Ahahahahahah, another wonderful Prisma piece! You doing so many this stream was the best, I really can't get across how much I appreciated it. Miyu leaning in like that and trembling out of pure envy while blushing like crazy is so cute, that expression is just incredible hahahahahaha. The hint of Kuro's smug face tells all with that single bit of catmouth! Her self-satisfied pose with her hands on her hips too, pfffff. Ilya turning to Miyu with her own little blush as she even holds down her super poofy skirt is heart-melting, so dang cute! Kept in place against Kuro's absolute tan flatlands with that great top of hers! The framing is so keen, everything key to the picture's focus is right there and magnified while not a single bit of excess is visible. Super good! As always I've gotta praise there even being seams on Kuro's outfit, a detail you absolutely didn't need to have in there but makes it look that much better! Also, grayscale tans are cute, that is all.
Ahahahahahah, another wonderful Prisma piece! You doing so many this stream was the best, I really c