Thanx for your comment and idea! But the problem here is I don't draw, and my cousin along with my friend Victor, dont take requests at the moment. Your character is cute, and if I could draw, I would do it the drawing right away!
Thanx for your comment and idea! But the problem here is I don't draw, and my cousin along with
Oooops... héhé sorry for my really late fav my friend... seem's that I have lost the count a li'l... Nice ferret Nelson... I like the good humor in that one *smile*
Oooops... héhé sorry for my really late fav my friend... seem's that I have lost the count a li'l...
Oooops... héhé sorry for my really late fav my friend... seem's that I have lost the count a li'l... Nice ferret Nelson... I like the good humor in that one *smile*
Oooops... héhé sorry for my really late fav my friend... seem's that I have lost the count a li'l...