~~~You're right. This isn't so bad, Pete.
Yeah, this makes way more sense than you carrying me.~~~Casey Hopper had a problem.
She desperately wanted to volunteer as a chaperone for the community Trick-or-Treat event, but nobody would take her seriously. Despite providing official proof of age and identity, she was turned away at every corner. In the worst case, she had her legitimate driver's license confiscated and was forced to call an 'adult' to pick her up.
Pete was more than happy to help out his little friend in need, giving her a ride home and hearing out her tale of frustration. After thinking about it for a moment, the bear had a plan. They could register for the event together! Sure... Casey was registered as a cub, but that was just a technicality. As far as they were concerned, she was the one in charge. It was the perfect con!
And on top of that, they ended up with a bucket of candy as a bonus!
~~~A big thanks to all of my friends who joined in on this adorable piece:Casey, the perpetually pre-pubescent rabbit and prettiest princess belongs to
Pete the bear belongs to me. Casey's knight in shining armor in more than one way~
Lizzie the possum and distressingly realistic zombie belongs to
's squirrel Beau came rocking a cowboy look inspired by
Back to the Future 3. I wonder if he's wearing boots or sneakers~
And an extra huge thanks to
for not only creating the art but also letting her pupper Silva join in the fun dressed as Zero from
The Nightmare Before Christmas.