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A dino couple's deepest dive
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[NMA] Dive prep shot

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by lolboy4
A submerged song
Breathless and bloated
Remember that lizard and the fish from the first art I posted? Eventually, the lizard convinced them to come out, and the two became friends after that! Turns out the fish wasn't fully grown, and whatever species they are (The lizard's still not really sure), they grow to be pretty big. Here they're relaxing together after swimming for a while, the lizard petting the fish as they try to hug him with their fins. The lizard's gotten some actual swim trunks as well, instead of just his underwear.

Today's the second anniversary of the first time I posted my art! I figured making a followup to the first art I posted would be a good way to celebrate this time. Just like last year, thank you all so much for all the watches, favorites, and comments! And, forgive the lack of raffles lately; I'm planning something to make up for it at some point.

anthro 216,436, feral 92,636, lizard 24,384, swimsuit 15,410, hug 10,162, underwater 8,878, fish 8,598, ambiguous gender 8,587, goggles 4,433, petting 1,325
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 2 months ago
Rating: General

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1 year, 2 months ago
So cute!
12 months ago
(the lizard guy bumps his head against some wood)
12 months ago
"Mm!" The lizard spurts out some bubbles in surprise and rubs his head, looking to see what he'd hit.
12 months ago
(it was an old pirate ship)
12 months ago
The lizard's eyes go wide at the sight of it, and even his fish friend seems excited. With the lizard not having been under very long yet, they both decide to explore inside together.
12 months ago
(A treasure map was in the chest)
12 months ago
Smiling as he looks at the map, the lizard feels a tap on his arm as the fish reminds him he should go breathe first. The two leave the shipwreck and the lizard takes a proper look at the map.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
squirtlerocks07 and I did an RP based on this.

S: out in the ocean one day, a blue lizard wearing a pair of swim shorts and goggles, dives underwater to go exploring, what he doesn't know is he's about to meet up with his fish buddy from a long time ago, they haven't seen each other in so long

L: As the lizard swims, a familiar green fish comes into view. While it's bigger than the lizard remembers, it's the same one he hasn't seen in a long time! The fish takes a moment to recognize the lizard... "Oh, it's you! It's been so long!" They quickly swim over to give the lizard a hug.

S: "Bl?!" the lizard looks down at the fish who hugged him, he tears up a bit as he too remembers the fish well, giving it a hug back and wagging his tail
"Omg iblts sblo goblod tblo seble yblou!!"

L: "I'm probably bigger than you remember, huh? But, obviously, I'm still myself!"

S: "Wblow... iblts reblally gblood tblo seble yblou liblttle gbluy..." the lizard hugs the fish a bit tighter "Hblow havble yblou beblen?"

L: "I've been doing pretty good! How about you, how have things been with the surface world?"

S: "Ivble beblen alriblght, cablnt comblplain tbloo mublch... finblally gblot a vablcation frblom woblrk and cblan swblim arblound finblally"

L: "Really glad you got to come by again! Honestly, I've missed having you come around..."

S: "Awww rbleally? Ykblnow ibl was jblust thblinking aboublt yblou yesteblrday, anbld ivble kiblnd oblf miblssed yblou tblo"

L: "Aww... Well, we're finally together again! Come on, let's finally go for another swim together!"

S: "Soblunds likble a plblan! Thblis shblould be fblun!"

L: The fish starts to swim, but pauses. "Oh, I just realized... I'm big enough now that I might be able to pull you around if you hold onto me! Want to try that out?"

S: "Oh? Hbley thblat miblght be fblun! Sublre wble cabln trbly iblt oblut!'

L: The fish swims back to the lizard so they can hold onto him. "Never gonna have pulled something as big as you, but I'll do my best."

S: "Ablright! Leblts seble thblen!" the lizard gently holds onto the fish, smiling as we ready to go

L: With the lizard having a good hold of him, the fish starts trying to swim with them. It's slow, but sure enough, he's able to pull them along!

S: "Whbloa!!" the lizard makes sure he has a good hold on his fish friend
"Thblis ibls so coobl!"

L: "I-it is, yeah!" The fish keeps going as best he can, and even though it's taking him a lot of effort, he's enjoying this.

S: the lizard giggles out bubbles, his face turning red a bit but he doesn't mind for now

L: Before much longer, the fish is panting from exertion. "O-okay... C-can't pull you any more..."

S: "Oh!" the lizard let's go of the fish so he can catch his breath
"Yblou oblk nblow?"

L: "I-I'm fine, just need a minute..." The fish thankfully recovers fairly quickly. "Phew! That's a real workout, moving someone so much bigger than me..."

S: "Heblhe! Wblell yblou ceblrtainly seembled liblke yblou wblere havbling fubln!"
the lizard grunts a little from his need to breathe as a red blush covers his face fully

L: "I see you still can't stay on a dive forever... How about we head up before we go deeper and see what's around?"

S: "G-gblood idblea, I'm stblill noblt thble gblreatest breblath holblder...heh" the lizard starts to swim up to the surface

L: The fish follows them up, getting and holding a deep breath of his own before surfacing alongside the lizard with puffed cheeks.

S: the lizard gasps as he surfaces
"Ahh much better" he looks over at the fish who's holding their breath with puffed cheeks and he giggles
"You looks so adorable holding your breath like that"

L: The fish smiles, and playfully squirts some water from his mouth at the lizard.

S: "Hey! Haha!" the lizard giggles before he splashes the fish some

L: After taking the opportunity to breathe a little with the water splashed at him, the fish gestures down with a fin, wanting to go back underwater.
3 months, 2 weeks ago
S: the lizard nods, taking a few deep breathes before he holds his breath and dives underwater, waiting just below the surface for the fish

L: The fish returns underwater as well. "Haha, that was fun! I've heard some fish spit water like that, figured I'd give it a shot myself!"

S: now the lizard's cheeks are puffed up a bit as he smiles at the fish returning
"Hblehe! Cblool! Yblou dblid a gblood jblob thblere!"

L: "First try, too! Now, let's head down and have a look around, I bet there'll be some cool stuff to see!" The fish starts to swim deeper.

S: "Rblight beblhind ybla bublddy!" the lizard follows the fish down deeper, pinching his nose shut

L: The fish leads the lizard all the way down, which is about 25 feet underwater for where they're at, and starts swimming along the bottom as he looks around.

S: the lizard smiles between his puffy cheeks and looks around at the bottom with the fish, a few little bubbles escaping his mouth

L: Up ahead, the two can see the entrance to a cave! "Oh, I forgot about this! Do you want to explore inside for a while? I haven't been in there in a fairly long time."

S: "Sblure! Sblounds gblreat! Hoblpefully my lblungs wblill hblold oublt oblk..."

L: "Should be fine..." The fish leads the lizard into the cave, hoping whatever's inside will be worth the trip.

S: the lizard looks around for anything cool or interesting, deciding not to speak for now so he can save his air, already getting a little red blush

L: As the two get farther in, there seems to be light coming from up ahead... "Ah, I remember this now. Heh, you're gonna like this..." Once the two get a bit farther, the source of the light comes into view: Somehow, parts of the rock walls are glowing!

S: "Mmm?!?! Wblhats thblat?!" the lizard's eyes go wide at what he's watching

L: "No idea why it's like this, but it's really cool! The whole cave from here on has those glowing spots, so we don't have to worry about not being able to see."

S: "Wblow!" the lizard decides to swim up closer to one of the glowing rocks to get a better look at it

L: It seems like the rock itself is glowing somehow, instead of anything on or in it.

S: "Thblis is sblo wblerid..." the lizard touches the glowing rock, super curious in how this could be possible, he grunts quietly from his need to breathe

L: "You may as well take some of it, maybe you'll be able to figure out why it glows. I've asked around, but nobody I've met has known."

S: "Hmm alblright thblen" the lizard takes a small piece of the glowing rock, putting it in his swim short's pocket for now as his face turns fully red
"Mmm...I thblink I nebled somble aiblr..."

L: "I think I remember seeing some air a bit farther in... Pretty sure it's this way." The fish gestures to a nearby tunnel.

S: "O-oblkm.." the lizard moves his hand to cover his mouth as he follows the fish, hoping to get air soon as tiny whines becomes audible

L: The fish keeps leading the lizard through the tunnel... Thankfully, before too long, they come to a relatively small air pocket. "Okay, this should be big enough for you."

S: the lizard sees the air pocket and bolts up to it, thankfully he can get his whole head above the surface and gasp in for breath

L: There isn't enough room for the fish to join them up there, so he just waits for them to come back down.

S: after gasping a few more times, the lizard takes one last deep breath and holds it before diving back underwater

L: "Glad you're doing alright now. There's a few more of those throughout the cave, so we don't have a whole lot to worry about."

S: "Gblood...abls I sblaid...nblot thble beblst breblath hblolder...heh"

L: "Hopefully you can get better with that eventually... Come on, let's see what else is around." The fish resumes leading the lizard through the cave.

S: the lizard nods and keeps following the fish, wondering what other things they will find, but he is also getting nervous the deeper the go into the cave
3 months, 2 weeks ago
L: The fish happens to pick up on the lizard's nervousness. "We'll be fine, I've never seen anything dangerous in this cave."

S: "I'm jblust gbletting a lblittle scblared wblith hblow fblar I am awblay fblrom frblesh ablir..."

L: "Yeah, just air pockets probably isn't all that good... We can leave whenever you want." As they continue though, they come across a fist-sized gem! "Oh, here's another neat thing with this cave! Don't know what this is, but it looks pretty nice."

S: "Wblait...ibls thblat..." the lizard picks up the gem and looks at it
"Omblg!!! Thblis gblem...i-iblts sublper rblare! Thbleres onbly libl 10 of thblese ibln thble whblole wblorld!!!"

L: "W-wait, for real!? That's incredible! You'd better take it then, that's gonna make you rich!"

S: "I-i wblanna cablsh thblis ibln riblght nblow!! I cblant imblagine hblow mublch monbley ibll gblet fblrom thblis!!!" the lizard immediately bolts towards the exit of the cave, carrying the gem in his hands

L: The fish follows them... But just before the two can leave, an orca swims in front of the cave's entrance, blocking it! "Hm... Good thing I just got back. Happened to catch a couple THIEVES!"

S: "Hbluh?! Ublh oblh..." the lizard looks at the orca nervously, not knowing this cave belonged to the orca

L: Fish: "Oh jeez, NOW I remember why I don't come here any more, that orca owns this cave!"

Orca: "And everything in it, as well. So, put that gem back NOW, or we're gonna be having a problem."

S: "N-nblo wblay! Fblinders kbleepers!!!" the lizard tucks the gem away in his pocket, trying to stand up to the orca

L: Orca: "Seems we're doing this the hard way, then." He gives the lizard a powerful slap with one of his flippers!

Fish: "N-no, don't hurt him!"

S: "O-oblw!!! Thblat hblurt!" that slap also caused a lot of air to escape him, but he remains strong, he swims underneith the orca and manages to sneak away!
"Yblou cblant cabltch me! Coblme obln bublddy gblo unblder thblem!!"

L: The fish manages to follow as well, just barely.

Orca: "Yeah, like someone from the land can outswim someone aquatic!" He takes another swipe at the lizard!

S: the lizard dodges the attack
"Miblssed mble!! Hblaha!!" the lizard bolts up to the surface as fast as he can, which is actaully pretty fast, he also carries the fish with him as well

L: Orca: "Ugh, you're fast for being from the land..." He quickly swims after the two, trying to ram into them.

Fish: "Hurry, hurry!" He holds his breath in preparation of surfacing.

S: the lizard speeds up and then finally surfaces, carrying his fish friend with him as he makes a break to shore, getting there before the orca could catch them

L: The orca reaches the shore just after, but can't follow the two, and he pounds his flippers on the sand in anger. "You BETTER hope I don't see you in the ocean again! This ISN'T OVER!" They go back out into the water, but continue to watch the two.

The fish looks relieved that the orca can't reach him or the lizard.

S: "Got outta there...phew..." the lizard sees his fish friend holding his breath and gets concerned
"Shoot... it's definitely not safe to be in the ocean with that orca there, so I'm just gonna take you along with me...I hope you can hold out buddy" the lizard then sprints off to the nearest shop so he can sell the gem, he's thankful it wasn't too far away and gets inside

L: A frog is at the desk, and she gives the two a wave. "Hi there! Oh, are you looking to sell that fish?"

The fish shakes his head at that.

S: "No no, this is my buddy here... i-its a long story, I need to make this quick so my buddy doesn't die on me... I'm actually here to sell this!" the lizard pulls out the rare gem and presents it to the frog
3 months, 2 weeks ago
L: The frog's eyes go wide at the sight of the gem. "W-where did you... N-nevermind, I don't want to know. I'm not sure I HAVE enough money to give you a good deal for that!"

The fish tries to relax as much as he can, though he's starting to blush from his need to breathe.

S: the lizard pets the fish a bit to hopefully help calm him down
"W-well make the deal quick! My fish friend is already blushing from their need to breathe!"

L: Frog: "It might take a bit to get all the money together... Oh, hang on, think I've got a bowl that can fit that fish!" She rushes away, before returning with a large bowl of water. "Okay, put them in here!"

The fish smiles, and squirms in the lizard's hold as he tries to get to the water.

S: "Thank you so much!" the lizard hurriedly puts his fish in the large bowl of water

L: The two can hear the fish gasp as he gets in.

Frog: "Alright, now let me see here..." Over a few minutes, she gathers up a HUGE amount of money! "This is all I can give, I still need to have some on hand. Is this enough for you?"

S: the lizard's eyes go wide
"Whoa! Yeah that'll do perfectly! Thank you!!!"

L: Frog: "Okay then, you've got a deal!" She passes the money to the lizard and takes the gem, looking down at it. "Man, I've always wanted one of these! Oh, and you can have that bowl, too."

The fish pokes his head from the bowl to watch what's happening.

S: "Thank you!" the lizard smiles and takes the money, then carries the bowl out of the shop
"Take care!!"

L: The frog gives the two a wave as they leave.

The fish smiles at the lizard, and does his best to give them a hug.

S: the lizard smiles and hugs his friend back, before stopping to think
"Yknow what, I just had a thought, since I have all this money, I could build an aquarium for you in my home so you can live with me, that way we can see each other everyday! Would you like that buddy? I don't want you to run into that orca in the ocean"

L: The fish smiles wide and repeatedly nods, clearly a big fan of the idea!

S: "Awesome!!!! This is gonna be great!" the lizard nuzzles the fish and smiles

L: The fish nuzzles them back, before briefly dipping into the water again to breathe.

S: "Ok! Let's go get that set up buddy!"
and so the lizard with his cash at hand, gets a custom aquarium set up for his fish buddy, and it's close to where the lizard sleeps as well, the two are gonna be closer then ever now that he's able to stay with his beloved lizard buddy
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