As a long time fan of the Legend of Zelda, I find myself being a divisive when it comes to the Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. While I think they're fine games, I unfortunately feel that for every great thing they did for the series, they did something just as equally damning. I suppose that's just what happens when you go in a drastically different direction for a long standing series. For all the things I may dislike about these two titles though, the one thing I can say it's most net positive feature is Master-fucking-Kohga!
Say what you will, but this is what male perfection looks like! There's a lot to love about foil villains like Kohga, but more over the Legend of Zelda series needs more villains like this! Most of the villain roster is consumed by big dungeon bosses and while we may get a Zant or Ghirahim ever so often but in the end they tend to play second fiddle to Ganon or are simply never mentioned again. It's an unfortunate flaw in the series, so bless whoever made this chunky, red spandex glad clod of a ninja! You time with us may have been brief, but it will never be forgotten!
Thanks again to CoCotheMalamute for this suggestion!