As the afternoon goes by, Pinkie Pie continues to show Frost Trot around a few more spots of Ponyville. "...and these are just the normal ordinary spots that everypony goes to." the party pony finished. "Ordinary spots?" the unicorn asked. "Yep there's other houses that every pony goes to for something special. You've got to meet my friends next. There the bestest friendly friends a pony could ever ask for." Frost Trot didn't want to jump to talking about a certain unicorn, so he tried to change the subject. "Awesome. But I'm still confused about this hoof ball game you mentioned. Bowling I think right?" Frost continues. "Are you positive that unicorns can't use their magic? Because I can assure you, it'll be tough to push the ball down that long lane."
Suddenly the pink pony's tail starts to twitch for a moment and whips outward to the air as Frost looks on puzzled. "Well that's new." Pinkie Pie said. "y...your tail. What just happened?" the ponies talk back and fourth. "Oh. That was my Pinkie Sense." "Pinkie Sense?" "Yep! When something going to happen or has happened, parts of my body starts to react differently. Like a second nature thingie or whatever." "So what was that tail whip then?" the dark blue unicorn wondered. "The tail flicker? That means that there's a theme or a pattern going on. Whenever something happens three times or more, my tail suddenly flicks outward." Pinkie explained. "Something you've done or said must have triggered it."
Wait a minute...I've only said it once... "Where here!" the pony broke his train of thought as they arrived in front of a normal two floor house. "Huh? Where's here Pinkie?" "One of my best friends that I've recently been friends with before running into you." Nice! Frost Trot thought. One more to be friends with. I only wonder who is though? Pinkie Pie knock on the door. "You're going to love her Frosty, she's just like you in a way." she said as they wait. "Like me? But how..." he was stopped by the sound of the door opening. There stood a gray pony as she spoke. "Yes?" as she notices the happy-go-lucky pony in front and another pony behind her. "Hello Pinkie Pie. Onto another one of your tours I...Well, we meet again." "hehe, seems that way huh?" Frost spoke with his eyes closed for the moment.
"Hold on, you two know each other?" Pinkie asked surprised. "Not exactly." Frost answered. "We ran into each other earlier at the train station." the gray one continued. "But I'm sure you wanted to see her. Please, come in." she turns around to guide the ponies inside. "ahhh...this is going to be weird..." Frost muttered since he's never been into another pony's home. "No it's not silly..."Pinkie Pie popped behind him "...just go in." shoving the ice pony inside. "Wait I whhhaaaaa!" Frost spoke as he got pushed into the house and bumped into the gray pony's flank. "Ugh! I say..." she spoke as she turns around to see the newcomer embarrassed face. "I'm so sorry!" Frost quickly replied. The classy pony chuckled a little and said "That's quite alright." looking to Pinkie Pie hopping along inside "You'll get use to it. Vinyl dear. You have guests." she calls for her roommate as the unicorn gathers himself on his hooves.
"Who is it Octavia?" as the white unicorn trots down the stairs to see a familiar face by the front door. "Hey there Pinkie." the red eyed and blue mane unicorn said until she noticed a new pony in the household. "Whoops!" She uses her magic to retrieve her trademark shade and places them on her head. "That's better.So, who's thenew guy?" Frost looked in awe realizing that it's the same DJ. "It is you. You're the at that the weeding party yesterday." "Heh, guilty as charged friend."
"Excuse me. I need to be elsewhere." Octavia said out of the blue as she walks outside and closed the door. "Huh?" Frost uttered "I hope I..." "Uh, don't worry about it. She wasn't able to perform at the weeding. Butshe's a great violinist at the Gala." The white one said. "Yeah...until I barged in to liven the party." Pinkie spoke. "Yeah. I'm prettysure she didn'tappreciate that." Vinyl chuckled. Oh great...I shouldn't have mentioned that. I got to make it up to her somehow. Frost wondered. "So, another fan. Youjust keep reeling themin huh Pinkie Pie?" the DJ asked extending her hoof to the worried unicorn. "The name'sVinyl Scratch." "Frost Trot. Nice to meet you." He said at a low tone. "Hey, cheer up. I'msure Octavia will getthrough it just fine." the newcomer gave a smile back and realized that he's in front of one of the most coolest DJ's in Equestria. "Yeah, you're right." a bit later, the ponies walked over to the front room and settled near the fire place. Vinyl took a seat while Frost and Pinkie sat on the ground talking about the events that happened at the weeding.
"...And then these nasty changelings appeared and we were trying to get the elements but we all got caught and brought back to the evil Candace lair then the real Candace and Shining Armor locked horns then WOOSH! all the baddies disappeared!" Pinkie rambled on for five minutes straight nonstop. Frost looking puzzled trying to catch what just happened. "Then the party starts and I...""...that's whereI came in." the white unicorn stopped Pinkie in a showboating manner. Finally focused Frost spoke "Right. Your music was just awesome to dance to Vinyl." "Yeah...I didn't want to make everyponydeaf after the royal weeding and all, so Iplayed a common Jam style for all the ponies to enjoy." she explains. "Still, I don't think anypony cantop the singing style of your friendPinkie. What's her name again?" The pink pony sprung up to her hooves in excitement and happily answers "Ooo! You mean Twilight Sparkle!"
The ice pony's ears stood up the moment he heard her name. As he gazed into the fire, his mind was focused on that moment when the two toned maned purple unicorn sang in her lovely dress during the weeding. Twilight...Sparkle... was the only thing he can think of as he replays the moments seeing her in Canterlot up until today. "Yep. She stole the show alright. Everyponywas moving their hooves to thebeat when she started to sing." the DJ continued. "Yeah...she's beautiful isn't she?..." Frost Trot uttered out without thinking. Pinkie Pie looked at Frost's happily dazed face confused while Vinyl lowered her shades and asked "Huh?~What wasthat?~" giving a sly look to the sudden awakened unicorn. Uh oh! Did I say that out loud? Think fast Frosty THINK! he thought as he quickly turned to the curious DJ, smiling as he closed his eyes. "Yeah. She's a beautiful singer." he calmly opened his eyes like normal as he explains "I'm sure with you, Pinkie, and Twilight together, you can be a sensational hit through all of Equestria." There was a slight pause for a couple of seconds until Vinyl puts her shades back on. " do have a point Frosty. I'llkeep that in mind." she replied as she kick's back more into her chair. The ice unicorn gave the same smile again recovering from the slip up. Whew...
Close Call! Frost thought "Close Call!" Pinkie Pie said
WHAT THE!!! the frightened unicorn thought as he hops to his hooves looking to Pinkie Pie in shock. Can she read my mind?! "Wha...What did you just say Pinkie?" Frost asked hesitantly. "I said close call." the pink pony answered as she points her hoof above the two unicorns. As they look up they can see a black box with gold trophy on the side reading as Pinkie Pie states "See? 'Close Call! Make the ultimate save.' Hmmm, I wonder what that means." The dark blue unicorn steadily turns to Vinyl for a brief moment. "Hey, that's Pinkie Pie for ya. Something random always happens when that she's around." she shrudges. "So what do you say newbie?Would you like to hear something out of this world?" The ice pony smile once again and replies "Ha! Do I?" "Well then..." Vinyl suddenly holding a remote to reveal a hidden sound system on top of the fireplace. "Let's rockthis joint!" she yelled pressing the button.
The blasting sounds can suddenly be heard throughout Ponyville as the vibrating bass can be felt all over the house. While other ponies run from the sudden booms of the bass, other ponies stayed around and danced in the middle of the roadway. It's not everyday that the ponies get a preview of new music from the well known DJ. After adjusting to loud banging notes pounding his ear drums, he can hear the unique style of music that he's never heard of before. "WOAH! WHAT IS THIS!?" Frost Trot yelling over the music. "A little special thingcalled Dubstep. Or whatI like to call it..." as the pony uses her magic to place a few equalizers on a small table in front of her with a pair of headphones on her head. "...WUBSTEP!" She cranks the volume up even louder for all of Ponyville to hear. Pinkie and Frost were hopping along to the wicked sounds from the head banging DJ.
A few more moments pass as the sun starts to make it's slow decent. The music was still playing on while Pinkie and Frost hold each other's front hooves as they take turns bouncing around perfectly to the quick beats from Vinyl Scratch. "This-IS-AWESOME!!!" Frost ecstatically yelled. "I can go like this throughout the night!" When it was Pinkie's turn to jump, she suddenly lifts her dancing partner with her and starts to wobble her body around. Feeling the same motion, Frost and Pinkie fall flat onto the ground. A loud record scratch suddenly stopped the music as Vinyl quickly trotted to check on them. "Are you guys alright?" Vinyl asked. "uhhh...yeah." Frost answered a bit dazed. "Oh no! I completely forgot!" Pinkie spoke springing to her feet. "Yep, definitely yourPinkie Sense." Vinyl spoke. "What is it Pinkie?" Frost wondered. "Mr. and Ms. Cake are worried about me. I forgot to help them make a special order MMMM for the honeymoon celebration!" "MMMM?" both unicorns replied.
"Oh, I hope I'm not too late!" Pinkie Pie spoke as she dashed out of the house. "Pinkie, hold on!" as the concerned unicorn head towards the door, he looks back to Vinyl starting to move all of her equipment with her magic. "Will you be alright Vinyl?" he asks. "Ehh, I'll be alright. I doall of this often before I hadany friends to call my own." Vynil answers as she takes off her shades looking onward with her ruby colored eyes. "You know..." spotting the cutie mark on his flank "...for an ice pony, you're prettycool. Hope to see you again." winking to him as she walks upstairs with her equipment hovering above her. "Same here. Thanks for the awesome music Vinyl." Frost Trot spoke with a cool looking grin as he closes the door behind him and trots off to Sugarcube Corner, the very first spot in the tour after running into Pinkie Pie.