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Raven Wolf - 05 - The Abandoned - Chapter 02
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Raven Wolf - 05 - The Abandoned - Chapter 03

Raven Wolf - 05 - The Abandoned - Chapter 04
Keywords male 1196265, female 1086184, fox 248638, wolf 193444, pony 106614, horse 59545, mouse 54296, raccoon 36774, vixen 28488, fantasy 26963, shark 18321, story 13985, jackal 11860, catgirl 8780, sci-fi 4731, series 4640, mink 3058, science fiction 1912, falcon 1632, wolverine 1587, chapter 503, raven wolf 329, ongoing 90
Chapter Three

Eve and her father stand within a large room among many other foxes much like them that have been gathered from around the city, the mood among everyone there is a mixture of bewilderment, nervousness and anger. It is quite clear that no one wants to be there, and hopes are high that the person these militaries are looking for will be found soon and this entire situation resolved, after all, the people of Cordella city have had to go through so much already, the last thing they need is for a big round up like this to take place.

It has been hours since the two of them have arrived here, the soldiers are handing out everyone blankets and pillows to use as bedding, as it is clear that they would be spending the night here.

Eve looks up to the soldier that has brought her and her father their blankets and pillows. “Just how long are you expecting us to stay here? You visiting militaries sure have a lot of nerve pulling off something like this. Even the city military hasn’t resorted to gathering up individuals like this to find the targets they’re looking for.”

A female voice speaks up to answer Eve’s question. “The targets your military searches for do not have the extensive or high profile criminal record of the one we are trying to find.”

Eve looks back to find a light grey falcon standing near her, she’s wearing the military uniform of the Avian fleet’s General, Eve frowns at her as she responds to the comment. “It can’t be safe to be grouping us all up with the criminal you’re looking for then.”

General Jovina crosses her arms. “It’s not ideal but it’s unavoidable at this point, but you will all be under military watch, we’ll keep anything unfortunate from happening to those who are innocent.” She looks down to a file that she is holding looking it through. “Professor Eve Cadrey is it? It seems that you have a habit of being questioned by the military.”

Eve frowns at the comment. “Ever since I was kidnapped by an escaped test subject I now have ‘connections’ with the wilds that the military is currently trying to find. Trust me I would love to not have to deal with the military as much as I do.”

Jovina turns from her as she continues on her way. “We will not take up more of your time than we have to.”

General Jovina continues making her way through the citizens that have been gathered, General Bourne approaches her ready to switch off with her and take her place. It’s time for him to begin the night watch. “Everything will be in order when you get back.”

Jovina nods her head before taking her leave. “Thank you General Bourne, and I would expect no less from you.”

Eve watches Jovina leave with a displeased expression. “She gets to sleep in a nice bed after pulling all of us away from our homes and keeping us here, that seems hardly fair.” Eve’s father speaks up to get his daughter’s attention. “Now, now Eve, the military works hard to protect the people of this city. They’re just doing their job.”

Eve looks back to her father with a sigh, he is already making himself comfortable to get ready to sleep. “I know father I just-” She stops mid sentence when she spots someone with the crowds of foxes that are also getting ready to call it a night, a swift fox whom she recognizes from a photo Fitz has taken of the individual that he had constantly been crossing paths with when trying to find Shiya, Shiya later explained, once he was found and brought to the museum seeking refuge, that he is both an assassin and the Wind Source. “Hold on for a moment father, I’ll be right back.”

Eve approaches Aither, a storm in her step and a frown on her face. “Hey! You’re Aither aren’t you!”

Aither turns toward Eve upon hearing his name, letting out a surprised gasp and starting to back away from her, this woman he doesn’t recognize looks very angry with him and practically right next to him. “Sorry, I can’t say I recall your face, but apparently I have done something to offend you.”

Eve pokes Aither in the chest. “You’re the one that’s been giving Fitz such a hard time!!”

Aither doesn’t recognize the name. “Fitz?”

Eve again pokes him in the chest, once for every word she says next, her voice lower as to keep from being heard. “You’re the reason we’re all here aren’t you!?”

Aither looks around him not really wanting to talk about that with someone he doesn’t know while there are so many guards around. “I can’t say I know what you’re talking about.”

Eve crosses her arms. “Do the terms annoying raccoon and unusually nice short wolf mean anything to you?”

Aither looks around him before looking back to Eve with a frown and speaking to her lowly under his breath. “You’re involved with that aggravatingly persistent raccoon that made off with Shiya!!”

Eve nods her head,also speaking to him lowly as to not be heard. “Yeah, and you’re the murdering thief responsible for city destruction that the military is looking for.”

“I’ve no idea of what you’re talking about.”

Eve crosses her arms. “How about I scream as loud as I can and then tell the military just who you are when they come to see what’s wrong, then we’ll see if I know what I’m talking about or not!”

Aither quickly shakes his head not needing her to do that. “Just so we’re clear on this, it wasn’t me that went and messed up the city, that was all Ebon’s doing… for the most part anyway.”

Aither shakes his head, there are more important matters that need to be covered. “Enough about me, how is my friend fairing? You ought to know as it was your raccoon friend that took him. Last I encountered him he didn’t look to be well, took a bullet from what I saw. Lots of blood, wasn’t moving, but didn’t die, I would have felt it if he did.”

Eve looks over to the soldiers, they’re  now busy dealing with the other foxes, either getting them ready for the night by giving them bedding or explaining why they’re going to have to spend the night there. “He’s fine, but he seems concerned about a necklace he lost, apparently it held a lot of sentimental value.”

Aither looks to know exactly what it is Eve is talking about. “Lucky for him I found it, but I don’t have it anymore, gave it to my love to look after before coming here, she’s likely to take better care of it than me. I’d send him a message if I could, a signal for him to follow, but I fear that if am to do that the enemy would also get the information, the six of us are not exactly fighting on the same side at the moment.”

Eve lets out a sigh, it’s unfortunate that all their phones and contact to the outside have been taken from them. Much like Aither is at the moment, there is no way for her to contact her companions with this valuable information.

Aither looks from Eve and out towards the soldiers, even though he technically has not been found yet it still feels as if he’s trapped. It doesn’t seem to him like this situation is going to turn out well in any way.


Fitz, is locking up the museum for the night, all the visitors and workers have gone home, with only the people that live there left, Shiya and Dolly are helping him clean up after the visitors the museum had gotten that day.

Fitz stares through the glass entrance doors, he is able to spot several members from the visiting military still searching through the streets this late at night. “These Avian and Aquatic military guys are everywhere, no wonder they tried to frame you for killing that kid if they get this kind of manpower looking for someone labelled as a cold blooded killer.”

Shiya looks over toward Fitz. “Unfortunately the military did not have to frame Aither for him to receive that label. Aither wants to keep from being confined at all costs and is known among the sources for killing anyone that may get too close to capturing him. If the military actually manages to point him out things may very well turn chaotic, because he will do everything in his power to keep from being contained.”

Dolly sighs to herself, this situation is not one that would resolve itself soon, and possibly not until who they are looking for is found, there is no telling how long Eve and her father might be kept there for. “I wish there was something we could do to help.”

Fitz looks back to her, there is very little any of them can do in their situation, they after all are trying to stay low and out of sight. “Don’t worry about Eve and Mr. Cadrey, they’ve both had their fair share of dealing with adventures and undesirable situations, the two of them will be just fine. Looking after their museum and Gracie while they’re away is help enough I think, without the Cadrey’s here this place has no one but us to look after it.”

Shiya speaks up, having just learned something about the Cadrey family today when the soldiers had come to visit. “I was surprised to learn that Eve had a sister, she’s never mentioned her to me before.”

Fitz looks to the side. “Well… there’s not a whole lot to talk about really… Gracie got into an accident a long time ago, one that she didn’t wake up from. Eve doesn’t visit her as often as she used to, she’s pretty convinced that she’s never going to wake up. Mr. Cadrey though, when he’s not going through his museum making sure things are clean and in order is up there with her.”

Dolly seems a little nervous, this situation is one she’s not familiar with. “I don’t know anything about taking care of someone under such circumstances.”

Fitz gives Dolly a grin, there is nothing for her to worry about. “No worries, I can look after Gracie no problem, I’ve been helping Eve and her father do it for years now, so I know what needs to be done, you guys just try to keep this place clean, and find out a way to get out of this city and rescue your brother, I mean that’s your goal isn’t it?”

Dolly looks to the side, though that is indeed true the task just feels so impossible and far away, especially in light of the new obstacles they were facing. “Yes of course…” She shakes her head turning and walking away.

Fitz seems surprised with the reaction, not expecting that from her, he looks to Shiya and questions him about this. “Did I say something wrong?”

Shiya shakes his head no. “Not intentionally, I think you just inadvertently reminded Dolly of her own situation with her brother. Wilds, especially of the warrior line would not go through such trouble looking after a weak family member, as nature so dictates it is survival of the fittest, those who are weak, or those that may endanger their family are disowned and left behind, as to not compromise the lives of the family and tribe by hindering them with their weakness.”

He looks back out toward Dolly, who has already startied on cleaning the floors to another part of the museum. “Dolly’s father disowned her brother not long before she ended up here, because her father thought that Teddy had become a danger to the family after joining Raven Wolf, the cursed tribe. In light of what has happened I would not be surprised if he did the same to her.”

Fitz crosses his arms. “Wilds are not family people then?”

Shiya glances back to Fitz. “On the contrary, family is very important to us, we just live in a much different situation than Domestics do, we do what we must to survive. Dolly in particular is the type who looks after her family in every way that she can, she will look after and protect them at all costs, that’s why she had gone as far as she has when it came to Teddy. If Dolly no longer has family to care for though, if her father throws her out and Teddy is never found, then what else will she have left?”


Naida is sitting in the back of a limousine as she looks through her schedule on her phone, Naida sighs to herself when she sees today’s upcoming event. “Aither was going to take me out tonight… I guess I’ll have to cancel my reservation, there’s no point in me going alone.” She looks across from her over to where Mort is sitting, looking as bored as he always does since being appointed to her. “We’re close to your apartment aren’t we? Perhaps we could use this new found free time to pay a visit to your home to see your cats again.”

Mort sighs to himself. “I don’t think I want to… they’ve probably destroyed most of my belongings by now with no one there to keep them in check.”

Naida looks back to Captain Mort after giving her driver a new destination. “Oh it wasn’t so bad the last time we went, only a few broken things. Hopefully it will be much better with the aid that Mrs. Fina sent to feed them every day.”

Mort doesn’t seem too sure about that. “They don’t often like other people… so I can only assume that they’ve been worse.”

The limousine comes to a stop, Nadia opens the door and walks out as she makes her way over to the apartment, Mort reluctantly gets to his feet and follows her, unlocking the door to the complex and letting her inside, Naida walks ahead of him already knowing the way to his apartment, having come here once before when Mort had needed to check up on his pets. “You should get your friend Quincy to look after your cats for you while you’re busy looking after me.”

“I would rather not have Quincy know where I live, while him having keys to my apartment is one of the last things I would want.”

Naida laughs at the comment, the two of them come to a sudden stop when they find someone standing in front of the door to Mort’s apartment, the light grey falcon looks back to them upon hearing them, a surprised look on her face when she sees the two of them. “Oh, Louis, I thought you would be home by now.”

Mort nods a greeting to her. “Avari.”

The General is no longer in her military uniform as she has been in the rest of the day, she’s now dressed in more casual clothes, having changed before coming here. She looks over to Naida, very surprised to see that Mort is not alone. “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend. Though I guess I’m not surprised.”

Naida begins to laugh while Mort tries to clear up the situation. “I’m not in a relationship with her, she’s the figure I’ve been appointed to look after.”

Avari nods her head in understanding, now looking to Naida. “Oh, then you must be Naida Kelpie.” She shakes Naida’s hand. “I’m General Avari Jovina of the third Avian fleet.”

Mort walks past them as he unlocks the door to his apartment, he does not want to deal with such personal matters outside where just anyone might walk into the conversation, letting out a tried sigh when he sees the inside of his apartment, the inside is a mess with pretty much everything thrown over or onto the ground. “Damn it Paladin every time!”

Avari walks inside with a concerned look on her face as she looks through the messy apartment. “Did someone break in and ransack your home?”

Naida shakes her head no, it had been much like this the last time she had come. “No, it’s his cats Paladin and Knight. They like to make a mess if he’s away from home for too long.”

Avari looks surprised to learn this. “I didn’t know you had cats.”

Mort looks back to her while in the middle of searching through his house for the two culprits. “Zack brought them home with him one day when he was a kid.”

Avari smiles at the reminder. “That’s right your son. How old is he now, he has to be about eighteen, nineteen now? How is he doing?”

Mort lets out a sigh as he looks back to her. “He’s not my son, I was appointed by the military to be his guardian nothing more than that. As for Zack… he went MIA about a month ago.”

General Jovina looks uneasy, having not meant to bring up anything uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.” She looks to the side really not sure of how to continue the conversation after that, Mort starts to pick things up and put them back where they should be, not saying anything else regarding the situation.

Naida smiles when she sees something, walking over and kneeling down toward a very fluffy cat that has come out of hiding, picking it up and holding it in her arms. “There you are Paladin! Were you causing lots of trouble while your Daddy was gone?”

The cat purrs as it rubs her head against her, while Mort looks back to Naida with a frown. “I’m not its daddy. The cat is a pet, I am its owner. That makes me its owner not it’s father.”

“You’re Daddy is just grumpy from his long day at work, he really doesn’t mean that he knows you’re his little baby snugly fluffy booboo.”

Mort lets out a grumble, Jovina clearing her throat to get Mort’s attention. “You seem to be busy, I’ll come back another time.”

Mort quickly turns back to her to stop her from leaving. “No, I’m not busy, I can always clean this up later, you’ve already come here I don’t want you to have wasted your time.”

“That’s considerate of you, but please don’t trouble yourself for me.”

Naida smiles to herself as she walks over to the two of them. “Oh don’t mind me, if I can go on one of my dates with Captain Mort tagging along I’m sure the two of you will be just fine with me here.”

Both Mort and Jovina speak up at the same time. “This isn’t a date!”

Naida lets out a giggle at the response that she has gotten from them while Mort looks over toward Jovina. “Can I at least get you something to drink?”

Jovina crosses her arms. “You said earlier that you haven’t been home in a long time, would you even have anything in there to drink?”

Mort lets out a sigh. “No probably not.” He looks to the side not sure where else to go with this. “I have water.”

General Jovina laughs to herself. “Water would be just fine.”

Naida points to the side as she begins to walk away while Commander Mort and General Jovina head towards the kitchen. “I’ll just give the two of you some privacy, I’ll be in the living room with the cats if you need me.”

Mort nods his head to signal that he has heard her, making his way to the kitchen sink and taking a glass from a cupboard to fill with water. “I apologize for this, if I knew that you were coming I would have been better prepared. I actually had not planned on coming home today.”

Jovina takes the glass of water from him when Mort hands it to her. “Well I’m glad you did, I would have hated being in your hometown and not have the chance to visit you.” She stares at Mort, though it has been a while since the two of them have spoken she is still aware of certain events that have happened to him, raising a lot of commotion and talk among military members around the trouble he was having capturing a military target. “I heard about your demotion, add that to what you said about Zack and I have to assume that things aren’t going well for you.”

“Zack was not the only soldier to disappear because of these orders, Swartz, Lockheart and Berights all went missing as well. Things could be better I don’t deny that.”

“Are you going to be alright?”

“I will be fine.”

“Louis, you know that you can always talk to me if you need to right?”

“There’s nothing to talk about.”

Jovina looks to the ground, Mort is always difficult when it comes to things like this. “Alright then, I won’t pry.” She leans back against a counter that she is near. “I’m close to catching the assassin that murdered my father you know. They were spotted in this city, my men are searching for them as we speak.”

Mort recalls the commotion the Avian military had recently caused within the city. “Is that what this mass round up is about?”

Jovina nods her head as she stares down at the water in her glass. “We have them… I know it… I just don’t know which one of the foxes it is.”

Mort assures Jovina that it would not be much longer. “If anyone can find them it will be you.”

He makes his way to the table in the kitchen pulling up a chair. “I take it you’ve had the pleasure of meeting with General Dmitri then.”

Jovina lets out a sigh, she has never much liked to have to deal with him. “Just hearing his name gives me a headache.” She looks back to Mort. “In my opinion he was a poor replacement for you, I’m sure the military could have found someone much better.”

Mort shrugs his shoulders. “In their opinion he was the best choice for replacing me in completing the task I could not. I can’t say I care for him much either but if he’s able to get the job done then so be it.”

Jovina sits down across from Mort. “About Dmitri… there’s something that you should know about him. Something the military has been keeping from you.”

Mort quickly interrupts her before she can go further. “Is this something you will get in trouble for telling me?”

Jovina nods her head. “Yes, but-”

“Then I don’t want to hear it.”

“But Louis-”

“You have worked hard to get where you are, I don’t want you to lose that on my account.”


“I know that the military is hiding something from me, and I will eventually find out exactly what that is through my own means. So there is no need for you to compromise your position.” He looks over to Jovina. “Don’t worry about me, I don’t mind remaining in the dark a little longer.”

Jovina looks to the side. “Perhaps I should change the subject then.” She smiles at him. “If I ask would you go out with me?”

Mort sighs at the question. “No.”

Jovina smiles despite the answer she has gotten. “Why not? You didn’t have a problem going out with me back when we first met.”

Mort nods his head. “That was before you complicated things.”

“Asking you to come to a family dinner so that I could introduce you is hardly what I would call complicating things.”

Mort frowns. “That most certainly falls under the definition of complicating things.”

“I don’t understand what you’re so afraid of. They don’t bite you know, and I’m sure they would have loved you.”

“Family is not my thing.”

Jovina doesn’t seem to believe this statement. “What are you talking about? From what I hear you were able to raise Zack just fine.”

Mort shakes his head, that is a completely different situation. “Zack stayed at the military labs most of his life. The only times I brought him home with me was when he and Alistair were at each other’s throats.”

“Regardless, I never said you had to start a family with me, I just wanted you to meet mine that’s all.” Mort sighs to himself as Jovina continues to speak. “Look, I know you grew up in a less than ideal situation, I know what it’s like to grow up without my parents, my mother and father died when I was young as well.”

Mort interrupts her before she can continue, the tone in his voice bitter. “Our situations were very different. Your Aunt and Uncle took you in when your parents were killed. Mine threw me away and didn’t look back, I had no one to take me in. So no, you don’t know what it was like.” He stops, realizing the tone of voice he is speaking in. “I’m sorry. I should not have raised my voice.”

Jovina stares at him, it’s perfectly fine. “Louis if you need someone to talk to you know that I’m here for you.”

“I don’t need to talk to anyone.” He pushes himself up from his chair. “Perhaps you should leave.”

Jovina nods her head as she responds calmly to him. “If that’s what you want.” She looks to him before turning to leave. “You know not every family experience for you is going to be terrible. You should give it a chance, you’ll surprise yourself I know it.”

Mort watches Jovina as she turns away from him to take her leave, remaining silent as he looks away intent on going back to cleaning his house.

Naida approaches Jovina as she gets ready to leave. “Mort doesn’t seem easy to talk to.”

Jovina lets out a sigh as she looks to Naida. “No, he never is.”

“Well, I guess it wasn’t just me then. Whenever I try to strike a conversation with him I get a less than satisfactory result.”

Jovina laughs at the comment. “That sounds about right.” She opens the door, looking to Nadia before she leaves. “He’s not a bad person really, in fact you really could have no one better to look after you. He’s just not that great at conversation.”

Naida nods her head. “That’s what Captain Mort’s friend Quincy says about him too.”


It is late at night within the large building that the foxes had been gathered within, all of the citizens that have been gathered sleeping as best they can despite the situation they find themselves in. Bourne and his men keep watch over them during the night.

General Bourne turns toward a figure as they enter the complex, a frown on his face when he recognizes the large wolverine. “General Dmitri, what are you doing here?”

Dmitri looks to him with a smile. “I thought I would pay this place a visit to see how things were going.”

Bourne bares his teeth, not in the mood for this. “You asked us to not interfere when it came to your search for the Ice Source. I ask that you do the same and not impede our efforts.”

“Oh I won’t do anything that will affect your search, there’s just someone here I’d like to question, it concerns my own target.” He walks past Bourne as he begins to make his way through the sleeping foxes, the shark turns from him and allowing him to pass, motioning for his men not to worry about Dmitri, not wanting to start up a conflict between one of the very powerful Sources.

After a few minutes of making his way through the sleeping figures Dmitri finds who he is looking for, coming to a stop and placing his foot on the sleeping figure’s back and shaking him awake. “It’s been a while, teacher.”

Aither wakes up, opening his eyes as he stares up at Dmitri, a frown on his face when he recognizes him. “So this is how it ends for me is it? With you pointing me out to be found?”

Dmitri grins. “I’ve no intention of giving you away. I am enjoying watching the Avian and Aquatic militaries attempts to hunt you down.”

Aither pushes himself up. “What are you doing here then?”

“Where’s Ice?”

Aither shrugs his shoulders. “Your guess is as good as mine, I had nothing to do with the party that took off with the little fellow.”

“Tell me where he is and I’ll show my appreciation by getting you out of this mess you’ve found yourself in.”

Aither thinks the proposition over, though he would very much like to accept that and in fact has an idea of where Shiya can be found now after talking to Eve, he just can’t let Dmitri have this information. “Very nice offer, I rather like it. Unfortunately there is nothing that I can do to help you. As I said before I didn’t know where he is.”

Dmitri frowns, knowing by instinct that Aither has some kind of idea. “You’re making a mistake. From what I understand you have quite a history with the Jovina family, they’ve come close to catching you numerous times, the one that hunts you down now is no different in ambition and superior in their skills, and she is very much determined to find and secure the Source that killed her father, grandfather, great grandfather and whoever else may be before that.  Stay here and she’s going to catch you, and when she does she’s not going to be nice about it.”

Aither nods his head. “I’ll make a note of that then.”

Dmitri turns to leave it’s clear that Aither is not going to cooperate with him, his stubbornness is likely to change after spending a few days locked up like this. “I’ll be back when you’re willing to be more cooperative.”

Aither speaks up to get Dmitri’s attention, questioning him before he goes. “Why are you doing this?” Dmitri comes to a stop as he looks back to Aither. “Why did you willingly side with the Domestic Military, why did you tell them about the other sources, and why are you helping them hunt us down?”

Dmitri smirks at the question. “I don’t care if the Domestics manage to capture the other sources or not. All I want is the Ice Source, aside from the True Bloods the Domestics are the only ones with the capabilities to find him and contain him.”

“Of all the Sources why him?”

Dmitri gives Aither a very straightforward answer. “I want him to create another thousand year ice storm.”

Aither shakes his head knowing what that would mean. “That would destroy everyone and everything, why would you want that?”

“There is no saving the people that live upon this planet anymore, everything needs to be destroyed.”

Aither frowns at the response, the Sources are meant to protect and help govern and continue life, such drastic measures are not to be taken unless absolutely necessary. “That is a decision that all six of us would make together and agree upon, this is not something that you alone can so casually make.”

“Don’t be so soft, the people of this era have long overstayed their welcome. It’s time for us to move on.”

Aither frowns at the comment. “I should have never taught you how to use your powers.”

Dmitri lets out a laugh. “We all do things we regret I’m sure, there’s nothing that you can do about it now.”

Aither watches him leave before turning away and laying back down to go to sleep, it is clear that Dmitri would return to question him again, but knowing his objectives and what he intends to do with Shiya he can not just hand him over to him like that, even if doing so is compromising his own safety.
Raven Wolf - 05 - The Abandoned - Chapter 02
Raven Wolf - 05 - The Abandoned - Chapter 04
Book 5 in the Raven Wolf series.

Due to human negligence the world as we know it has ended and been reborn. The animal spirits that guide man giving them the forms of animals so that they would be able to survive in this new wilderness. Though now carrying the form of beasts man has not forgotten the place they once had, as an existence greater then just what nature wanted of them, an existence above all.

Those that worked to gain their humanity are known as domestics, while those who wished to follow the rolls the spirits had given them were known as wilds. Both groups grew arrogant and hateful of one another, the wilds saw the domestics as selfish monsters, for they were returning to the ways that had once destroyed the world, while the domestics saw the wilds as primitive beings afraid of progress, they no better than wild animals.

The raven and the wolf spirits grew tired of the destruction and fighting, and sided with the wilds in their ideals, the domestics only capable of further destroying nature. In their anger they marked a tribe of wilds with a curse, they being removed from the sacred circle of life, unable to hunt or grow their own food, their souls never able to move on while their bodies are unable to return to the earth when they died. The curse upon them only broken once the domestics are gone once and for all. The cursed tribe now known to all by the name of the spirits whom cursed them. ‘Raven Wolf'

male 1,196,265, female 1,086,184, fox 248,638, wolf 193,444, pony 106,614, horse 59,545, mouse 54,296, raccoon 36,774, vixen 28,488, fantasy 26,963, shark 18,321, story 13,985, jackal 11,860, catgirl 8,780, sci-fi 4,731, series 4,640, mink 3,058, science fiction 1,912, falcon 1,632, wolverine 1,587, chapter 503, raven wolf 329, ongoing 90
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 12 years, 4 months ago
Rating: General

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12 years, 4 months ago
The more I read the more I think dimitri is mort's father. Or least something along those lines. Can't wait to read the rest.
12 years, 4 months ago
Same opinion, but what I currently wish the most is that Eve's sister wakes up.
12 years, 4 months ago
Again very interesting to read. Only one slight question:

Dolly, Eighteen, Shiya and the others still not seem to know, that Teddy has become the Lightining Source from Yula and Achiak through a spirit messenger even if it is now over a month since Yula had the vision and led Teddy to embrace it.
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