Imagine if you will, a what if scenario, a scenario in which an otter, named Joey, never joined part in the world of magic. A scenario in which, this very otter joined the world of science and exploration. Join us now as we venture into a world, a world mystery, where mystery can be found all over the place, where an otter seeks to wade through the sea of mystery and uncover the secrets within. Join us as we venture into, Tales From Otter Space!
We begin our story at a space center, preparing for its launch to a new nearby planet, as Joey, was preparing for his great adventure into the furthest reaches of space.
"So Mr... uhh Finisra is it?" A tall Tiger in a white lab coat asked, looking a clipboard of papers
"Yes, That's correct" Joey replied in confirmation
"You may call me Mr. Studwell" He replies shaking the otters paw "Well seems you have made it through the training perfectly fine, are you sure you wish to go through with this undertaking? Once you launch you can't exactly get cold feet and turn around" The Studwell asked
"I am sure, wouldn't be here otherwise" Joey replied with a grin
"Well good, glad to hear. We have been hoping to find someone willing to go on this venture" He replied as he scribbled away on a few forms
"Why is that?" Joey asked raising an eyebrow
"Well, here at space center we have been doing countless unmanned tests to fine tune our new warp drive and our newest lander" The tiger answered not going any further
"Okay.....?" Joey responded questioningly hoping for him to go on
"And well, we have had a few....unsuccessful trials in our early days, but we got it down, we wouldn't be launching if we weren't sure if it was safe" The tiger replied "In fact we recently got a satellite in orbit around this planet you will be going to, and we have found it to be well within our power to get a fur on the surface" Studwell answered further
"Well yes I got that but if it's safe then why are you having trouble getting someone to go on this trip?" Joey asked as he felt like he should reconsider at this point
"Oh lies, people just listen to those lies from that other space center, the ones who can't even get off the launch platform, they blow up their rockets strapping everything together so haphazardly that you'd swear it was made by some kid playing a video game, who is trying to blow up everything" He replied "I assure you Mr. Finisra, that we value safety here" He replied
"Well... all right then... so what do I do now?" Joey asked
"Now? Now you must get suited up in your space suit, we have done our research and our scientists have engineered a suit to protect you from anything that planet could throw at you and then some" He answered, swiping his badge to open a door to another room, "Now just follow me and we will get you suited up"
Joey nodded his head and walked inside following Studwell into the room. Inside the room was a set of lockers, with the Suits hanging inside them, seeing a couple were currently missing.
"So I take it I'm not the only one going" Joey commented taking notice of the missing suits
"Well of course not, no offense, but you did fail to land the shuttle in the simulator and your math leaves a lot to be desired but you have the physical requirements to handle the required assignment. So you will be assisting the other two in performing the actual exploration of the planet, collect samples, plant the flag, take photos that sort of stuff, the others will handle the rest" the tiger replied grabbing out one of the suits, "Now strip down and we can begin" He replied
Joey nodded his head and blushed a bit as he removed his pants and shirt, and removed his shoes before standing there in the room in just his underwear.
"All the way Mr. Finisra" Studwell replied seeing the otter still in his underwear
"Umm okay...will there be some kind of underwear I will be wearing then?" He asked removing his underwear, blushing a but curling his tail up between his legs to cover on up.
"Well....sort of.." The tiger replied grabbing out a large thick diaper
"Ummm.... there aren't any toilets on the shuttle?" Joey asked blushing deeply at the sight
", a zero gravity toilet, while not impossible is a bit costly and adds a bit too much weight for the shuttle, plus you won't have the option of a toilet when you are on the planet's surface" The tiger answered handing the diaper to the otter
"Well there no gravity in space right?" Joey asked
"Well yes, but there's gravity here, and adding a toilet would delay things quite a bit, besides a zero gravity clog would be.... well lets just say it would be a disaster in its own way" Studwell explained
Joey took it, blushing a deep crimson, "Right... Hadn't considered that last point" He replied before unfolding it and taping it on as best he could
"Besides no one is going to tease you for it, now for the rest of the suit" Studwell responded helping the otter suit on up.
The thick rubbery latex of the suit stretched and cracked, as it was pulled on up and around the otter. Various clicks and hisses could be heard as the joints were connected together, locked in place with various valves keeping the suit airtight. Joey could only squirm some a bit as everything squeezed around him and his thick diaper, making it rustle and crinkle before he felt something click around the bulge of the diaper. Looking down, he saw what he could only describe as yellow rubbery panties with an odd glass display on the front.
"Oh that?" The tiger asked taking notice of Joey's curiosity, "It's a special display, it can detect the usage of the diaper and alert you when it is in need of a change. I mean it will be difficult to really check it with this suit on, so this will help in keeping tabs on it" The tiger explained
"Riiiight, and how do I change it with this suit on?" Joey asked
"We have a special machine on board the ship, it can quickly undo the various locks it needs to undo to remove the suit around the crotch area, to initiate a change, once its done it puts the suit back on before releasing you" The tiger answered
"And what if it needs changing when I'm on the planet?" Joey asked
"Than lander module you will ride on down in will have one as well, so don't worry" The tyger explained
"And if I don't change?" Joey asked
"Well besides the possibility of a diaper rash, it could leak in the suit some and then you will have to put up with that" The tiger answered, "Now let's finish up, gotta get your helmet on, and your oxygen pack and battery pack"
Joey just nodded his head, as his helmet slipped on over his head, his ears being carefully tucked away into the slits for them in the helmet. Joey looked around a bit as the visor was currently opened up, before there was a slight tugging from behind as some hoses were clicked in place into the back of the helmet and and backpack was secured to his back.
"Doing okay?" The tiger asked
"Yeah" Joey replied nodding some, as the suit felt really weird on him before something odd was being brought up before him.
Various cables were being hooked up to the front of his suit, as it almost looked like a rubbery bra, as his arms were slipped in through the armholes and was strapped on around him and was tightly locked in place, blending almost perfectly with the rest of the suit. Joey just blushed intensely as he looked himself over with this new device on him.
"Something wrong?" the tiger asked
"Ummm..... this thing makes me look like I have boobs" Joey replied
"Oh don't be so silly, that's the power pack" The tiger replied
"Why couldn't the power be part of the back pack?" Joey asked
"Not enough room" He replied
"Does it have to look like a boobs or a bra?" Joey asked
"That's how it was made it was built with two chambers holding special power cells, they could keep this suit powered up for several years" He replied pressing a few buttons on one of Joey's wrist controls.
In an instant the display over his diaper had lit up with green text that read, 'clean'. The visor quickly clamped down in front of his face as a UI began to display on it, showing various vital signs and all clear on the suits status as air began hissing inside the helmet. Joey soon stared at the tiger in confusion as he saw his mouth moving but couldn't hear anything. Taking notice, the tiger pressed a few more buttons as static crackled in Joey's ears, as the speakers in the helmet came to life.
"If you can hear me, raise your right paw" The tiger commanded
Joey raised it, and despite how tight the suit felt around him, he still found it easy to move about like normal.
"Good, you can hear, now your suit will easily last for this trip, and don't worry too much about it ripping, it's a special rubbery latex substance the boys cooked up in the labs, it can stretch and stretch, but doesn't rip so you don't have to worry about that" The tiger explained a bit
"Do I get a blaster or a phaser or something?" Joey asked curiously as the tiger burst out in laughter
"This isn't a sci fi movie or a video game, besides there's nothing on that planet to be a threat, this is a peaceful science mission not galaga or centipede or whatever you kids play these days" He replied ushering the otter along to a lift. "Once you get to the top just board the spacecraft and strap in once everything is good to go, you will launch and if our calculations are correct, upon reaching orbit, and clearing the moon and satellites, will initiate a hyper jump to the planet, and arrive quite shortly after. your crew will orbit the planet, and you and your partner will land on the surface where you will do your job of being the first to set foot on the planet" He explained
"Do I get to name the planet?" Joey asked
"It already has a name Mr. Finisra" he answered
"A nickname then?" Joey asked
"Very well, you can give it a nickname once you set foot" he replied before pressing a button, sending the lift upwards.
Joey stood there, as the display began showing increasing numbers, as he figured out that it was showing his elevation as the lift started to come to a haltas the doors opened behind him. Turning around, the otter saw the large shuttle on the launch pad, as it seemed it was just waiting on him. Walking quickly, the otter entered inside where two others were in there seats, a coyote and a panther, as they were preparing to launch. Seeing an empty seat, Joey climbed into it and quickly strapped on in, facing up at the sky. As he got comfortable the door sealed shut with a hiss and soon the countdown could be heard as he shut his eyes, breathing deeply.
"You okay?" The panther asked
"I am, or will be, just my first time actually going on up into space" Joey replied
"Don't worry me and Mr. Thurston are experienced with this, there's nothing to really worry about" The panther replied
It had only been mere minutes, but in his mind, it felt like eternity when he finally heard the countdown reach the final ten seconds. Joey braced himself as the voice reading the seconds reached zero and suddenly heard,"Blast off" on the intercom. Instantly, he felt himself being pressed against his seat, unable to move from his seat, as he opened his eyes and watched as the blue skies faded away to darkness as the star filled sky replaced the scenery. The feeling of weightlessness filled the otter, allowing him to relax more as they flew on further on out orbiting their homeworld. Joey turned his head, looking out the window, seeing his homeworld from space, as they orbited around quickly reaching the side blanketed in darkness. From where he sat, he saw lights all over the land and sea from cities above and below the water as they began approaching the moon.
"Hang on, we're about to use the moon to slingshot us away from our homeworld, once we complete the slingshot we will activate the warp drive" Thurston replied as he began working the controls.
the ship turned suddenly as it began shooting on around the moon, the coyote locked in focus. Joey just watched as they passed on around the dark side of the moon, catching a brief glimpse of the large number of craters as the ship started rapidly gaining speed.
"Initiate warp drive" Thurston commanded to the panther
Nodding his head, the panther activated the warp, as streaks of light engulfed their view as they began to shoot across the vastness of space.
"Holding up back there?" The panther asked
Joey nodded his head, "Yeah doing better now, how long will it be?" The otter asked
Just as he had asked the ship left its warp, the view returning to normal, as they began to approach the rocky planet. Gazing at it, the otter could see some blue oceans and rivers that glowed brightly from the surface, as it had a single moon in orbit, with molten craters.
"So this is the place?" Joey asked
"Yup, this is Zirus 259" The coyote replied
"Wait...that's seriously the name?" Joey asked
"Yes" The coyote responded
"You guys are terrible at names" Joey commented
"You got a better one?" Thurston asked
"Yup, you will hear it when I set foot on it" Joey replied
The coyote sighed some and cleared his throat "Anyway, you will be going down with Mr. Marston" He replied pointing to the panther, "He will handle the landing and once you are done with your job, he will bring you back up and take us back home" The coyote replied
"And you?" Joey asked wondering what he would be doing
"Me? I will be doing the hard part, I'm the one who has to do all the brain work to analyze all of the stuff you find down there" The coyote answered
"So do we have to go to the moon?" Joey asked
"No not us anyway, suits weren't made for the temperatures there, the planet is all we are going to" He answered
"Once I get us in orbit we will go down, So be sure you are ready, once we go down we won't be going back up till your done down there" Marston informed
Moments later, a lander soon set down, landing safely on the surface, as a hatch opened up, and Joey stepped on out, holding a flag pole. Stepping on down off the ramp of the lander, he finally rested a boot on the surface and stuck the flag into the ground.
"I am the first otter to set foot on Bob!" Joey exclaimed.
"BOB!?" Marston exclaimed in surprise hearing the otters nickname for the planet.
"You can't name a planet Bob!" Thurston exclaimed
"They said I could nickname it when I set foot on it" Joey answered in defense
"But why Bob!?" Marston asked
"It looks like a Bob" Joey simply answered
"Remind me to tell the geniuses back at home to never let an otter name a planet again" The coyote told the panther
"Your just jealous you didn't get to name it yourselves" Joey replied taking a picture of the planted flag and the surrounding mountainous landscape
"Just collect the scans and samples" Marston replied
"Fine" Joey replied as he walked on off
"Now it's very simple, the gloves on your hands act as a scanner, you will notice the odd design on the paws of the gloves, they are an experimental scanner, all you do is hold the objects in both paws and they will scan the item, stick your hands in the water and you will scan it, you get the idea" The coyote replied
"Ummm isn't it a bad idea to stick my hands into mysterious fluids?" Joey asked
"Well if your worried that the water is acidic or something don't worry we know it's not dangerous but we just don't know what it is made of" The coyote replied
"Yeah, sure whatever you say" Joey replied rolling his eyes
The otter walked on off into the environment looking at everything as he couldn't care less about scanning rocks at the moment, being the first fur on the alien world was a thrilling experience and wanted to enjoy it. Sprinting on along some rocks, Joey smiled in excitement, before stopping by a river bed and gazed into the glowing water. Joey just stared into it some wondering if it was safe or if anything could even live in it or not. While Joey gazed into the water debating whether or not to stick his hand in it or not to scan it, his attention was soon grabbed and pulled away as a reddish orange hue began to cover the land. Looking up, the otter saw Bob's only moon rising overhead, as the molten surface lit up the night sky, as it reflected some light from the sun, illuminating the surface.
"Wow, never thought I would see anything like this" Joey commented
"I will admit, it is an impressive sight, with this new warp drive we will be able to see so many more sights like this" Marston replied as he gazed out a window in the lander
"Seems the moon is hot enough to keep the planet warm at night, it's very interesting indeed" Thurston commented
Joey nodded to himself as he began wandering around a bit more hoping to see something like a waterfall or any kind of vegetation, wondering if there was anything here like back at home. As he wandered about, the otter felt a feeling growing in his bladder and knew what it meant. Joey just blushed and just looked around some as if making sure no one was watching despite the fact that there was obviously no one around. Seeing the coast was clear he spread his legs as much as his suit would allow and sighed in relief, as a hissing sound filled his suit. As he began to soak his diaper, there a rapid beeping sound that grew gradually louder before hearing a chime, that snapped him out of his feeling of relief.
"What was that beeping just now?" Joey asked in confusion looking at the UI display on the visor hoping it didn't mean anything serious
"That would be the sensor over the diaper, it lets you know when it's being used and when it detects that its no longer being used" The coyote replied
Looking down, Joey saw the display no longer read clean, but now displayed yellow text reading 'Diaper Wet'. Blushing slightly, the otter just shrugged his shoulders and lifted his tail as the beeping sound returned followed by the chime. Looking down again, Joey saw that the display now showed red text reading 'Warning Diaper Full'.
"Already? The coyote asked
"Huh!?" Joey asked in surprise hearing his voice
"Dude, I can monitor everyone's suits from up here, and you wasted no time in using that diaper" He commented
"Well I already wet it so why not?" Joey asked
"We're so not getting off this planet are we?" Marston asked
"Not likely" The coyote answered
"I can hear you two" Joey replied
"Good!" They both replied in unison
"Fine, I'll head back for a change and take this seriously" Joey informed the two with a deep sigh
Shrugging it off, Joey ran on off back to the lander for a change before exploring more of the world, and hopefully many more loving the excitement of exploring.
This was done by limlam on fa though they currently have their account disabled sadly :(
dissapointing as I would love to get more space themed stuff for my otter. I kinda like the idea of him traveling through space and exploring planets searching for cool new stuff to see
space suit
outer space
1 year, 2 months ago
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