no.3: Melvin Junko/Toxi - Toxic Avenger Suggested by PlanetWhorbius
We often find our saving graces at the eleventh hour; just as I was in the midst of starting this countdown and the deadline for all suggestions reared it's head, out of the woodwork came one so based that made me glad I waited till the last second to start!
Toxic Avenger and Troma Entertainment as a whole was something I had slept on for far too long. Of course I knew about them, you can't be into schlock horror without knowing their names, but I had never really given them much of a chance. Most of what I saw didn't stick with me and I just never got around to seeing the Toxic Avenger. That was until more recently when I finally took it upon myself to change that and my God, all the wasted years... the absurd horribleness of it all was like music to my ears. It was like a fine milk that had matured with age. It's awful, it's crude, it knows exactly what it's doing and I love it! Troma may still be a little hit or miss for me, but I commend them on just being 100% themselves and they wouldn't be here now were it not for Toxi. Given this new found love, I just had to give the big radioactive lug a spot among stars, but with only two left, only my absolute favorites could make it~ Stay with us for this year's conclusion!