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A cease fire is not enough. Israel's apartheid regime must be abolished. How can you say this land if given by a deity and violently steal it from innocent people? How can you go to sleep after bombing a hospital full of people you injured? There will only be justice in Palestine when the terrorist state of Israel is no more. I asked my Arabic and Hebrew speaking comrades to help with this one.

Um cessar fogo não é o suficiente. O regime de apartheid de Israel deve ser abolido. Como você pode dizer que esta terra lhe é dada por uma divindade e violentamente roubá-la de gente inocente? Como você consegue ir dormir depois de bombardear um hospital cheio de pessoas que você feriu? Só haverá justiça na Palestina quando o estado terrorista de Israel não existir mais. Pedi pras minhas camaradas que falam árabe e hebraico com este.

Un cesar fuego no basta. El régimen de apartheid de Israel deve ser abolido. ¿Cómo podés decir que esa tierra le es dada por una divindad y violentamente robarla de gente inocente? ¿Cómo podés dormir después de bombardear un hospital lleno de gente que vos mismo heriste? Sólo habrá justicia en Palestina cuando el estado terrorista de Israel no existir. Les pedí ayuda a mis camaradas hablantes del árabe y del hebreo.

Fajrhalto ne sufiĉas. La apartajda reĝimo de Israelo devas finiĝi. Kiel povas vi diri, ke tiun teron al vi donas iu dio kaj perforte ŝteli ĝin el senkulpoj? Kiel povas vi dormi post bombi malsanujon plenan kun homoj, kiuj vi mem vundis? Nur ekzistos justeco Palestine tiam kiam la terorista ŝtato de Israelo ne plu ekzistas. Min helpis miaj kamaradoj, kiuj parolas araban kaj hebrean.

Un cessez-le-feu ne suffit pas. Le régime d'apartheid d'Israël doit être aboli. Comment peux-tu dire que cette terre a été donnée par une divinité et la voler violemment à des innocents ? Comment peux-tu t'endormir après d'avoir bombardé un hôpital rempli de personnes qui toi-même les as blessées ? Il n'y aura de justice en Palestine que lorsque l'État terroriste d'Israël n'existera plus. J'ai eu l'aide de mes camarades qui parlent arabe et hebraïque avec le texte.

Încetat focului nu ajunge. Regimul de apartheid Israelului trebuie abolit. Cum poți să spui că acest pământ vi-l dă un zeu și apoi îl furi violent de la oameni inocenți? Cum reușești să dormi după ce bombardezi un spital plin de oameni pe care tocmai tu i-ai rănit? Nu va fi pace în Palestina cât timp va exista statul terorist Israelian. Am avut ajutorul tovarășelor mele care vorbesc arabă și ebraică.

cat 211,338, child 10,900, political 261, slingshot 202, arabic 89, hebrew 28, palestine 19
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 1 month ago
Rating: General

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1 year, 1 month ago
Israel has every right to exist.
1 year, 1 month ago
More like they have every right to retaliate after hundreds of their civilians were gunned down in cold blood at a music festival.

Palestine put those Hamas fucks in power and they continue to support that fascist bigoted regime.

Also fuck Islam.
1 year, 1 month ago
I agree but hamas is not a saint and cute puppy ... Agrego pero hamas no es ningun cachorro santito
1 year, 1 month ago
I agree that Israel aren’t exactly good people, but Hamas makes everything they’re doing look justified. Israel isn’t dragging bodies through the street and having large crowds of people continually desiccate the body, or raping a mother while forcing her to watch her baby bake in an oven. All while posting on social media about how every bad thing people say about them is true, and they want to exterminate an entire race of people because they exist. Hamas is, and Palestine is backing them because their government was infiltrated by the terrorist organization.

Neither side is particularly the good guy, but if one were to be called the good guys, it 100% is not Hamas or Palestine
1 year, 1 month ago
Thank you!!
1 year, 1 month ago
Violence begets violence begets violence begets violence begets.....

All it will take is for some strong-willed people to set down their weapons and say "ENOUGH!!!"

Israel and Palestine both have the right to exist, and both should learn to exist peacefully. Those who have committed the atrocities of the past two months need to be dealt with, and leave those who did not alone and unharmed. They need not be punished for the horrors a few have inflicted on others.

Enough. On both sides, ENOUGH!

1 year, 1 month ago
So this website too is filled with brainwashed racists who think a child with a slingshot equals Hamas, or that "Israel" is legitimate. What a fucking disappointment. You know nothing about the Nakba, about the Intifadas, about the racist origins of Zionism, the mistreatment of arab Jews (called Mizrahi Jews), religious diversity in Palestine before "Israel", etc.
1 year, 1 month ago
Oh I'm not pro either side. I'm anti murdering civilians and that's what Hamas did. Is Israel not really supposed to attack??

If the cartel from Mexico invaded the US, murdered hundreds of civilians in Texas, then paraded their corpses around the city then yes we should retaliate.
11 months, 1 week ago
I am an Israeli, I was born here, my parents were biorn here, and my grandparents came here from the arab states. You know why? Because the arabs banished them, murdered them, and stole their money and properties!!!!
Israel always hoped to achieve peace between the arab world and the muslims, but the two never recognized or accepted our right for existence! Since the jews ever existed, people like you say we don’t have the right to exist!
Here’s an article for you in Wikipedia, and if you think its a zionist propaganda, so check it again! If you’re an arab, then you also have this article in Arabic.

2 months ago
This is why people hate Jews btw, an yes I say this because I have no sympathy for you or your people

2 months ago
" Iuka wrote:
This is why people hate Jews btw, an yes I say this because I have no sympathy for you or your people


You're more than welcome to bomb yourself and your whole family in a city, ya antisemitic nazi motherfucker. At least be honest with yourself and go kiss Hitler's dirty ass.
Ever dreamed about "peace"? A Peace of shit, maybe.
11 months ago
No matter how hard y'all scream "but hummus" it'll never excuse killing children en masse
2 months, 1 week ago
" soranotamashii wrote:
No matter how hard y'all scream "but hummus" it'll never excuse killing children en masse

This, exactly, you Zionists need to fuck right off.  No excuses for genocide, no excuses for mass murder of children
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