In the Rungar Empire a young man named Klarent has been studying his years away at the prestigious Sun Rise Academy. While not exactly a stellar student, in truth he is rather subpar in using the mystical arts, Klarent has supplemented his lack of understanding of the arcane with martial arts mastery, this is what has allowed him to become the handsome, muscular mage that he is today, however, forces beyond Klarent's understanding will draw him away from the life he has known in favor of setting him on the path towards uncovering an ancient power, the likes of which can shake the very foundations of the world, if not actually bring to its knees. Complicating matters is the fact that the emperor is also looking for said ancient power, as well as the denizens of Abyss, the realm of darkness, despair and chaos. Fortunately for Klarent he will find allies who will gladly help him as he sets himself along his path away from the familiar world that he has known for the great adventure, he may also find the adoration of those who would look upon him with lustful eyes, but that will be up to you to decide.