A story about a girl who falls asleep and wakes up a cat, she goes around and shows off what she would do as a cat to Mr. Rat.... Right children books don't have to make sense.
Well what I had though I would get done in one day, I only completed one page of In a week, oh well guess I cant magically make myself faster when time is limited. But Either way I had the best uncompleted work in the entire class, and even though I only presented this pic half colored I still got more time to work on the other pages. I and the rest of the class got an extra two weeks to get our projects done, and he removed a project so this one has more weight.
After all the compliments even by the instructor my grade is not really much of a worry, getting it done in time is though. Though perfect example of why I haven't been drawing art for you guys, school has somehow managed to dig into my art life as well... enjoy school stuff
hehe so cute hee even i still get weird dreams like that even at my age. guess it shows being an adult still want to have some childish nothing makes sense fun hehe
hehe so cute hee even i still get weird dreams like that even at my age. guess it shows being an adu
Naw, I'm joking. But I AM forced to post the shifty eyes, as a children's book author/artist holds a double life as one of the greatest Pokemon pornographers of all time...
<.< >.>
Picture's great as always, love to hear more progress!
You?!? Doing a children's book?!? Naw, I'm joking. But I AM forced to post the shifty eyes, as a
This is fantastic - in both senses of the word; both very good, and a delightful fantasy. I hope that you get it completed in time! You deserve a great mark for this.
This is fantastic - in both senses of the word; both very good, and a delightful fantasy. I hope tha
Very adorable, reminds me of Studio Ghibli's earlier work in terms of background. Actually that house in the back is my favourite thing of this picture, it looks so homely and old-world that it comforts me immensely.
Also, wonderful reflection work on the window for the moon.
Very adorable, reminds me of Studio Ghibli's earlier work in terms of background. Actually that hou