Ah, an old family portrait of this birdy as a happy young chick with his loving mama and papa Victor and Lily Gamebird. These two shaped this glorious birdy into what you see today...
My papa Victor is where I formed this fiery passion from: He was extremely handy, juggling a million things, and eager to help me or anyone else with whatever problem this small birdy encountered. This was good because despite my stunning intellect at this age, I was an awkward little birdy. While I was not as sporty as he had hoped he was always proud of how well I did in school and how disciplined I was at following rules. He was apparently quite the opposite at my age and said the smartest thing he did around my age was to hotwire his teacher’s car before ramming it into the principal’s office.
My mama Lily is such a sweet thing, loving and kind but also very sharp. She saw the beauty in all things in this world and gave everything to this bird to become beautiful themselves. In the time not tending to me I would see her tending to her collection of beautiful flowers, and framed pictures of taxidermized insects. I must admit she did keep my more selfish aspects in check: despite our wealth mama often made me make difficult choices and decisions on what gifts I could have. And yet she taught me I should never stop reaching for more, just that the tallest flowers are at the risk at being cut – which she did to her favorite rose on one occasion in front of me with her big pair sceptres with a fun smile.
I must admit, though, I am still in the dark as to what my parents' professions were, or how we were so wealthy. My papa often had meetings with what seemed to be dark-clad police officers, and I knew he was extremely disciplined compared to his youth, so I always assumed he had something involving authority. I don’t think Mama had a job, or at least she didn’t after I hatched. I know my school friends and teachers were terrified of her; apparently no one else's moms kept a collection of venomous spiders and poisonous flowers.
But really whatever the hows and whys where this birdy does not care; what they gave this bird was the happiest of childhoods and that’s what is truly important.