we also decided to pull along another ...I'll say esteemed specific Chestnut that ..probably doesn't really get out for the Lunar New Year. But, she actually got to wear something close to formal for what might be one day out the year that I managed to convince was just playing dress up and somehow that worked.
So with my two "nieces" and one Miss Sahkmat, we made all this work.
Light being myself as included in the image
Dark Schvarzvald belonging to
Pursha and Aletta Fluffmore belong to
Keiko Sakmat belonging to
And Rocketgirl, yes THAT Rocketgirl obviously belonging to
Helmeet El Gato themselves and artist of this image belonging to HelmeetElGato