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[NMA] Inteleon used Bubble?
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A submerged song

A dino couple's deepest dive

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by lolboy4
[NMA] Inteleon used Bubble?
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With just the air in his lungs, this lizard's happily singing underwater in his pool, his bubbles forming into the notes he sings. He can keep it up for a pretty long time between trips to the surface, but he still usually needs a break partway through most songs.

Suggested by a friend.

lizard 24,385, underwater 8,884, ambiguous gender 8,594, pool 7,081, bubbles 4,667, singing 2,148
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 3 months ago
Rating: General

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1 year, 3 months ago
What beautiful singing!
1 year ago
*an eevee was walking around near the pool this lizard was in, just minding her own business, when suddenly she saw a bunch of bubbles near the pool, looking down and seeing that someone is down there, as she listened in more closely she can hear what appears to be singing, intrigued the eevee sits down near the edge of the pool, watching and listening to this lizard sing*
1 year ago
The lizard continues for about 20 seconds before surfacing, gasping more to just refill their lungs than actually catch their breath, preparing to head back down for another few verses. He doesn't yet notice the eevee.
1 year ago
*when the lizard surfaces that gave the eevee an opportunity to speak up*
1 year ago
He jumps a bit, and looks at the eevee, blushing a little. "O-oh, hi! What's up?"
1 year ago
"Whatcha doing down there?? I could have sworn I heard singing..."
1 year ago
The lizard clearly gets nervous at this. "Um... N-no, that wasn't me, I was just hanging out down there. M-maybe my bubbles just sounded weird." It seems he doesn't want the eevee to know he was singing.
1 year ago
"Hmmm I can smell a lier pretty well, and I can tell your are... it definitely sounded like singing to me, you don't have to be so shy about it.."
1 year ago
He blushes a lot more. "...Y-yeah, it was me... I-I really don't like p-people hearing me sing, so I do it underwater..." He looks down in embarrassment of having been caught.
1 year ago
"I mean that's smart but doesn't that hurt your lungs? And I'm sure you sound just as good above water...I was rather intrigued by your singing skills"
1 year ago
"I-I'm good at carefully using my air for it. And, um... I don't really know how it sounds above water, I only really do it underwater..."
1 year ago
"Hehe, I'm sure you sound great! Yknow I've always wanted to get into singing, but I haven't really practiced it... and thoughts of singing underwater is a bit strange to me...heh"
1 year ago
"It's best when no one can hear you, so you can practice without worrying about bothering anyone. B-but I won't mind! You can try out singing underwater here if you want." The lizard's blush is slowly fading away as he gets more comfortable talking to the eevee about singing.
1 year ago
"Uhhh I may have said it's intriguing, but there's no way I'm actually gonna try it! I mean first of all I'm a horrible swimmer, and a terrible breath holder..." *the eevee blushes in embressment*
1 year ago
"I-I mean, you don't have to go deep... You don't even have to go fully under, you can just stick your head in. But, I understand, early on I had a hard time convincing myself to let the air out."
1 year ago
"Yeeeah I don't think so... I'm too nervous! Besides it's not often I even stick my own head underwater... I just more came to listen to your singing" *she blushes some more*
1 year ago
The lizard blushes again, but doesn't seem as nervous this time. "...O-okay... I-if you want to hear me, I-I'll try... But j-just keep in mind, it sounds better underwater. I-I think, anyway." He takes some deep breaths, trying to steady his nerves.
1 year ago
"I don't know if it does, I would assume I'll be all muffled, but I'm still intrigued to hear it" *she smiles*
1 year ago
After a little longer, the lizard convinces himself to sing. He sounds decent, but it's clear he doesn't have much experience singing when he's not underwater. It's a fairly short song, and after he's done, he blushes heavily as he looks at the eevee to see whether they approve.
1 year ago
"Wow! Pretty good! I loved it! Good job!" *she smiles warmly at the lizard*
1 year ago
The lizard smiles, and the eevee can see his tail wagging under the water. "R-really? I've... N-never sung for anyone before... Y-you actually like it?"
1 year ago
"I do! You sound great! Now I am curious to see if it does sound better underwater... *sigh* if it wasn't for this stupid fear I would be able to go under" *the eevee is clearly disappointed by the fact she is terrible when it comes to water*
1 year ago
"I wish I could help with that... Oh, maybe you could just put your ear in the water? You wouldn't have to hold your breath that way."
1 year ago
"Maybe, but that would just be kinda silly... you think you could try to help me submerge my whole body under? You seem to know what your doing with this stuff..."
1 year ago
"I can try... Maybe my singing can help you stay calm?" The lizard swims to the pool's shallow end and stands up.
1 year ago
"That's a possibility! I really wanna try... and you seem perfect for this" *the eevee comes a bit closer to the lizard*
1 year ago
The lizard smiles and partly climbs out of the pool, hugging the eevee. "Just let me know if you want me to stop, or slow down, or anything."
1 year ago
*the eevee nuzzles the lizard and smiles* "Ok! I will...I'm ready for this!"
1 year ago
Starting to very slowly go back into the water, the lizard starts singing again, this time going with a slow, calming song.
1 year ago
*the eevee grows calm while listening to the calming song, going into the water with him*
1 year ago
The song continues as the lizard gradually lowers himself and the eevee, hoping to get to the point that just his and the eevee's heads are still above the water.
1 year ago
*still calm, the eevee let's it happen, using their legs to stay afloat, thankfully not bad enough to sink, she looks up at the lizard with a shy smile, humming along to the song*
1 year ago
While he continues singing, the lizard points down in the water, asking if the eevee wants to try going under.
1 year ago
*that moment was a bit nerve racking to the eevee, but the calm singing from the lizard makes her more confident, so she softly nods her head in agreement*
1 year ago
The lizard interrupts his song just for a brief moment to get a deep breath, waiting for the eevee to do the same before he'd go under with them.
1 year ago
*the eevee takes a deep breath of air, holding it as she nods to the lizard that she's ready to submerge*
1 year ago
Kneeling down, the lizard submerges with the eevee, and resumes his song. Now that he's underwater, he sounds significantly better, his voice resonating in the water yet still coming through surprisingly clearly. The bubbles he exhales seem to harmonize with him, and almost look like musical notes as they float up to the surface.
1 year ago
*holding her breath the eevee was shocked at the sight of the lizard singing way better down here, she uses her hind legs to clap for the lizard, so impressed by his performance*
1 year ago
He smiles as he continues, planning to keep his performance going until either he reaches the end of the song or the eevee wants to surface. This one breath lasts him for a good amount of time, though he eventually gets up a bit to refill his lungs before continuing.
1 year ago
*the eevee is stunned at the lizard's performance, she stayed down to listen to the lizard sing, making it all the way to the end of the lizard's song, but now she's low on air and goes up to surface, gasping for air*
1 year ago
The lizard heads up with her, gasping as well, but not really out of breath. "S-so, what did you think? I saw that you needed air, and you still stayed the whole time."
1 year ago
"Unbelievable! That was...Unbelievable! I am stunned! I had to stay down all the way through the song cause it was amazing!! You've motivated me to try singing underwater too now, heh"
1 year ago
The lizard starts wagging his tail again, more than last time. "Th-thank you! I'm so glad you actually convinced me to sing for you!"
1 year ago
"Hehehe!!! Your talented I tell ya...now I wanna try it myself....and maybe I'll be just as good!"
1 year ago
"I could help teach you, if you want! It takes a lot of practice, and there's definitely some tricks to it that I wish I'd figured out sooner."
1 year ago
"Oh really? Well I would love for you to teach me then!" *she wags her tail in excitement*
1 year ago
"If you've got time, we could get started right now! I can talk pretty clear underwater too, so we only really have to surface when you do."

(I plan on having this stop once they go back under together, sound good?)
1 year ago
(Uh sure I guess, whatever you want)
"Yeah! We can totally get started right now! Got nothing better to do!"
1 year ago
(I just have no idea how he'd be able to teach them to sing clearer underwater. If you want this to keep going, I can try to come up with something)

"Alright, get yourself a good breath, and head under. Not too deep, since you'll be going back up before too long." The lizard gasps and kneels on the bottom again.
1 year ago
(I mean that is pretty tricky, maybe we just make it so the eevee be natural at singing clearly to make this easier)

"Alright, here it goes..." *the eevee gasps in a deep breath and goes under*
1 year ago
(Oh, that'd be neat, go for it!)

After the eevee dives underwater, the lizard begins his lesson. "Alriblght, let's see whblere you're at tblo start. Go ahblead and try singbling."
1 year ago

"Ok mblablngl I havebl sunblgb toblr anyoblnble yet, I'll bebl singiblng one of my personglabll favoribltblebl songsbl.."
*the eevee is clearly nervous, but tries to compose herself*
1 year ago
(You don't have to worry about adding lyrics, you can just sort of describe the song instead, like I did)

The lizard smiles at the eevee, willing to wait as long as it takes for her to start singing.
1 year ago
(Honestly I was thinking about doing that to make the roleplay more exciting but eh, I won't bother, I've got something else)
*the eevee closes her eyes and starts to sing, the song being "Can't Stop The Feeling by Justin Timberlake" singing the beginning part and doing it shockingly clearly, music note bubbles also escaping her mouth*
1 year ago
The lizard's eyes go wide in surprise of how well the eevee is already doing for her first try, but doesn't say anything, not wanting to interrupt.
1 year ago
*she continues to sing, getting to chorus of the song, about halfway through it tho she suddenly stops singing, her face turning red and getting too low on air to continue, covering her mouth with her paws*
1 year ago
Holding onto her again, the lizard raises the eevee back up to the surface so she can breathe, coming up with her to talk clearly. "You're sure that was your first time, right? That was INCREDIBLY good!"
1 year ago
*the eevee gasps for air and blushes* "Heh, well...I guess I'm just a natural born singer... I mean I used to hum that song for a long time, I know all the lyrics and it sorta came natural to me... did you really like it that much?"
1 year ago
"Yeah, you're a natural! I've been practicing for the better part of a year, and I only first managed to make note-shaped bubbles a couple weeks ago!"
1 year ago
"Wow...I'm that good huh? Maybe we could sing a duet" *the eevee blushes not sure how the lizard would react to that*
1 year ago
"Sure! I'm good with the song you were doing, so how about we finish it together? Just keep in mind, it'll be my first time singing with someone else."
1 year ago
"Sure! I would love that! Let's do it! And I'm sure you'll do fine, this'll be the first time im singing with someone too"
1 year ago
"Alright, we'll start from the chorus and go from there. I'll count us down once we're both underwater again." With another deep breath, the lizard kneels down again, submerging.
1 year ago
*nodding, the eevee takes a couple breathes before follow the lizard underwater*
1 year ago
Smiling at the eevee, the lizard holds up 3 fingers, then 2, then 1. After that, he starts singing again, note-shaped bubbles leaving his mouth like before.
1 year ago
*the eeeve smiles back, singing along with the lizard, both of them sounding even better as a duo, note shaped bubbles leaving her mouth*
1 year ago
The lizard watches his and the eevee's bubbles floating away, all of his prior nervousness completely gone as he finally gets to enjoy singing with a partner.
1 year ago
*the nerves on the eevee going away as well as she happily sings with the lizard, getting closer to the lizard for a sweet kiss on him*
1 year ago
Not wanting to interrupt the song, the lizard just hugs her, closing his eyes while continuing to sing in the bubbly duet.
1 year ago
*the eeeve closes her eyes too...continuing to sing as well, smiling*
1 year ago
The two keep up their song until the lizard starts to blush, getting low on air. While he still doesn't want to interrupt himself, he doesn't really have a choice, quickly getting up and gasping another breath before heading back down to continue.
1 year ago
*the eevee also had to gasp for air as well, so she swim up to gasp a breath before going back down to resume*
1 year ago
Eventually, they finish the song together, and the lizard smiles at the eevee, wagging his tail a little. "I've neblver hblad this mublch fun singbling before!"
1 year ago
*the eevee wags her tail too*
"Yeah! Me toblro! Thiblsl isbl awesomeb! We shourblld dor thibsl morblae often, and mayberbl youbh shourblld givble me sommblebl breathl holrdl tipbls so Ibl cablubn gobl longer"
1 year ago
"A lot oblf that is just prablctice, but I'lbl hblelp you through iblt. For noblw, I think wble should hblave a break." The lizard stands up again, getting his head above the water.
1 year ago
*the eevee goes up to the surface too, gasping air*
"Yeah I agree, that was sooo fun tho! I loved it! But not as much as I loved doing it with you" *she nuzzles the lizard happily, kissing them on the lips*
1 year ago
He nuzzles her back, and gives her a little kiss as well. "I think you might've actually made me get over my shyness about singing for others, too! If not entirely, you at least helped a lot!"
1 year ago
"I did huh? Wow! That's great! I'm glad I could help you out!" *she blushes when the lizard kisses back*
1 year ago
"I'm really looking forward to doing some more singing practice with you! W-we might actually end up famous for our underwater singing someday!" He blushes a bit, thinking about what it'd be like to have a lot of people hear him sing.
1 year ago
"That'll be so cool!! I'm looking forward to it as well! Can't wait to do more!"
1 year ago
The lizard climbs out of the pool, helping the eevee do the same. "Unless you've already got something lined up, how about we come back here tomorrow for some breath holding practice?"
1 year ago
"Nah my schedule should be free! I should be able to come back! Would love that practice, hehe"
1 year ago
"Alright, I'll see you then!" After getting himself dried off, the lizard leaves the pool, looking forward to helping the eevee tomorrow.
1 year ago
"Goodbye!" *the eevee leaves the pool to head home, looking forward to tommorw*
1 year ago
(Stopping here?)
1 year ago
(Yeah, cute story, wish I could actually hear these two singing down there, heh)
1 year ago
(I kind of do too! I bet it'd sound pretty great)
1 year ago
2 months, 3 weeks ago
squirtlerocks07 and I did another RP based on this.

S: this eevee and lizard were practicing their underwater singing together for the past few months alone, and today they finally decided to try and sing underwater at a really busy public swimming pool, just to see if someone would actually go down to hear them, but both of them were really nervous to try this as they haven't done it before and as they noticed just how many people are at this pool today

L: The lizard nervously looks around at all the people. "O-oh man, I've never done this with so many people around... I-it's only ever been with you..."

S: the eevee looks just as nervous as he looks around at all the people as well, he's got a pair of goggles on him as well

"Me neither... t-this is a bit much... but our singing has been improving so much over the last few months, t-this is our opportunity to show the world what we accomplished!"

L: "I guess... I-I hope they at least like it, otherwise this really isn't gonna be worth it..."

S: "Yeah...I hope so too... anyways, as much as I wanna delay this...we better get ready, both physically and mentally"

L: "Y-yeah, think I'll only be okay with doing this once..." The lizard starts breathing deeply, both to get his lungs ready and to try to calm himself down.

S: "Same..." the eevee starts to deeply breathe as well, to hopefully calm down
"Alright remember, we're singing the pokemon theme song, that's a song everyone knows...it's bound to have some kind of happy effect on these folks"

L: "Okay... I'm gonna do it with my eyes closed, I think that's the only way I'm gonna manage this. Then I won't know how many people are watching until we're done..."

S: "That's smart, think I'm gonna do that too... anyways, I'm ready to go... so let's get this over with"
with a final deep breath, the eevee jumps into the pool and immediately sinks down underwater, starting to swim to the bottom and hopes the lizard will follow, there's no people down here...at least for now

L: After one last gasp, the lizard does indeed follow, swimming down to the bottom with the eevee and standing on the pool floor, nervously looking around.

S: the eevee nervously looks around as well, standing on the bottom with the lizard but he puts on a brave face, giving a silent countdown from 3 to 1...then, closing his eyes he starts to bubbly sing the pokemon theme song, wondering who is gonna hear them

L: The lizard closes his eyes and joins in. Not too long after, a crow swimming on the surface looks around in confusion, barely able to hear the singing but unable to make out the words. "Anyone else hear that?"

S: among the crowd, a servine was swimming along then stopped as he heard the singing too
Servine - "Yeah...it sounds like singing..." then they look around
"But, where is it coming from??"

L: "I feel like it might be below us..." The crow looks under the water, seeing the lizard and eevee. "There's a couple people down there, maybe it's them?"

S: "Hmm, possibly...maybe we should take a look then, if the singing is coming from those guys down there then I'll be impressed"

L: "I hope it is, that'd be really cool." The crow takes a deep breath and dives under, quickly realizing that it really is those two singing down there!

S: the servine takes a deep breath as well before diving under too, his eyes going wide as he actually hears the lizard and eevee singing down here, and now him and the crow can make out the lyrics of the pokemon theme song that those two are singing as the servine swims down deeper to watch

L: The crow sits down to listen to the performance, and soon a couple other people come down for the same reason.

S: the servine sits down as well, watching the show as the eevee and lizard continue to sing the theme song, even some of the worst breath holders are coming down because of their singing
2 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Soon enough, everyone in the pool has come down to listen! The lizard's worry has faded by now, though he still keeps his eyes closed as he sings.

S: the eevee's worry had faded a bit too, but he too also keeps his eyes closed, both of them having no idea that the whole crowd has come down to listen to them sing, some of them even humming along to the song, they are that good! Of course they surface every now and again to breathe as well, but they come straight back down to continue to listen

L: Thankfully, the lizard doesn't hear the humming. The song's just about done now, and the lizard still isn't showing any need for air.

S: same with the eevee and eventually they both sing the last lyric together and finish the song
"🎵Gblottbla cabltch thblem all, pokblemon!🎵"

L: Everyone who had been listening applauds, and the lizard is so surprised at the audience that he accidentally gasps! Coughing up water and bubbles, he bolts for the surface, blushing heavily from both embarrassment and his need for air.

S: when the eevee's eyes opened he was just as surprised, accidentally gasping as well and sucking in a bit of water, bolting up to the surface as well and coughing out the water and gasping as he too blushes very heavily from a bit of embarrassment

L: The lizard quickly climbs out of the pool, coughing and panting while everyone else surfaces.

Crow: "S-sorry, did you not want us to listen to that?"

S: the eevee climbs out as well, panting a bit more

Eevee - "W-we...didn't expect that many people to listen to is!"

Servine - "Well, either way you guys sounded amazing! Like no joke"

L: Crow: "Yeah, that was incredible!"

Lizard: "Um... Th-thanks... Th-that was our first time letting anyone else hear us..."

S: Eevee - "Y-yeah...b-but thanks a lot..."

Servine - "Well I wish I discovered you guys sooner, you've got quite the talent!"

L: Lizard: "W-well, I don't think we're gonna do that again... This was just gonna be a one-time thing..."

Crow: "Aw... I'm glad we all got to hear it, at least."

S: "Aww come on..." the servine was clearly sad about that

Eevee - "Yeah, s-so I'm glad you all enjoyed it while it lasted"

L: Crow: "I hope you two change your mind at some point..."

Lizard: "I'm, um... Gonna go now. Come on, Eevee..."

S: "Yeah, let's go" the eevee then leaves with the lizard, the servine frowning a bit as they go

L: The crow sighs in disappointment. "That'd be such a waste, if they never sang for people again..."

S: Servine - "for real...how sad... I hope they will change their minds"

little did the lizard and eevee know, someone was recording their singing and uploaded it to YouTube, and it's quickly going viral! Even the local news saw it!

L: About a day later, the lizard happens to be looking around on the internet, and sees that a lot of people are talking about a video of 2 people singing underwater. "Huh... Are we not the only ones?"

And, upon actually checking the video, he's incredibly surprised! "W-wait, we're famous!?"

S: the eevee comes into the room
Eevee - "What's going on buddy?" he hops up to look at the computer where the lizard saw the video, his mouth dropping open
"Wait hang on a minute, is that a video of us singing underwater?!"

L: "Yeah, apparently someone was recording us! I, um... Don't really know what to think of that..."

S: the eevee blushes
"Whoa...that's crazy, and look how much attention it's getting! Wait, there's even a newscast video about it!"

L: "Oh, there is! One sec, I'll put it on..." He starts up the video, where a sceptile is talking.

Sceptile: "Everyone's talking about the newest viral sensation: These two, a lizard and an eevee, singing together... Underwater!"

S: another in the video, a shiny lucario talks as well

Shiny Lucario - "That's right, you heard it here first folks, those two were singing at the bottom of a local swimming pool, and it's got people shook, in a good way"
2 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Sceptile: "We've been asking around, but nobody seems to know who these two are. Apparently they said this was going to be their only performance, as well... If you two are out there watching this, we're all hoping you reconsider!"

Lizard: "...Maybe we should? I didn't think it'd be THIS well received..."

S: Eevee - "I-i mean if it's got so popular even the news station is saying we should reconsider...then maybe we should, but I don't know..."

Shiny Lucario - "Yes most definitely, and apparently one of the biggest underwater stadiums in the whole world's owner is even getting attention of this viral video, and said in a statement "If these two are willing, I would love to have them perform and sing at my stadium...and please try your best to find them, they could make a lot of money doing this..."

L: Lizard: "W-wait, I know that place, I've always wanted to go there... Oh man, I'd be terrified in front of such a big crowd, though..."

Sceptile: "I for one would definitely go see them perform, I'd love to hear more from them!"

S: "Same over here, I definitely would love to see them perform, if they sound that good after all!"

Eevee - "I-ive always wanted to go there too, but I be wayyy too scared to go in front of such a big crowd... maybe we should at least call the news station to let them know what's up... it seems like they really wanna get to know us more"

L: Lizard: "Yeah, let's at least talk to them, I don't want them stuck with a mystery we can easily solve for them."

Sceptile: "Well, if anyone can find these two, be sure to let us know!"

S: Shiny Lucario - "If you think you know where these two could be, here's our number right here... contact us as soon as possible" a phone number appears on screen

Eevee - "There, that's the number, dial that and we should be able to talk to them"

L: Lizard: "Okay, hang on..." He calls that number on his phone, putting it on speaker so the eevee will be able to talk too.

Before too long, someone answers, seemingly the sceptile from the newscast video. "Hello! Would you happen to be calling us about those two aquatic singers?"

S: the eevee clears his throat
"Actually um, we are those two aquatic singers, it's me and the lizard"

L: Lizard: "Yeah, hi! It's us!"

Sceptile: "Oh! Well, that's awesome! I guess you must have heard of our video talking about you two!"

S: "Yeah, I couldn't hardly believe it honestly..."

Shiny Lucario - "Well I'll be, it is those two! Wow..."

"How lucky we are that they happened to be on the phone"

L: Lizard: "Yeah, we just wanted to let you guys know who we are, so you're not gonna be left wondering."

Sceptile: "Well, the offer by that stadium still stands... You sure you're not interested in that?"

S: Eevee - "Look...as much fun as it could be, and the fact that me and the lizard have always wanted to go there, the thoughts of millions of people being there watching us, scares both of us a lot, were very shy..."

L: Sceptile: "We did hear that you two ran off from embarrassment not long after your performance in that pool... Yeah, having an audience that big might not be good for you."

Lizard: "I-I still want to go, if that's alright, just... I don't think either of us will be up for singing there."

S: Shiny Lucario - "Well there's really no point in going if you two won't be singing... that was the whole point, so I don't think so..."

Eevee - "Aw man..." the eevee tears up a bit, clearly a bit upset at that, he wishes he could be braver for this

L: Sceptile: "Yeah, we were told only to send you guys over if you were actually going to sing there..."

The lizard starts to cry a little too. "I-I've always wanted to go there... B-but tickets are too expensive for me..."

S: "M-me too... it's always been my d-dream to go there..."

the shiny lucario sighs a bit, able to tell the two of them are upset and starts to try and think of some ways they could convince them to come so they won't be sad
2 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Sceptile: "...You know, in that video, you two were perfectly fine until you noticed people were watching you. Maybe we could get you some blindfolds?"

Lizard: "We're still gonna KNOW they're out there!"

S: "Yeah that's not gonna work... we're still gonna know they are there..."

Shiny lucario - "Hmm... this is a rough situation then..."

L: Sceptile: "And we can't exactly trust every single person there to be quiet either... Hm..."

Lizard: "I-I don't know what you can do..."

S: Eevee - "Yeah... we want to go to the stadium, but...what else is in it for us?"

L: Sceptile: "You'd probably be getting a lot of money... And you'd end up even more famous than you are now!"

Lizard: "I guess those would be pretty nice..."

S: "It would be, money is pretty hard to say no to...still, it's gonna take a lot more then that to convince us I think"

L: Sceptile: "Not really sure what else we could offer without talking to the owner of that stadium about it... I think they're planning on giving you guys free tickets afterward, though."

Lizard: "That'd be really cool..."

S: "Hmm that would be cool..."

Shiny Lucario - "So... what's your final decision? You should at least try and if you can't do it then that's ok"

L: Lizard: "...I-I'm gonna go there. Hopefully I'll somehow work up the courage to actually sing there..."

Sceptile: "Alright, that's one of you! It's gotta be both, though."

S: Eevee - "Oh man... ugh, fine I'll go too..."

L: Sceptile: "There we go! We'll send someone out to get you guys to the stadium as soon as you're ready!"

Lizard: "O-okay, I'm ready whenever..."

S: "M-me too..."

Shiny Lucario - "Oh and, were gonna be watching you guys too, so expect to see us there too!"

L: Lizard: "Figured you would, yeah..."

Sceptile: "Alright, shouldn't be too long before someone comes by to pick you two up. Thanks so much for this!"

S: Eevee - "Sure...I guess, guess we will see you later..."

L: Sceptile: "Yep, looking forward to seeing your second performance!"

S: Shiny Lucario - "Me too!"

Eevee - "Heh heh..." they hang up
"Oh boy, can't believe we are really doing this"

L: Lizard: "Me either... B-but I kind of would like to get more popular..."

S: "M-me too... being popular sounds really great...it's all I've ever wanted in life"

L: "I think I'd really like it too, I never really thought of it before I saw people talking about us."

S: "Yeah... this is all so crazy! I'm still in shock about this situation right now!"

L: "Well, we've got some time to think about it while our ride gets here... I'm not really sure WHAT to think about all this, though..."

S: "Me neither...heh, but performing in front of so many people? That's gonna be so hard..."

L: "Yeah, I could only do that one yesterday because I wasn't sure anyone would actually listen to it... But, THAT many people all watching us... It's gonna be the hardest thing I've ever done..."

S: "Same here... I mean I hope they will at least let us go breathe when we need too, I heard that stadium is super far underwater tho"

L: "They HAVE to have air, there's no way they don't. We're not going to be the first air-breathers down there, there's been a few that did shows in the past."

S: "Yeah...somewhere in that place they will have air, but not only am I nervous to sing, but I'm pretty nervous about being super far underwater too..."

L: "So am I, that's gonna be the deepest I've ever gone... I'm sure they're gonna do everything they can to help us out with it."

S: "I hope so, I'm gonna likely be terrified tho..."

eventually after a while it seems someone is waiting outside their home, ready to take the lizard and eevee to the stadium

L: "Looks like it's about time for us to get going... O-oh man, I'm still so nervous..."

S: "M-me too! But we can do this...i-i have faith in both of us..."

L: "S-so do I..." He heads outside with the eevee. A large green eastern dragon is waiting there for them!

Dragon: "Hey there! Ready to get going to that stadium?"
2 months, 3 weeks ago
S: the eevee trembles in fear
"N-not really...but I have to try at least..."

L: Lizard: "Y-yeah, same here... Um, are you our ride?"

Dragon: "Yep! And I can fly pretty fast, so it won't be very long of a trip."

S: "Oh boy... even flying makes me nervous... heh...oh jeez..."

L: Dragon: "Oh, no worries, I can stay close to the ground. Don't want you to be more uncomfortable than you already are!"

Lizard: "Okay, thanks, I was a little worried about that too..."

S: "I-i still don't know...but knowing that does make me feel a bit better...still tho, I'm probably still gonna freak out if your going super fast, and just flying in general"

L: Lizard: "I kind of want to see what flying fast is like... But yeah, just take it easy on us."

Dragon: "Yep, I'll only go as fast as you two are okay with."

S: "Are you crazy buddy? I definitely don't wanna see what flying fast is like at all! Me and the lizard don't do anything crazy like that together, unless it's underwater singing of course...heh...I don't know if I even wanna fly at all, even if your only gonna be just hovering above the ground, I'll still be freaking out"

L: Dragon: "I guess I could go get something more basic for you two... Thankfully we accounted for this kind of issue just in case, I can go let them know to bring just a car instead."

Lizard: "That'd definitely be better for my friend, yeah."

S: "Much better, thank you... I'm sorry for wasting your time..." the eevee sighs of relief, knowing he won't have to go flying to get to the stadium

L: Dragon: "No worries, I don't mind. Might see you guys near the stadium, I'm all they've got lined up for getting you guys down there."

Lizard: "Riding you underwater should be fine, I think that'll still be cool!"

S: "Eh, I don't know about that... I'm such a chicken I swear...even I'm skeptical about riding you underwater..."

L: Dragon: "Hm... I'll let them know, but I don't think we're going to be able to get a submarine or anything like that..."

Lizard: "Hopefully we'll end up being able to do it, then..."

S: "Seems highly unlikely but yeah, hopefully we will be able to do it...although um, I don't even think I've ridden a car before either, ugh this is a so complicated...maybe I should just go with riding on this green dragon like creature after all..."

L: Dragon: "It'd definitely go a lot faster if you went with me... Believe me, I've had a lot of experience with helping out people that are nervous about flying, we'll figure something out."

Lizard: "And I'll do my best to help too, this'd be cool!"

S: "Cool?! No way I don't think so" the eevee trembles on fear, but they knew deep down this was the fastest way to get there

L: Lizard: "I don't know if we'll end up changing your mind... But, I'll be right next to you the whole time, and hugging you if you want."

Dragon: "And we can take some breaks as well, that might help too."

S: "I guess anything helps... as much as I'm super scared, I'll have to at least try it... so, ok then"

L: Dragon: "We'll start simple, I'll just float a foot or so off the ground. Go ahead and climb onto me."

The lizard gets onto the dragon's back, offering a hand to the eevee to help them up.

S: "Oh boy..." the eevee takes the lizard's hand and climbs onto the dragon as well, shivering from fear

L: Dragon: "Alright, just try to relax..." He floats about a foot in the air.

Lizard: "Woah, this is already cool... And you don't even have wings, you're just DOING this!"

S: "I-i guess that's sort of cool" the eevee notices they are hovering a foot off the ground then yelps, hugging the lizard

L: The lizard hugs the eevee back. "It's okay, we're not gonna fall..."

Dragon: "Yep, it's been a VERY long time since anyone had any trouble staying on me."

S: the eevee shivers with fear still
"I don't like it, I don't like it!"

L: Dragon: "I know you don't... It just takes a bit of getting used to."

Lizard: "Just give it a bit of time, I think you'll start feeling better..."
2 months, 3 weeks ago
S: the eevee tries to calm himself down
"Just, don't go any higher then this! This is already hard enough!"

L: Dragon: "Alright, I'll try. Now, let's see if this is okay..." He starts slowly floating along, staying at the same height.

S: the eevee whimpers as they start to float along, still hugging the lizard tightly

L: Lizard: "It'll be okay, just try your best to relax..."

Dragon: "This isn't a whole lot better than walking, but I don't mind going like this for a while."

S: "Well I don't wanna waste your time any more then I already have... maybe you should speed up a bit then..."

L: Dragon: "Alright, I'll pick up the pace a bit." He speeds up to a running speed.

Lizard: "Think I'm still okay with this..."

S: the eevee is still ok for the most part
"I'm fine too...i-i think"

L: Dragon: "Okay, how about I keep speeding up, and you let me know if it's too much?"

Lizard: "I think that'll work, yeah."

S: "S-sure I guess thatll work fine..." the eevee sighs

L: The dragon starts to speed up, gradually going faster and faster while still trying to stay as close to the ground as possible without hitting it.

S: "W-whoa!!!" the eevee stumbles a bit as they go faster, whimpering

L: Lizard: "Hang in there, the more speed you can take the sooner this trip is gonna be over!"

S: "But it's getting too fast now! I don't like this at all!"

L: Dragon: "Okay, got it!" He slows back down again, though he's still going faster than running speed.

Lizard: "Right, that should help."

S: "Yeah, it's a bit better now...but this is taking too long, i want us to get there already!"

L: Lizard: "We can't really have both a speed you're okay with AND a quick trip to the stadium..."

Dragon: "Do you think I should just speed way up and get this done with really quick?"

S: "I don't wanna be here any longer then I have to, so...j-just get it over with" the eevee shuts their eyes tightly

L: Dragon: "Okay, both of you hang on tight, and maybe keep your eyes closed too."

The lizard gets a good grip on both the dragon and the eevee, closing his eyes, and the dragon speeds WAY up!

S: "Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!" the eevee screams as the dragon speeds up super fast

L: Dragon: "J-just hang in there for a little bit, this won't take long!"

The lizard pets the eevee, hoping to calm them down even though he's extremely nervous himself.

S: it doesn't help at all, the eevee keeps screaming fearfully, he hates this a lot

L: Dragon: "Almost there!" The shore of the ocean is visible now and quickly approaching, with likely only about 10 seconds left in the flight.

S: the eevee was hoping I'll be over soon, not knowing the ocean is visible

L: The dragon quickly lands on the sand as soon as he can. "Okay, we're at the ocean now!"

Lizard: "J-jeez, that was REALLY bad..."

S: the eevee immediately jumps down onto the sand, terrified for his life
"That was horrible!!! I never wanna do that again! I told you it was gonna be bad buddy!"

L: The lizard gets off the dragon as well. "And we still have to go down to the stadium, too... Can you let us have a break for a bit, dragon guy?"

Dragon: "Yep, that's fine. We've got plenty of time."

S: "I-i don't even think I have the courage to go all the way down there now after what just happened" the eevee shakes his body fearfully before immediately hugging the lizard

L: The lizard hugs them back, petting them more. "We're really close, it'll just be a dive now instead of flying. We dive together all the time, this shouldn't be too bad."

S: "That's different buddy, this time we're diving deeper then ever! And i thought going down 20 foot deep pool was bad enough! I don't think I could handle the depths..."

L: "Right, yeah, the depth this time... That's gonna be kind of an issue..."

Dragon: "The stadium itself somehow blocks water pressure, so you at least won't have to deal with that for very long."
2 months, 3 weeks ago
S: "Still, being that far under the surface and not seeing the surface scares me a lot... heck I don't even know if I can hold my breath long enough for the trip down there"

L: Dragon: "I can go really fast underwater too, not just in the air, so I don't think it'll take more than a minute or so."

Lizard: "With how nervous my friend is, I'm not sure they'd even be able to manage that..."

S: "Yeah I don't think so... I'm gonna lose so much air with how nervous I'm gonna be... and the fact that I'll be fast again, this little eevee body can't handle all of this..."

but what either of them don't know is, if they do managed to pull all this off, they are gonna be able to see their favorite all time pokemon, latias and latios, they are actually in the stadium audience waiting for them as we speak, so if they get down there they may feel a lot better about singing as well

L: The dragon sighs. "I'm not really sure what we can do, then... But I'm not giving up, there has to be something!"

Lizard: "I know, but I have no idea what that could be..."

S: "Yeah, I'm gonna need a bit more motivation if I'm gonna go all down there..."

suddenly, the lizard's phone starts to ring, it's the sceptile from the news channel, and they about to tell them what's up with their favorite pokemon

L: Lizard: "Oh, hang on." He answers the phone. "Hello?"

Sceptile: "Hey again! Just wanted to let you two know, there's going to be a couple celebrities in the audience for your show, Latias and Latios!"

Lizard: "W-wait, for real!?"

S: "Excuse me did I hear that right?? Latias and latios?!?! Your joking right???"

L: Sceptile: "No, it's for real! Sounds like you guys are fans of them!"

Lizard: "I am, yeah! They're my two favorite Pokemon!"

Dragon: "Nice, I like them too!"

S: "They are my two favorite pokemon too! I don't believe this...at all... I don't suppose you have any proof do you?"

L: Sceptile: "If you can give me a minute or so, I'll go ask them if they'd be fine with me sending you guys a picture of them."

Lizard: "Yep, we can wait."

S: "Y-yeah ok! We'll wait then!" the eevee's face brightened up a bit, hoping that latios and latias are actually gonna be there watching them perform if they get down there

L: Sure enough, not too long after, a picture of Latias and Latios posing together is sent over!

Lizard: "Woah, sweet! I kind of feel like we HAVE to do this now!"

S: "Omg!!!!!" the eevee is left speechless at the picture, as he couldn't believe they were down there waiting for them, he covers his mouth with a paw in shock, they were even wearing swim goggles, making the posing picture cuter

L: Sceptile: "Hopefully you guys can get here fairly soon!"

Lizard: "Yeah, I think we're good to go now!"

S: "Ok, if I wasn't feeling confident before, then I'm most definitely feeling braver now! I have to meet latias and latios in person!!"

L: Sceptile: "Alright! See you down here soon!" He hangs up.

Lizard: "Okay, ready to get this done?"

S: the eevee looks at the water ahead, his smile faltering a bit, but he keeps his determination strong

"Yeah! We're gonna do this! Grrrr!!!" the eevee puts on his swim goggles again, ready to go

L: Lizard: "Alright!" He gets his goggles on as well, and gets onto the dragon again.

Dragon: "Get ready, I'll go fairly quick so you can get at the air in the stadium."

S: the eevee was hesitant for a moment before he eventually climbs on the dragon as well

"There's air in the stadium? Thank goodness..."

L: Dragon: "Yep, there's air pockets all over in there." Knowing how much the eevee hates flying, the dragon walks into the water before using whatever it is he's been using to stay on the surface.

The lizard starts taking some deep breaths to prepare.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
S: the eevee does a well, although his fear is still visible on his face at the thoughts of being super deep down

"I'm gonna miss the fresh air for a while...I don't know how I feel about leaving it for so long now..." his determination is starting to crumble now

L: Dragon: "Well, you've got to see Latias and Latios, right?"

Lizard: "Yeah, we might not get another chance to meet them!"

S: "Y-yeah, that's true I guess, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me...and I don't wanna ruin it..."

L: Dragon: "Plus, apparently there's a lot of other people already waiting for you two, you don't want to let them down."

The lizard's confidence falters a bit. "Right, yeah, there's gonna be a huge audience..."

S: "Oh man I forgot about that! You shouldn't have said that! Now I'm having second thoughts.... ugh..." the eevee looks down at the water below, he really wants to meet his favorite pokemon duo, but is now unsure again

L: Dragon: "...I probably shouldn't have, yeah... Sorry..."

Lizard: "...Well, I do still want to do this, as nervous as I am..."

S: "I need to think about latias and latios...I wanna meet them... gotta get these fearful thoughts out of my head dang it!" the eevee is getting frustrated, trying to calm himself down

L: Lizard: "And gotta think about how famous we're gonna be for this... Are there many air breathers that perform down there?"

Dragon: "Nope, there's only been a handful. This'll actually be the second time any non-aquatic air breathers performed!"

S: "Whoa, that's crazy, and i need to think about it, there's probably a lot of air breathers in the audience as well, that's how badly they wanna see us perform!"

L: Lizard: "Yeah, they're probably not too comfortable down there, needing to go back and forth between their seats and air pockets... I think we should get down there pretty soon."

S: the eevee sighs
"Your right, I can't keep them waiting anymore...alright...l-lets do this...I'm ready"

L: Lizard: "Alright, get some deep breaths and let's finally do this..." The lizard resumes his deep breathing, while the dragon waits for the two to be ready.

S: the eevee resumes his deep breathing too, and eventually both of them are finally ready to get down there
"Let's go!"

L: Dragon: "Okay, get a deep breath and hold on tight!"

The lizard holds his breath, and the dragon starts going under, giving the eevee a chance to get fully ready as well.

S: the eevee whimpers, but he takes a last deep breath before they dive underwater

L: Once they're all underwater, the dragon speeds up again, quickly going deeper and deeper. The lights of the stadium are barely visible down below.

S: the eevee looks up as the surface gets further and further away, whimpering out bubbles as his cheeks puff up, he's clearly very scared

L: The lizard hugs the eevee as he holds onto the dragon with his other hand, hoping to keep them calm long enough to reach the stadium.

S: the eevee cries a bit, shaking his head as they go very deep, but he tries to hug the lizard back and keep calm somehow, really hoping they get there soon enough

L: The stadium itself comes into view before much longer, maybe about 20 seconds away. The dragon glances back at the two to see how they're doing, and the lizard nods to them, wanting them to keep going.

S: the eevee could see the stadium coming into view, but he keeps his head up to the surface which has fully disappeared from view, scaring the poor eevee to death

L: The lizard gets pretty nervous as he notices the surface isn't visible, whining a little and closing his eyes.

S: the eevee whines too, hugging the lizard...but eventually they get to the stadium

L: The dragon darts into the stadium with the two, and thankfully not too far in is a large air pocket that he brings the two into. "Alright, we made it!"

The lizard gasps. "M-man, it's weird being so far down..."
2 months, 3 weeks ago
S: the eevee gasps for air too

"I-i agree, and I don't like it at all! This was a bad idea! But...at least we made it..."

L: Dragon: "And, hopefully you'll be able to do the show!"

Lizard: "I hope so too... We've come this far, I don't want this to have been a waste of time..."

S: "Same...but...I don't think i have the energy right now to go back down after being so scared..."

L: Dragon: "One more break for now then, but I think the stadium owner is going to want you to get started fairly soon."

Lizard: "Yeah, I think people have already been waiting a while..."

S: "Yeah...but I don't know...where is latias and latios?" maybe seeing those two finally will give both of them the boost they need to get this done

L: Dragon: "Oh, I could go ask them if they want to come meet you guys! It should just be a couple minutes!"

Lizard: "Hey, that'd be great!"

S: "Y-yeah, that may help me out a lot...and so will my lizard friend, thanks"

L: Dragon: "Alright, I'll be right back." He holds his breath and dives away. Not too much time later, he returns, and Latias and Latios surface alongside him!

Latios: "Ah, you're those two singers! Great to meet you!"

The lizard's tail starts wagging. "H-hi! It's cool to meet you too!"

S: Latias - "Well it's finally great to meet you both!"

the eevee's own tail starts to wag as well happily

Eevee - "O....M.....G!!!!!!!!!! It's them! It's actually them! Please tell me this isn't a dream!!!!"

L: Latios laughs. "Nope, it's real! At least I hope so, I'm pretty excited to hear you two sing in person."

Lizard: "R-really!? You're a fan of us!?"

S: Latias - "Of course we are! Ever since we watched that video we've been really looking forward for you two to sing in front of us!"

Eevee - "...you can't be serious!!! Omg omg omg!!!!! This is crazy!!! My two favorite pokemon, fans of us! This is incredible!"

L: Lizard: "Alright, I'm gonna give you two the best show I can!"

Latios: "Nice! I bet it'll be as great as the one you did in that pool!"

S: "Oh..." the eevee frowns having forget they still have a show to do

Latias - "Hey, is something wrong little eevee?"

L: Lizard: "He's been really nervous about doing the show... So have I, but I think I'm going to be fine. At least until I get out there..."

Latios: "Hey, just remember, we'll be out there rooting for you two!"

Dragon: "Same here!"

S: "Yeah! We'll be cheering you on the whole time!"

Eevee - "...i-i still don't know, how many people are even out there?"

L: Dragon: "Um... I guess we should tell you, you'll find out anyway... There's a couple thousand."

The lizard immediately gets nervous again. "...Th-that many?"

S: the eevee gasps

"What?! Omg... t-thats so many!!!" he immediately gets nervous again too, very much so

Latias - "Uh oh, seems like that made them extra scared..."

L: Latios: "Better they find out now then when they go out there..."

Lizard: "Y-yeah, thanks for letting us know... Oh man, I never thought I'd ever sing in front of THAT many people..."

S: "True"

Eevee - "M-me neither! Thats so many people! I mean at least it's not millions but still..."

actually, a lot more people are actually still showing up, so it could be turning into a million rather then thousands

L: The lizard sighs. "We still have to do this... They're gonna be cheering for us when we go out there, I think that'll help..."

S: Latias - "That's true, there's gonna be a lot of fans cheering for you, and lemme tell you there's a LOT of air breathers in that stadium right now, like 90% of them are air breathers, and the rest are like water breathers"

Eevee - "Huh?? Whoa..."

L: Lizard: "Oh wow, that's pretty cool!"

Dragon: "People that can breathe underwater must not be quite as impressed by you two... That makes sense to me, there's probably a lot of really good singers in the ocean."

S: "Heh...probably... but kudos to the water breathers who are showing up to watch us..."

Latias - "Yeah, there's still a good amount of those in there"
2 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Lizard: "We should really get out there, as scary as it's going to be..."

Latios: "Yeah, I think they might start getting a bit restless soon..."

S: "As much as you two are scared yeah I agree you guys better get out there"

Eevee - "Ugh... I really--" the eevee stops to think for a moment, then sighs
"...fine, your right...let's just go"

L: Lizard: "Let's just get this over with... All we have to do is just one song..." He starts deeply breathing.

Dragon: "I'm sure the audience would appreciate more than one, but yeah, one should be fine."

S: "Honestly, we'll see...if we feel confident enough we'll do more then one... I doubt it tho" the eevee takes some deep breathes as well

Latias - "You got this guys! Just try to think about me and latios while your performing! We're gonna be in the audience watching after all"

L: Latios: "Same here, I know it's gonna be great!"

Dragon: "I'll bring you two next to the stage, from there it's up to you since I'll be heading into the audience too."

Lizard: "Alright, I think that'll be fine."

S: Eevee - "A-alright..." the eevee was still scared but he tries to relax

Latias - "Let's go!!!"

L: Latios: "Hope to see you soon! Come on, Latias, let's get back to our spot!" He holds his breath and dives.

S: "Right behind ya!" as latias was gonna dive too, the eevee stops her

Eevee - "Wait!" the eevee then gives the latias a big hug, which surprised latias but she smiles and hugs the eevee back

Latias - "You can do it...I know you can!" with that she pats the eevee then holds her breath before diving under to follow latios...with the eevee blushing as he got to actually hug latias

L: After a while, the lizard holds onto the dragon. "O-okay, I think I'm ready now..."

Dragon: "How about you, eevee?"

S: Eevee - "That hug felt nice..." the eevee was drifting off a bit before shaking his head to get himself back to reality
"Oh sorry... yeah, I think I'm ready too..." the eevee holds onto the dragon as well

L: Dragon: "Okay, one more deep breath!" The lizard holds his breath, and the dragon slowly dives again.

S: the eevee holds his breath before the two submerge, the hug from latias seems to have him temporarily relaxed as he doesn't panic this time

L: Still, the lizard gets increasingly nervous as the dragon brings the two farther into the stadium... Then, they're next to the stage, still not visible to the audience.

Dragon: "Goblod lublck, yoblu gublys..."

S: "T-thblis ibls iblt..." the eevee then starts to get nervous again too, realizing they are just about to go on stage

L: Lizard: "Wbl-wble cabln dblo thblis... Ibl dobln't wablnt tblo tublrn bablck..."

S: the eevee nods in agreement, then gets off the dragon as he slowly starts to swim up to the stage

L: The lizard lets go of the dragon as well, who swims off to join the audience. As the two go out onto the stage, there's applause and bubbly cheers from all the people watching them... The lizard almost freezes up, but manages to sheepishly wave at them.

S: the eevee tho freezes up himself, his eyes widing at all the people before giving a very small wave as well

L: The lizard holds one of the eevee's paws, heading out to the middle of the stage with them. He nervously looks around, trying to get the courage to sing...

S: the eevee is so shocked at how many people are watching them that he can't bring himself to start singing, his face is already red from the nervousness

L: The lizard keeps opening and closing his mouth every now and then, but just like the eevee, he can't start...

Latios waves at the two from the audience, hoping them seeing him will help them out.

S: latias waves as well

the eevee sees the two waving and gives them a nervous smile, there were just too many people here and he couldn't bring himself to start singing
2 months, 3 weeks ago
L: There's beginning to be some confused murmuring in the audience from the people that don't understand what's happening, though a good portion do seem to have already known that the two are shy about singing for others.

The lizard is beginning to blush, the stress of the situation making him use up his air a lot faster.

S: the eevee is blushing a lot more now from the situation as well, whimpering a few bubbles out as he covers his mouth, looking up at the crowd with wide fearful eyes

L: The lizard barely manages to stammer out "...Gbl-giblve ubls abl m-miblnutble..." He starts quickly swimming back off the stage, needing to breathe and calm himself down.

S: the eevee quickly follows close behind and they return to the air pocket, gasping for breath heavily

"T-thats way too many people! I got serious stage fright!"

L: "I-I don't think I can do this! B-but I don't want to disappoint them... UGH, what do we do!?"

S: "I have no idea!!! Why did we get ourselfs in this situation!!! There's no way I'm gonna be singing in front of that many people!"

although it's muffled to them, there's a few people in the crowd starting to chant the lizard and eevee's name, and pretty soon, everyone started doing it...they are trying to encourage them that they can do this

L: "...Wait, do you hear that? Th-they're chanting for us..." The lizard smiles a little, wagging his tail a tiny bit.

S: "Huh?" the eevee hears the chanting, giving a tiny smile as well
"Whoa, they all believe in us..."

L: After a few more seconds, the lizard gets a determined look. "We HAVE to do this... I'm not gonna let them down."

S: "But buddy, I'm still scared! I don't think I could do it..."

L: "I know, I'm still nervous too... But, from the sound of it, I think every single person out there is calling for us, and that's never happened for us before! They're people that actually want to hear us, not just people that happened across us!"

S: as the chants grow louder, the eevee smiles a bit more

"Y-your right bud...they genuinely wanna listen to us... but...my stage fright is getting the better of me... I don't know how I can stay focused..."

suddenly, the latios and latias appear in the air pocket

Latias - "We may have an idea that will help you, how about if we hug you the whole time your performing? That way you won't be as nervous and scared, and we'll still be able to hear you, we already talked to the owner of the stadium and they said it's fine!"

L: Latios: "Plus, I'll admit, it'd be really cool to be on stage with you two... But I promise it's more for you than us!"

Lizard: "I think that should help, as weird as it'll look."

S: "Hey, the people don't seem to mind, we even asked the audience and they were all for it"

Eevee - "Well...when I gave latias a hug it did calm me down a lot...and if they are hugging us while we preform, I think that'll cure my stage fright! Ok, let's do it then! We're gonna sing for these lovely people and they are gonna love it!" the eevee looks at the lizard with determination

L: Lizard: "Yeah, let's do this!" He starts deeply breathing again, and Latios does as well this time.

S: the eevee deeply breathes as well, and latias does too
"We're gonna sing them our best song! They won't know what's coming! Hehe!"

eventually everyone seemed ready to go

L: Lizard: "Here we go..." He and Latios both hold their breath and dive.

S: the eevee and latias look at each other with a smile before holding their breath and diving under as well, all of them swimming back towards the stage, the eevee's tail wags behind him in nervousness and excitement

L: There's more cheering as the group comes on stage, and while the lizard's confidence falters again, he hopes he'll feel better once Latios starts hugging him.

S: the eevee's confidence falters a bit too, but the latias can see that and immediately goes to hug the eevee, which instantly puts them at ease, sighing out a few bubbles while giving a determined smile
2 months, 3 weeks ago
L: Latios hugs the lizard, and they start feeling better too.

After a few seconds, the lizard gives the eevee a nod, starting a countdown with his fingers as he's finally ready.

S: the eevee nods back and as the lizard counts to zero, both of them finally start to bubbly sing! It's one of their all time favorite songs to sing together and it sounds incredible, they can easily one up even the best ocean singers here

L: There's cheering from the audience at that, then they all go quiet to better listen to the song. The lizard is still a little nervous, but it's fading now as he continues.

S: noticing the lizard is still nervous and not wanting the eevee to get nervous during the performance, the eevee reaches his paw to him and holds his hand, continuing to sing as latias hugs him, humming along to their song

L: The lizard smiles at the eevee, now pretty much fully calm and confident again. Latios joins in on the humming.

S: the eevee is fully calm as well as they continue their sweet song, harmonizing every note into a bubble that floats away from their mouths, eventually they finally finish their first song together, holding in one more bubbly note before ending it

L: The whole audience applauds the two, and the lizard bows to them, wagging his tail as he wonders if this means he's truly gotten over his shyness about singing.

S: the eevee bows to them as well, wagging his own tail very happily, he couldn't believe they just performed a song in front of so many people, his face is fully red but he doesn't care for the moment

L: The lizard looks out at the audience, smiling. "Thblank yoblu albl foblr bebling sublch fablns oblf ubls!" He's got a red face too, but he doesn't care yet either.

S: "Ybleah! Thblank yblou all sblo mublch!"

the eevee smiles at everyone who continue to cheer, there's even some brave air breather kids in the audience as well, so happy that they finally got to hear them sing

Latias - "Thblat wabls...amblazing!"

L: Latios: "Yeblah, yoblu twblo arble awblesoblme!"

Lizard: "Ibl'm sblo glblad wble acbltuablly weblnt thblroublgh wiblth thblis!"

S: Eevee - "Mble tbloo! Thblat feblt gblreat! Mmm!" the eevee covers their mouth as their face starts to flush blue
"I cblould ublse soblme aiblr thblo..."

the eevee whines a bit, a lot of bubbles trickling away from his mouth

L: Lizard: "Ybl-yeblah, wble usbled abl loblt oblf aiblr..." He waves to the audience one more time before starting to swim back off the stage, Latios following him.

S: the eevee waves to the audience one more time too before swimming off to follow the lizard, the latias follows as well and they all surface in the air pocket, gasping for breath

L: After catching his breath, the lizard laughs. "As scary as this was, that was totally worth it!"

Latios: "Yeah, I'm really happy you two finally managed it!"

S: the eevee giggles
"You know that was kind of fun! Performing in front of those people and making their day, I think I had a good time! Oh and, thanks for the hugging help you guys"

Latias - "Of course! Glad we could help!"

L: Lizard: "You know... Maybe we could give them one more song? I think they'd be pretty happy about that."

S: Eevee - "Sure! Why not! I'm feeling braver then ever now!"

Latias - "Awesome!"

L: Lizard: "I'm feeling a lot better too, I might not even need the hug this time! ...But I'd appreciate if we could still do that, heh."

Latios: "Of course! Anything to help you guys out!" The two start getting ready once more.

S: Eevee - "Yeah, I would still appreciate another hug, heh"

Latias - "No problem!" the two start to get ready again as well

L: Eventually, the lizard and Latios dive once more, waiting for the others to do the same.

S: the latias and eevee then hold their breath before diving under to join them, heading back to the stage

L: With a nod to the eevee, the lizard swims back out onto the stage to more applause. "Onble moblre soblng foblr yoblu albl!"
2 months, 3 weeks ago
S: Eevee - "Yblall rbleady foblr thblis!?"

the latias then hugs the eevee before giggling a bit

L: Latios hugs the lizard again, and the lizard does another countdown with his fingers, no sign of fear being on his face this time.

S: there's no fear on the eevee's face either, readying himself as they start to sing another song when the lizard counted down from zero

L: Just like before, there's some applause as they start, and the lizard happily sings without a care.

S: the eevee happily sings as well, his tail wagging behind him as they sing their heart out

L: The lizard wags his tail too, happily looking out over the audience and finally noticing the dragon out there and giving them a wave. The dragon waves back.

S: when the eevee notices the dragon they wave at them as well, then he turns to see sceptile and the shiny lucario from the news channel there wearing swim goggles, which makes his eyes go wide and wave happily at them too

L: The sceptile waves to them too.

The lizard smiles at the two, and continues.

S: the shiny lucario waves at them as well, smiling

the eevee smiles and continues to sing, pretty soon they both get to end of this song, holding in one more note together perfectly before ending it, this one even better then the first one!

L: There's another round of cheering and applause from the audience, and the lizard bows once more, ignoring his need to breathe for the moment.

S: the eevee bows again as well, ignoring his own need as well, smiling happily at the crowd

"Thblank yblou! Thblabk yblou vblery mublch!"

L: Lizard: "Thblank yoblu albl foblr hblelpbling ubls feblel bebltteblr ablout thblis! Ibl dobln't plblan obln thblis bebling oublr onbly peblrfoblrmablnce!"

S: "Thblats riblght! I thblink wblere gblonna coblme bablck anbld siblng agblain sombleday! Bublt riblght nblow, my lublngs nebled a brbleak... hbleh"

L: "Sablme hblere... Seble yoblu albl agblain soblmetblime!" The lizard waves to the audience one more time before he swims back off the stage.

S: "Byble byble!!" the eevee waves goodbye to the audience before swimming off the stage as well

L: The lizard and Latios return to the air pocket.

Lizard: "This is so much fun, I had no idea I'd like this so much!"

Latios: "Yeah, it looked like you guys had a great time!"

S: same goes for the latias and eevee

"Yeah! I had a blast! This is sooo fun!"

Latias - "Hehe, yeah you guys definitely looked like you were having a good time! Sounds to me like you guys aren't shy anymore!"

L: Lizard: "I think we might be fine now, yeah! Nothing's gonna be more nervewracking than the huge crowd out there!"

Latios: "Awesome to hear that!"

S: Eevee - "I agree! Hehe! But I think now we should get to the fresh air, I miss it..."

L: Lizard: "Me too... Can one of you go get the dragon that brought us here?"

Latios: "I can go do that, it won't take long." He dives away.

S: "Wait!" the eevee stops the latios before he could dive

"Actually if you two wouldn't mind, i think i would like both of you to help us get to the surface instead"

Latias - "Oh? Well... I don't mind that, what about you latios?"

L: Latios: "Oh! Yeah, I'd be fine with that!"

Lizard: "That'll be cool, sure!"

S: Eevee - "Really? Thanks a bunch! I call riding on latias!"

Latias - "Hehe... well don't be shy, hop on!"

the eevee didn't hesitate and jumps onto latias' back

L: The lizard gets onto Latios' back as well.

Latios: "Alright, one last round of deep breathing, everyone!" He and the lizard prepare one more time.

S: the latias and eevee do some deep breathing as well, knowing it might take a bit to the surface and eventually everyone seems ready

Eevee - "Alright one more dive and were outta here!"

L: Lizard: "Let's get going!" He and Latios hold their breath and dive once again.
2 months, 3 weeks ago
S: the eevee holds onto latias and his back as they both dive under as well, heading out of the stadium and up to the distant surface ahead, the eevee whines a bit as they forgot how far down they are but with latias and latios by their side he calmed down

L: The lizard had forgotten about that too... But, knowing it should be a fairly easy trip, he stays calm as Latios quickly carries him upward.

S: latias carries eevee up just as quickly, but thankfully nothing too bad happened and everyone finally surfaced unharmed in the fresh air, which the eevee happily gasped in

L: The lizard and Latios both gasp too.

Lizard: "Alright, that's that... I hope we find an easier way to get back down if we do this again."

Latios: "Same here, you two don't seem to like the depth very much."

S: latias gasps as well

Eevee - "Yeah...that's really deep down...but hey, it was worth it... but now I kind of need a nap, could you guys take us home? But go slowly I'm not a big fan of flying...but since I'm in a good mood I won't get freaked out as easily"

L: Lizard: "And stay close to the ground too, please."

Latios: "Yeah, we've got time for that. Let's get going." He floats toward the shore with the lizard.

S: "Thanks"

latias does as well, eevee staying calm the whole time on the way back to their home

L: Once they arrive, the lizard hops off Latios. "Thanks for the lift, you two!"

Latios: "No problem! Looking forward to whenever you perform next!"

S: Latias - "Me too!"

the eevee hops off latias and gives her one more hug

Eevee - "Hope to see you two again soon!"

L: The lizard gives Latios another hug too.

Latios: "Yep, I'm gonna do my best to make time to see you guys if I hear you're doing another performance!"

Lizard: "It'll be cool to see you two again!"

S: "Totally!"

Latias - "For sure! Welp, me and latios better get going, so we'll see you both later!"

Eevee - "...I'm gonna miss you guys..."

L: Lizard: "Me too... It was really cool to meet you."

Latios: "And we'll definitely meet up again sometime!"

S: Latias - "For sure!"

the eevee tears up, but they knew they had to go, so after giving one more hug goodbye, latias and latios then fly away together

L: The lizard sighs as he watches them go. "...Well, at least we ended up having a good time after all."

S: Eevee - "Yeah... I'm gonna really miss those two, but we'll see them again soon, now let's go take a nap, I'm exhausted"

and so, the eevee and lizard go inside to relax after their successful performance, there's no doubt in anyone's mind that these two are gonna get even more popular very soon!
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