These are sketches of the future finished product so that people can read the story as it's made instead of waiting months and months before all of the art is done. The comic is even specifically listed as the "Script and Storyboard" for the upcoming comic.
Work on your critical thinking skills.
These are sketches of the future finished product so that people can read the story as it's made ins
Damn, how rude can you get. Making a comic takes a lot of time. TE is a wonderful artist. They already said these are story boards. Sketches to let the readers know the story so people don't wait forever for it even tho I'm sure plenty of readers who are fans would gladly wait. Your comment is beyond rude and frankly insulting.
Damn, how rude can you get. Making a comic takes a lot of time. TE is a wonderful artist. They alrea
Didnt see this coming. Only took four attempts before flatly calling it "crap"
If you dont like it, dont read it, simple. Leave the people that do enjoy it in peace, and maybe, just maybe, show a little respect to TE. Finished or not, they took the time and effort to produce it, write story, world build etc
Didnt see this coming. Only took four attempts before flatly calling it "crap" If you dont like it,