Seems it's time for snack at the Popple house ...well, it's actually the Travis's house, but why be overly specific? :P
Anyway, it seems Pepper has made cupcakes, and has made the biggest of all for herself. Pixel seems to take exception to this. Let's see what happens...
[PIXEL contemplates his tiny cupcake next to Pepper's giant one]
PIXEL (to self): "So unfair"
PIXEL (to Pepper): "Maybe I'm 'bats' to suggest this, but would you like to take a 'stab' at some anadromes before we eat?"
PEPPER (admiring her cupcake): "Sure! Maybe that'll bolster my a-popple-tite for this baby!"
[intrusive ad for Diet Sundrop]
PIXEL: "The second clue is the answer ...I express disgust. Reverse me if the subject is you and I"
PIXEL: "I grow under the ground. Reverse me to find me on your calendar"
PEPPER: "May!"
PIXEL: "A cat has four of me. Reverse me to give and receive"
PEPPER: "Swap!"
PIXEL (flailing): "Last one! Quick! We're under pressure! Reverse us and we're an end to meals!"
PEPPER: "Desserts!"
PIXEL (sneaky): "Very good, Pepper! But you wanna know something funny---the answers come together to form a sentence!"
PEPPER (giggling): "Oh, yeah! 'We May Swap Desserts!'"
PIXEL (taking the giant cupcake): "Gee! Thanks, Pep!"