A trio of young diapered adventurers, were exploring an old dungeon, rumored to hold a vast amount of gold and treasure. They enter on in as the beast master, Char, enters on in with his large plush, Archanine, looking around carefully for traps, Jay and Joey enter on in after looking around the room for any signs of secret passages or hidden doors that might be hiding the secret treasure.
"Be careful you two, no telling what sort of monsters might of moved on in here" Char commented stepping lightly crinkling with each step
Joey just walked on around and began to eye a suspicious pair of levers covered by some moss
"Those look interesting" Joey replied walking on up to them
"What looks interesting?" Jay asked curiously looking at joey was talking about
"Joey don't touch, bad things happen when you touch things" Char warned
But his warning came too late as the otter reached for one of the levers and pulled it. In an instant, the floor gave out and sent the trio plummeting down a large trap hole.
"WRONG LEVER!" Joey screamed as he fell
"I told you not to touch anything!" Char yelled
"Why do they even have that lever!?" Jay asked in exclamation
the trio soon landed with a soft thud as they fell on their padded butts, finding themselves in a long hallway.
"Now where are we?" Jay asked rubbing the back of his diaper as he stood up
"Well we definitely have to be really far from the treasure now" Char answered as he looked around some before noticing something was off, "Where is my archanine!?" He asked realizing they got separated
"He must of been standing on a part of the floor that wasn't booby trapped" Jay answered with a guess
"Great, a beast tamer with no beast" Char replied with a groan
"I still got my arrows" Joey replied
"Don't make me slap you with a fish Joey" Char replied
"Guys don't start, lets find our way out of here, then you can slap Joey with fish" Jay replied
"You're supposed to be on my side" Joey protested
"You're the one who pulled the lever" Jay replied
Joey huffed as he walked with the others as their diapers crinkled with every step. They continued till they saw a something in front of them and squinted to try and make out what it was.
"Looks like a wall" Joey replied
"Looks more like a block" Jay replied
"Wait.... is it me or... does it have a face?" Char asked
"Hello adventures" the block called out
"Ummmm... hi?" Joey replied in confusion
"If you wish to get out of here, you must solve my riddle" The block explained
"That sounds...... oddly easy" Jay commented
"What do you give to others but still try and keep?" The cube asked
Char facepalmed himself as Joey stared blankly at the cube lost in thought.
"Why can't these adventures go right?" Char asked himself
Jay took to examining the wall
"Surely whoever built this place had to of made a secret way out of here just in case" Jay muttered to himself trying to find a way out
"This is pointless, you know we aren't going to solve this riddle" Char commented to Violet as he sat in front of a table with their rpg game set up on it padded up in a thick diaper like his character was
"I know its something super obvious but i am not very good with solving those super obvious riddles" Joey moaned as he kept racking his brain over the riddle as he crinkled in his chair in his own thick diaper
"Is there seriously no secret passage on out of the hallway?" Jay asked crinkling about as well
"Come on you three its really easy" Violet commented, "It's not a very hard riddle, just read the riddle carefully" She instructed as she watched the trio sitting around the table
"Why do I always have to roll a one for everything I do?" Joey asked
"That's a good question actually" Jay commented
"Least you don't have to roll dice for potty training" Char commented
"You would never learn that skill if you did" Jay giggled commenting
"Oh hush!" Joey replied blushing
Violet sighed some as she sat there drumming her fingers on the table as the three kept arguing and poking fun at each other.
"This is why I don't normally play this with them" She comments to herself
featuring characters from my mate and best bro char
an old piece when i was curious about dnd but had never really played, so my story for it is a bit lacking, been getting into the game now and i do enjoy it but i still got a ways to go to really think out of the box in figuring out solutions. getting better at it. if i ever get any more dnd inspired commissions the stories will be better