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Malcolm in the Middle - Crinkle a Mile in Someone Else's Shoes

Malcolm 2 - A New Normal
Keywords male 1197282, wolf 193579, diapers 22020, abdl 16732, teenager 10800, panther 8338, wet diaper 5669, diaper change 1987, role reversal 1068, pullups 1030, bedwetting 732, tbdl 272, diaper check 249
The Wolf family was an average upper middle class family living in the suburbs. Their mother traveled overseas often so much of the heavy lifting of raising the married pairs three boys was left to their father. Or at least that's how it used to be.

While their first son Colton was growing, the married pair grew to learn that they weren't in for an easy ride. While Colton was a happy and healthy pup, he matured much slower than other kids. He always had a hard time learning things that others had quickly grasped. This unfortunately included potty training.

When Malcolm was born, the couple feared that he might suffer the same fate, but were relieved when he'd mastered it earlier than most pups. However, he was always curious as to why his older brother still needed diapers and had grown completely fixated on it.

Kiba, their youngest and final (hopefully, they often mused) child, was developmentally normal in that he excelled at school, but he suffered the same fate as his eldest brother in failing to graduate to underwear at nights. While he didn't need them during the day like Colton, he simply couldn't shake the habit of nightly wetting.

The trio of brothers were separated only by a few years with Colton being fourteen, Malcolm twelve, and Kiba ten. They had the typical squabbles that brothers had, but their dynamic was not typical. Because of Colton's developmental issues, he was "put in charge" publicly, yet Malcolm was always secretly told to look after his brothers. It didn't help that Malcolm couldn't get the hang of changing himself and Kiba was constantly getting into trouble with neighbors and friends.

This arrangement had become commonplace years earlier, and the trio's parents had learned to trust Malcolm with this responsibility to the point that their father was able to go back to work as a truck driver. While he still came home most nights, it would often be after they were all fast asleep. He still did his best to prepare meals, but Malcolm had managed to keep his siblings in check and fed in his absence.

Malcolm did his best not to rock the boat for this reason. His brothers slept together in what he secretly called "the baby room" whereas he got his own room, complete with his own computer and consoles. Yet there was always a funny feeling in his gut whenever he helped either of his brothers with their wetting issues. It felt like jealousy, but he didn't understand it. Maybe it was because it was unfair that he had to take care of his brothers? But he liked the benefits that came from it and his parents were always fair about it, so it wasn't like he had room to complain.

A strange curiosity began to pull at Malcolm of late. What was it that sparked the foreign sensation whenever he saw his brothers' diapers? He'd always had something similar. He remembered asking often as a much younger pup why his brothers needed to wear diapers when he himself did not. Did he want to wear diapers? Why?

He started swiping some of his brothers' diapers after helping them. He didn't wear them. At least not yet. Mostly, he inspected them and prodded at them as if he might understand the magic they held over him. Kiba's daytime pullups and nighttime GoodNites were cute. Too cute. Perhaps that's why the younger pup rebelled against them (as they were for babies). There was nothing they could do about the cartoon designs - those were always the ones available at their local store. It was a special trip to get Colton's diapers. Bone Drys, they were called. They were thick, mostly plain diapers that could hold nearly a full day's wetting if absolutely necessary. True, the three boys could technically fit in each other's clothes, but there was no way that the boys' parents would ever give up on Kiba's potty training and allow him to wear the much thicker diapers. It was hard enough for Malcolm to get the super adhesive tapes off to change his older brother and they became useless afterwards since the material would rip in the process. As it stood, Kiba had decreased his wetting frequency to the point that he could sometimes reuse a pullup or GoodNite after a shower or bedtime.

The crinkle of the diapers were satisfying. As the days progressed, Malcolm found confidence in the privacy of his nighttime escapades. It started small. He locked the door to his room and brought out the full length mirror to try on one of his little brother's pullups. It fit! His heart raced as he looped his tail through the back and secured the strap that allowed it to stay on. That same tail wagged, causing the garment to produce its telltale crinkle signalling that he wasn't wearing his big boy undies, but instead a pair of underwear meant for bedwetters. He twirled around, seeing that it fit him remarkably well. As he focused on his need to urinate, he thought better of it. Still...he liked the way that he looked in the mirror.

While he was confident that he'd locked the door, the sound of the floor creaking was enough to cause him to hold his breath and check it again. The splashing of toilet water down the hallway moments later clued him into the cause - Kiba had woken up to use the potty. There was a feeling of pride as an older brother who wanted to see him succeed, but he couldn't help but also recognize that it also meant the pullups wouldn't be around forever.

Malcolm used the opportunity of his little brother running the water to unstrap the tail and take off the pull-up. He wasn't ready to actually wear these things...not yet. Instead, he flopped onto his bed, secretly hoping that he'd wake up with a wet bed, yet also knowing that he would probably wake up and take care of it before it became a problem.


The next night Malcolm found himself in that same predicament. He willed himself to go to sleep and forget the weird feeling that his brothers' diapers gave him. Yet his brain wouldn't stop focusing on how he'd felt in the pullup. It felt...comfy. "Just one night" he told himself, not allowing the luxury of actually checking the mirror this time. His heartbeat skyrocketed as he pulled the padded garment over his waist and secured the back. As he climbed back in bed, he tried not to acknowledge the pullup's existence, yet it was a losing battle. It felt right.

Once more, he closed his eyes, hoping that he'd wake up in a wet bed wishing that he could be in either of his brothers' places. However, when morning came, he found that he was as dry as he always was.

This routine continued for several days. Malcolm used the same pullup each time to avoid suspicion and hid it with his "emergency stash" that he kept for his parents in case they forgot to restock. There wasn't anything strange about the fact that it was in his room that way, right?

Meanwhile, the daytime routine had largely remained the same. Kiba had woken up dry most nights at this point and the one night where he had wet a little, it was barely noticeable to the point that the wetness indicators hadn't changed. He hadn't wet a pullup during the day in months. Malcolm had to hide the pain on his face when his father revealed that they wouldn't be buying any more.


The news of his brothers' exploits and how he should be more like them never phased Colton. He had mostly accepted that he was going to be permanently in diapers and felt no sense of competition with his younger brothers, content to waddle around in just his wet diapers around the house most days. He'd even mostly given up on being seen as an older brother and had relented to playing with building blocks and toy trains. At some point in his youth, he'd dropped the pretense that he was more mature and admitted that he just liked simple things and didn't care that his brothers changed him. However, he had noticed some changes that none of the rest of the family had.

For one, Colton noticed that Malcolm had begun to stare an awful lot during changes. His middle brother had always been curious and that had thrown him off. After all, even his parents didn't "want" to change his diapers. He also noticed how Malcolm was reacting whenever Kiba had succeeded or failed at potty training. At first, he thought that maybe Malcolm was just a mean brother that wanted them both to fail, but he got over that thought. Malcolm never teased them, after all. He'd occasionally let slip a "baby" brother, but he always corrected himself and apologized. It was more complicated than that.

That was when he did some snooping. He found Malcolm's diaper stash with the telltale signs of one of the pullups specifically having been worn many times. While he didn't understand why his brother would want to wear diapers, he knew it was the case. Of course, he knew he wasn't clever. He didn't know how to convince his brother that it was alright. But he had an idea.


*cough* *cough* "I can't make it to school, Malcolm." Colton faked.

Malcolm resisted the urge to roll his eyes. This was the only day that Colton 'needed' to go to campus. Because he wasn't as quick a learner as the other kids, he got to take the exams at a summer cram school. "Come on, bro. You're not fooling anyone. You chose this day. If you don't go in, mom and dad will be really mad." Malcolm replied, pulling his brother's arm from his dormant position on his bed.

"I swear!" *cough* *cough* Colton continued. "I can't go."

Malcolm groaned. "Come on...they're gonna be mad at both of us if you don't get up."

Right as Malcolm was about to throw his hands up in defeat and Colton was about to call his plan a failure, their younger brother stepped in.

"Couldn't you just go in his place? It's not like they'll know," Kiba suggested.

"That's cheating," Malcolm remarked, "and if anyone found out we'd be in so much trouble."

"Then don't tell anyone. It's not like we're gonna snitch," Kiba added.

Malcolm grumbled, pacing about as he looked at the clock. The school worker would be by shortly and might even be outside right now. "Ugh...you're lucky I love you. You better make it up to me!"

The young wolf grabbed the backpack that contained Colton's study materials and headed towards the front door right in time.

Towering two feet above him was a muscular black panther. The cat grinned a smile that was too wide, almost like he was trying not to be scary. It had the opposite effect. Malcolm cautiously gauged the adult's reaction to seeing him. Did he know Colton already? Would this plan even work? The adult's eyes honed in on what he was holding. "Ahh, there you are Colton. Are you ready, buddy?"

Malcolm looked down at the bag in his paws, growing embarrassed at the sigh of the crayon handwritten name on the tiny postcard. He nodded politely, not wanting to verbally lie or give away too much despite the lack of a glimmer of recognition on the panther's features.

"Up we go!" the man said, picking Malcolm up easily and causing his flush to worsen, particularly when he felt his butt being inspected. "Oh no. I think you're not ready after all. Well thankfully I can take care of that."

"W-wait..." Malcolm tried to blurt out, but stopped himself. He could feel how hot his face was getting as he was being carried towards the van where the open side door revealed what was clearly a car seat meant for babies. Moreso than that, some of the seats had been ripped out and in its place was clearly a changing table that he was now being placed on.

"It's alright little guy. I've heard you're pretty shy. I'll get it over with quick. No one will notice," the panther promised as he unzipped Colton's bag to produce one of his BoneDrys. True to his word, Malcolm was stripped, powdered, and diapered in just under 30 seconds. Like ripping off a bandaid, he wasn't given much time to process the fact he was being put into a diaper. If the panther had taken longer, there was no way that he wouldn't have fussed and complained and given himself away.

However, once the diaper was on, there was no going back. At this point, he'd need to keep up the act until he was safely back home. He did his best to not react to being strapped into the car seat, especially because the panther hadn't bothered to put his pants back on yet. But there was a strange sense of comfort in the extra security of the padded seat...and the padding around his bottom.

He had never tried one of his older brother's diapers before. It felt surprisingly comfortable despite its bulk. Looking at himself in the mirror that hung behind the driver's headrest, he remarked at how much he looked like his big brother now that he was wearing his trademark fashion. They had a strong family resemblance, after all. Maybe they'd get away with it...and if not, he'd have a lot of explaining to do to whoever saw him.

The drive to the testing center wasn't a long one. Once they were stopped, the panther checked on his cell phone. "Looks like we made it with some time to spare, little guy. Want me to help you put your clothes on?"

Malcolm nodded. While he didn't actually need help, it would just be easier to get it. Besides, he found that he liked being picked up. The pants he'd been wearing previously caught on the thick seat of the diaper and the strap that would keep his tail strap secured would not connect with the extra thickness.

"Looks like you're wearing the wrong pants for this, bud. I'll pull them up as much as I can, but try not to bend over too much, alright?"

Once more, the pup nodded. He craned his head back to see the obvious poof of a diaper peeking out over the unsnapped backing of his pants. "Don't think about it," he repeated in his head over and over, yet he couldn't stop the sense of giddiness he was getting from being in the very obvious diaper.

The panther then took him by the paw, walking him around the unfamiliar campus. He would've rather been carried, but he wasn't going to suggest that. Especially because there were a couple of other kids - some younger, some older - that were also heading in the same direction as him. He didn't think he recognized any of them, but he was also clinging very tightly to the panther's side and trying to keep his face hidden as much as possible just in case.

"Alright, I have to wait out here for you, but once you're done, just come right out to see me, okay Colton?" the panther instructed, pointing at a door that said "testing room."

Malcolm let go of the panther's hand and entered the room. The sooner he could be done with this, the better.

The test was easier than he thought. Malcolm pretended to struggle so that he wouldn't alert the teacher who was supervising. He was surprised that it was only math that he was being tested on. He giddily answered each question in his head instantly before taking a fake pause to answer the question. There were a few other kids in the room besides him, and he made sure that he didn't turn it in until several other people had gone up to turn in theirs. About an hour later, he left the room quietly to a patiently waiting escort.

"Hey there, bud. How'd you do?" the panther asked, ruffling his hair.

Malcolm resisted the urge to let out an overenthusiastic bark from the pet. It didn't however stop his tail from wagging rapidly behind him, causing the hallway to fill with the sound of crinkling.

"Not too bad, huh?" he reasoned, not receiving any words in response. The adult's paw went to pull back the waistband of his pants to peer down at his BoneDrys. "Looks like you did well in two different ways, little guy."

Malcolm's face flared hot and he forced his face into the adult's belly to hide. Some of the kids nearby were giggling, undoubtedly at the site of his diaper being checked and the fact that his tail only sped up.

"I hope that my boy ends up being as cute as you," the escort praised before picking Malcolm up. It wasn't as if the boy was going to take his paw any time soon with the state of embarrassment he was in.

A few moments later, Malcolm was surprised when he was being set down in front of another test room. He looked to the panther in confusion.

"It's alright, bud. I'll still be here after this one too. Go on. You got this," he encouraged, patting the wolf's padded rump and pushing him ever so slightly towards the door.

This time the test was reading and writing. He should've known there would be more. The multiple choice part of the exam wasn't too bad. Just like the math part of the exam, he could just take his time answering the questions. However, when he got to the essay portion, he stopped dead in his tracks. What should he do? Colton had atrocious spelling and handwriting. He didn't know how to fake that.

To make matters worse, his bladder was now reminding him of the fact that he hadn't peed yet that morning. His heart thumped rapidly in his chest. If he stayed at the school any longer, he'd need to pee and given the way the BoneDrys worked, he couldn't sneak his way to the bathroom and put it back on. Should he just turn in the test and try to get the escort to take him home? What if he had another test afterward? "Aww, heck," Malcolm said inwardly, standing up.

The teacher looked his way and seemed surprised. He hadn't been here for very long. This was obviously suspicious. This was going to bring up red flags. He sat back down at the desk.

Trying to suppress his whimper, he surrendered to the pressure in his bladder and began flooding his BoneDrys. He could feel them grow heavy, warm, and sag and watched his crotch in his peripheral vision as the front of his jeans ever so slightly puffed up. The teacher was no longer looking his way and neither were any of the other students and he was happy for it because tears had formed at the edges of his eyes. It wasn't a real accident and yet he still felt shame for peeing himself. He wiped away the tears and tried not to sniffle as he went back to the test.

Strangely, he felt inspired. He'd seen Colton's writing homework before. He'd helped him with it before. He knew how he occasionally would write backwards letters or forget to capitalize. It was like catharsis. Roleplaying the exercise of answering the question as if he was Colton had defeated the negativity that had come over him.

Once more, an hour had passed before he turned in the exam and once more the panther was there waiting for him. The hallway was significantly less crowded. Many of the students who were in this program must've already gone home after finishing their exams. However, those students who were in the hall laughed when they saw the older boy get a diaper check.

"Whelp, it doesn't look like you did too much damage. Do you feel like you need a change, bud?" the panther asked.

Malcolm shook his head and repeated the performance of burying his face into the adult until he was picked up. There was no way that he was going to get his diaper changed in a public space. He was hoping that they were done, but he got the distinct impression that they weren't. And his suspicions proved true when he was set in front of yet another testing room.

At this point, he'd gotten the hang of the process and what he needed to do. He immediately sat himself down, noting that there were very few students in this room to gauge his speed off of. Science. It was one of the things that Colton showed interest in. He was probably pretty good at it. He quickly answered each of the questions and waited until another kid stood up before he turned it in. The teacher didn't seem to have any reaction when he stood up, so he assumed it was probably fine.

When he left the room, the panther perked up. It had probably only been ten minutes or so. "Wow. Well I guess we'll get to the last exam, bud." Without a check or the need to force himself onto the panther, Malcolm was picked up and allowed to hide his face. Unlike before, he wasn't set down in front of a door. On the contrary, he felt the panther redistribute his weight to bring him into a room that smelled sterile...like a doctor's office.

"Hi there!" an overenthusiastic ferret cried as Malcolm was shifted into her arms. "Ooo, you're a big one. Colton, I presume?"

Malcolm simply nodded, not enthused by the fact that a new stranger was now holding him so closely.

"I'm just gonna set you right down for a minute. We're going to need to check some vitals before we can let you do your P.T. test, okay, bud?" she asked, not really actually waiting to hear an answer as she began disrobing him.

Malcolm did his best to not resist, despite the fact that he was stripped down to just the wet DryNite. He did as the nurse ordered at each stage.

The nurse whispered a few things with the panther out of earshot and Malcolm tried not to be paranoid over whether they'd somehow found him out.

After a few minutes, they asked him to get on an elliptical and start running until he was told to stop. Given that he was only wearing a diaper, the rhythmic crinkling and squishing distracted him to the point that it was all that he could think about, but was relieved when he was told that he could stop.

"What a champ," the panther said, taking the opportunity to help Malcolm get his clothes back on. "That's all for today. You did a great job, bud." Given the extra sag, Malcolm's pants were even harder to get on, but they compromised with the undone tail strap once more.

When the panther picked him up once more, he found that he was utterly exhausted. It felt so nice to be carried. And being in a wet diaper wasn't so bad after all. Maybe there really was something to his obsession over diapers.


Sounds blurred in Malcolm's head. The sliding of a door. The buckling of a seat belt. The whoosh of the air past the car. At some point, he'd fallen asleep, having only vague memories of the car ride home and what had preceded it.

When he came to, his eyes shot open. He was in his bed. He threw his blanket off of himself revealing the thoroughly soaked BoneDry and nothing else.

His mind raced, trying to put together the pieces. He vaguely remembered being carried. Had the panther brought him back home and put him to bed? Had he really wet the bed? The diaper was much soggier than the small accident he'd had at the school.

---An hour earlier---

"You must be Malcolm," the panther said, greeting the teenaged wolf at the entrance to the house.

"Yup!" Colton replied, offering his assistance with his backpack as he opened the door for the escort. "I'll grab his stuff. You can take him to my bed. He sleeps better there." Meanwhile, he giggled under his breath, seeing the telltale diaper poking out from his younger brother's waistband.

"He was a very good trooper today. You've got a very good brother," the adult said, doing as suggested and following the young boy through the house.

"I know," came the response followed by the enthusiastic wagging of a tail accompanied by the squishing and crinkling of his diaper.

"Do you need any help before I drop this little guy off?" he asked.

"Nah. I'll take care of him," Colton replied.

"Alright. Well you better take care of yourself too there, bud. Seems like the cuteness runs in the family," the panther chuckled. "Tell him I said goodbye for me, alright?"

"Sure thing," Colton said, seeing the panther off.

Colton felt proud of himself as he derobed his brother down to just the diaper. In truth, he wasn't sure whether this plan would work out. They rarely ever did where he was concerned. Yet there his younger brother was in a clearly wet BoneDry and a dumb smile on his face. Maybe he could do more?

He'd never changed a diaper before. He'd tried doing it himself, but it always fit wrong. Even his current diaper was still the one he was wearing from when he woke up since Malcolm hadn't been around to help. He could ask Kiba, but the ten-year-old was always mean about it. Besides, he did have one trick he learned for when he made it to the potty on time on rare occasion.

Pulling down on his own BoneDry like it was a pullup, he shimmied the soaked garment down until it plopped onto the floor with a wet thud. Doing his best to not wake his brother, he did the same thing with the lightly used one. Then with a smile of glee at his spark of brilliance, he pulled his used BoneDry back onto Malcolm's waist and swapped the gently used one with his own. "That should do it," he said, patting his brother's head and tucking him in.

---Back to the present---

As Malcolm was still recovering from the shock of having had another accident, Colton and Kiba made their way in, instantly spotting his predicament. Crud, the door hadn't been locked!

Kiba pointed and immediately fell to the floor in hysterics, "HAHAHAHA!"

Colton just smiled and placed his paw on his little brother's shoulder. "It's alright. Lets get you in one of Kiba's pullups, little bro."

A story about twelve-year-old furry Malcolm Wolf who grew up with an older and younger brother that both wet the bed. Despite not having the same problem, Malcolm has always harbored a secret affection for their nighttime protection.

male 1,197,282, wolf 193,579, diapers 22,020, abdl 16,732, teenager 10,800, panther 8,338, wet diaper 5,669, diaper change 1,987, role reversal 1,068, pullups 1,030, bedwetting 732, tbdl 272, diaper check 249
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 1 year, 5 months ago
Rating: General

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1 year, 5 months ago
This was nice. Would love to see more
1 year, 4 months ago
I finally got around to reading this story and it was good. I think some of us wanted to go into school oneday to have our escorts put us into a nappy/diaper and not worry about potty breaks or hard work. Ooh and be carried around everywhere.
7 months, 1 week ago
i really enjoyed this story. it was very cute really interesting. pretty clever plan that colton came up with.
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