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SatTB: Christmas Magic
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Pixel Popple (by Cottage of Colors)

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SatTB: Christmas Magic
POPPLES: Anadromes
Yes, I'm aware no one can see or read the comic (you're welcome; it was indeed my great pleasure).
The art has been intentionally distorted so I won't be reminded of how it looks IRL (this way I can pretend it's better). Most of my watchers won't care. Those who do care are free to watch someone else. preferably someone who knows how to draw.

TL;DR: This is a spite upload. If it's against any AUP, or if anyone complains, I'll delete it.

To distort, I used https://goart.fotor.com/ (artist sketch)


I started this cartoon around Christmas Eve ...and proceeded to catch a stomach flu. My art literally churned my stomach and made me sick to it (at least, I like to think of it that way).

Seems the cubs are in their costumes for tonight's rehearsal of their school play: Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.
But what's this---it seems Tasli is unhappy about something. Let's eavesdrop (because we're creepy like that)...

Tasli is dressed as *Herbie; Gene as Santa; Mimi as Rudolph, and Mubba as Sam.

*Herbie/Hermey/Hermie---I've heard/read it every way, even on official merch.

TASLI (displeased): "It's not fair! Why do I have to be the dentist elf!?"

GENE: "It's totally fair, Tasli: the students with the best grades got dibs on parts---YOU had to take what was left!"

TASLI: "Well, how come you chose Rudolph, Mimi? You're not even a boy!"

[this wouldn't be the first time a female played Rudolph ...or even the second]

MIMI (annoyed): "Because that stupid otter girl chose first, and she wanted to be Clarice. I took Rudolph so Gene couldn't choose it and kiss her!"

MIMI (winking; to Gene): "Besides, I'll enjoy pulling your sleigh, and maybe you'll find you like tugging my reins?"

[given how terrible Mrs. Claus is, that could be possible, but we know Gene...]

GENE (sighing): "Oh DEER! I knew I should have chosen the prospector!"

TASLI (disgusted): "This is too much"

TASLI (feeling clever): "I'll act the fool in rehearsal---I'll give 'em no choice but to assign me a new part or excuse me altogether!"

MUBBA (heart): "But you look so stunning and brave as an elf!"

TASLI (throwing down his hat): "GAH! They can't fire me, I quit!"

No pencil; art isn't worth it.

male 1,130,081, female 1,019,244, cub 255,278, cat 202,237, feline 141,372, rabbit 130,385, bunny 106,176, male/female 89,712, girl 87,090, boy 75,977, raccoon 34,670, m 28,487, f 24,084, cartoon 21,531, christmas 19,821, cosplay 13,402, costume 12,017, funny 9,722, humor 5,536, reindeer 5,195, elf 4,470, 2023 3,176, santa 1,975, sam 1,544, mimi 962, ai assisted 946, snowman 618, rudolph 462, gene 293, tasli 105, mubba 75, belated 19, herbie 13, hermey 3
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Rating: General

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5 months, 2 weeks ago
i hope you dont plan on to quit draw, i and a alot of others really like your stuff. im sure the stomach bug was just a coincidence
5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 2 weeks ago
Man this end of the year has been ruthless for the health of people I know, lots of discords seeing people sick and a favorite streamer of mine caught Covid on Christmas... Hope you recover well, I am having problems with my stomach too so let's hope something good happens lol.
5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 2 weeks ago
I do totally know how you feel. I caught something that actually made me sick for the first time in years. Not a pleasant feeling. Still feeling a bit like crap but slowly getting over it (I hope). I'm crossing my fingers it will be the same for you. Anyway it looks like it would have been a cute Christmas-y cartoon and I'm sure the pencil understands. They do have a higher lvl of tolerance and understanding than other inanimate objects(with the exception of pens of course!).
Anyway take care and have a Happy and Safe New Year. Hope to see you then. :)
5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 2 weeks ago
Exactly as
said. Couldn't put it any better.
5 months, 2 weeks ago

Well, thank you both---I'm just short on words today. I'm mostly well now---went out shopping today in fact.
I hope the two of you recover or, if the Lord calls you home, that you find the scenario accommodating. :3

The pencil knows, too, that I have the power to snap it, so that also keeps keep it in line. ;)

5 months, 2 weeks ago
I had a very upset stomach yesterday, oh well, I hope it was a bug for you
5 months, 2 weeks ago
5 months, 2 weeks ago
Oh my holy pizza! Are you in THIS mood AGAIN? Is it just me or does it get worse every time? Dude, if you get into this mood just make a pause in drawing, do not create this artificial drama.

Also I hope this is a joke about AI assistance. But man if you ever will use AI to generate pictures, I will really abandon watching you and delete all art I even saved of favorited of yours. I know you don't care, but I do care about real art.

If I am harsh? I don't care, I have had my own drama and problems here, I say what I feel.
5 months, 2 weeks ago
Yeah, you wouldn't know anything about recurring, irrational fear, anxieties and drama now would you? No, no, not you---you're far too good for that! ;)

As for AI, I don't like it either. Hell, I don't even approve of digital art. I guess that's why I've spent good money to buy real, traditional acrylic and watercolor ACOs to upload to FA/DA.
If you don't like that I used AI here to obscure the art, well ...I followed the rules by tagging this as 'ai_assisted'. Maybe you should blacklist ai tags, eh (just a thought)?

If you don't like my art, then don't look at it; go watch someone who gives a damn.
5 months, 2 weeks ago
This, btw, is a real pencil drawing (here's a small piece): https://sta.sh/01vocl8d7k7v
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Being an artist is an emotional car crash when you care about it and your relationship with it, so I empathise with you. I respect how you feel about your own work. As for me, I love your characters, the slice of life simplicity and charm of your comic strips. I think your drawings are adorable and they have warmed my soul when I've felt like total shite. Whatever you happen to do next, even if it's nothing at all, what you have already made is something I'll always remember, because it's just plain lovely XP.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
To be clear, the "I quit" is a quote from the Christmas special, ie., "They can't fire me, I quit!"; I'm still drawing. ^^

I just hate that I'm bad at it; there are things my autism either can't grasp or avoid (so it's not a matter of 'practice more')---my art will always look like this, and I have to accept it (easier said than done) ...and you may think this as an affront/find my word choices insensitive, but it came to mind this way: Roarey, if your drawing talent were somehow magically swapped with mine, you'd probably leave the furry/art scene entirely (some artists may even off themselves if 'Tasli' was the best they could do).
3 months, 4 weeks ago
I think artists have to draw, it's something we can't go too long without doing, no matter the quality of it. The thing that's brought me closest to leaving the fandom is the abusive treatment I've recieved from furries for my political opinions XP. I still feel my own work is rubbish from time to time, but yeah I don't know what it's like to never improve or believe I can't. The purpose of my comment anyway was to honestly express the value your drawings have to me. There are many artists of tremendous skill in this fandom and all they do with it is make extremely bland, highly detailed pornography that, aside from minor stylistic distinctions, is indistinguishable from all the other commercially-oriented smut. Your work has a heart and soul, so I don't give a shit that it isn't Blacksad level art XP.
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Well, I'm a conservative-right Christian who's called out homosexuality, abortion and woke-ism on this gallery (and then had the nerve to say I'm ace lol). They'll come for me eventually---just gotta wait until Tasli misgenders someone (you can bet he'd never apologize). XD

I'm just an aspie throwing his own pity party---drama is something a great many furs are into (I guess). ^^

<3 <3
3 months, 4 weeks ago
Indeed, there are far too many furries who indulge in inexcusable cruelty, who actively seek out people to abuse, joyously interfering in other people's lives. I've pulled back from the wider fandom because of it XP.
3 months, 3 weeks ago
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