is correct once a mate has been selected there is no backing out nor does the chosen mate have a say in the matter. Which is why there are different classes of permit. In the case of of a true mate match, like these two in particular the power of the permit can not be denied. And since his permit is of the highest class their pairing is absolute and can not be broken.
Omegaltd ( ) is correct once a mate has been selected there is no ba
I keep hoping he's either done something wrong that nullifies this whole thing, or a new law is passed the next few days saying this process is now illegal and all seized by it have to be released.
I keep hoping he's either done something wrong that nullifies this whole thing, or a new law is pass
That would result in a Murder charge, because all things being equal Murder is still murder. And when she grows up and her hormones gel she'll realize just how bad of a mistake that was. Not to mention the stigma she'll have to live with having killed her true matching mate.
That would result in a Murder charge, because all things being equal Murder is still murder. And whe
True, but I did inform Farone to expect such comments... but I've seen more disturbing images, but if I find them disturbing I usually don't visit it again. But, like those who had bad comments about Howard Stern, they kept coming back to see what would happen next...
True, but I did inform Farone to expect such comments... but I've seen more disturbing images, but