*A computer within an office styled room turned on, with the arrow icon going over to the red paw styled emblem. With a click, it brought up the members before selecting the labrahuahua, bringing it to various files. With another click, it selected the file known as "Suit trials" and showed results with sub categories. The mouse then clicked on the one for Skye, showing various pictures and videos. With final click, it began playing the first video.*
Formula: Alright... camera's rolling aaaand... we're good. Hey you lot, welcome back to the Formula Files.
Balloona X: Always with your puffy pal, Formula!
Formula: Loony...
Balloona X: What? It's true.
Formula: *sighed* And also with me is Balloona X.
Balloona X: You have some weird sides. Either happy or nearly too serious. I need to find a way to find the neutral zone. Enough seriousness with... *She placed her front paws against his face, forcing him to have a smile for a bit.* Just enough happiness!
Formula: *gently gets her paws off of his face.* Anyway, today we're testing out some new suit upgrades for two members of the Paw Patrol.
Balloona X: Again.
Formula: Hey, I had to take some time off since you insisted on playing Dress Pup with me over and over.
Balloona X: And the puffy cuddles...
Formula: Anyway... Let's bring in our first guest for the day. She's the teams high flyer, the lovable energetic cockapoo. Skye! *Skye walks into the room and stands next to Formula*
Skye: Hey, Formula! Glad to be in this segment!
Formula: Hey, I'm just lucky you said yes.
Skye: Why wouldn't I say yes? Afraid Chase may get worried?
Formula: After your OM bit last time, yes.
Skye: Fair enough
Balloona X: Speaking of... we'll be testing it out today along with some new stuff Formy put on!
Skye: Awesome! I mean... that's cool. What'd you build for me, Formula?
Formula: Well first, you need to activate your Overinflated mode
Balloona X: Let's take this outside for more space.
Formula: Of course, Loona.
*They all begin to walk out of the room, but Formula quickly grabs his video camera before they leave.*
Formula: Can't forget this... we'll be back in a second. *He covers the lens. they made it outside as Formula was setting up the camera*
Balloona X: Is it good?
Formula: Give me a sec... *The camera reactivates.* We're good! Ok Skye, time to activate your airbag mode first then Overinflated
Skye: There are often more times for when this puppy's gotta 'flate... *She tugged her tag, activating her airbag and blowing up to the size of a puphouse.* But there's now a time for when this puppy's gotta overinflate! *she barked* Overinflated Mode!
Balloona X: Hehe, nice take on your catchphrase.
Skye: Thank you! *Her suit began inflating further as the other two watched. Her paws started to sink into her suit as her head sunk in a bit, but can still see as her suit stopped inflating at three times bigger than usual.* I feel like a blimp!
Balloona X: Nowhere close to the size of one, and Formy and I have the proof on the Air Patrol...
Formula: Hey!
Balloona X: It's true
Formula: You've bitten more blimps than I have though.
Balloona X: That can be fixed though... *She grinned, already prepping a plan.*
Skye: Ok you two love-puff-birds, let's go over what new awesome and fun... I mean, gadgets are in OM.
Formula: Well, you obviously know about your Hover mode. Replaces all the air with helium so you float properly...
Skye: Which, between us, I may have enjoyed... slightly...
Balloona X: Hehe, who wouldn't?
Formula: Skye... c'mon now... *He leaned against her.* I do suggest you tell the truth. We've used the balloon analogy before for building up feelings, and we can do that again, so...
Skye: Ok, I very much enjoyed it! Even though I was in a bit of trouble, it was still fun.
Balloona X: Let me guess... your happy place also has you in puffy scenarios too, right?
Skye: Uh... moving on!
Formula: Your OM is also equipped with a special claw that can carry objects or people.
Skye: Really?
Formula: Yes.
Skye: So it's like my copter, but...
Formula: Much bigger and made for tougher jobs. Like... moving heavy boulders, large quantities of dirt or water, even carrying a few people or such.
Skye: Wow! That's so cool!
Formula: Unlike the others, I made sure that after your Hover mode is activated, this is the only one so far that can be paired with another OM setting, since...
Skye: It wouldn't make much sense independently?
Formula: Bang on the money.
Balloona X: In this case, Claw features can only be activated with your Hover mode
Skye: I figured as much. *she barked* Hover mode! *Skye's suit gained a slight inflation as she began to float off the ground* Hehehehe
Formula: And I made sure you have more control of it instead of last time.
Skye: Good... though it was fun to float free.
Balloona X: Hehe, I can imagine.
Formula: Now try the claw.
Skye: You got it *She barked* Claw! *The belt of her suit seemed to glow as a second back appeared on her belly, opening up to show a giant scooped claw.*
Formula: Impressive, if I do say so myself.
Balloona X: You test these out yet?
Formula: Not fully... I did run an animation cycle to see the outcomes before integrating it. Took about... five to six tries to get this right since it always looked weird having her suit open up.
Balloona X: But let's see if she can carry me, but first... Time to get big!
Formula: Yike! Let me move first! *He rolled away to a bigger area.* Ok, now you're good.
Balloona X: Alright. *She barked* Water hose! *A hose came out the right side of her pack and plugged into her mouth. She mumbled barked* Water Inflate! *The hose began to pump water into her body and she began to swell up. She reached twice her size with her legs sunk in before the hose stopped and she spit it out* Ok Skye, test it on me!
Skye: Alright... let me see... *she barked* Claw, grab Balloona X! *The claw went over to Balloona X and scooped her up. With a bit of resistance at first, it managed to lift the waterlogged collie up.*
Balloona X: Hehe, feels a bit strange to be carried like this, but it is nice too.
Skye: It's working!
Formula: Indeed it is. *He angled the camera up a bit.*
Balloona X: I think you can carry more. Formy, you want in on this?
Formula: I could, but I am the second lightest member over all in the main team here. What do you plan exactly?
Balloona X: I think it's time to bring back an old form... *She smirked at him.* Skye, lower me down
Skye: Of course. *She barked* Claw, lower Balloona X. *The claw brought the waterlogged collie down next to Formula who looked a bit concerned*
Formula: L-Listen Loony... I can easily go get some stuff and...
Balloona X: Too late... *She rolled onto him, providing weight to keep him from running.*
Formula: *groaned* Oh no.
Balloona X: Oh yes. *She reaches for Formula's tag and double taps it.* Default size and shape four! *With another tap, she got off of Formula as his stomach growled and he began to swell up to a resemble a chubby dog the size of the puphouses.* Hehe, there's my Blormula. Ok Skye, try it with both of us!
Formula: Think we can get a bite before that happens?
Balloona X: Oh right... blob form made you hungrier than normal... after hun.
Formula: Alright Loony.
Skye: Going up. *The claw scooped up both big pups with a bit more resistance but still managed to lift them up. In the scoop, Formula and Balloona X were enjoying their time together* You two good in there?
Balloona X: Yep.
Formula: It's all good.
Skye: You want me to bring you down now?
Balloona X: Down please since we still have 2 more modes for you
Skye: Alright... lowering down. *The claw lowered the two back down, causing a heavy thud from them.* Just deactivate his form then and I'll reset.
Balloona X: You got it, Skye. *She double tapped Formula's tag.* Deactivate override! *She pressed his tag once more, allowing Formula to slowly return to his normal size.*
Formula: Close call... I was seriously getting hungry there.
Balloona X: Yep
Skye: Still think you deserve some kind of treat! *She barked twice* Deactivate Claw and Hover! *the scoop claw retracted itself back into the belt of the suit and Skye slowly began to float down to the ground*
Formula: Alright, next one is called Pup Plane mode.
Skye: Pup Plane? How's that work?
Formula: The suit gains a slight resemblance to a plane that can allow you to fly around. Not only that, but in this mode, you can also carry pup passengers on you.
Skye: Really? Does it alter size for more passengers?
Formula: If needed, yes. I figured... I gave Chase an interesting jail cell, so let's do something else.
Balloona X: So she's like another ride for us? Cool, it might even be romantic.
Formula: Well, it's no hot air balloon, but...
Skye: It's still a nice thought. *she barks* Pup Plane mode! *Her suit had a metallic pink hue with a white line down the side as two wings with engines popped out at her sides, coupled by a few circular forms appearing on the sides.* Whoa! What is this?!
Formula: It's your Pup Plane mode. We are able to enter into the suit similar to Chase's Jail Cell mode.
Skye: Wow... how do I open it then for you two?
Balloona X: You just need to bark and say open
Skye: Huh... thought there was more. *she barked* Open! *A small part of her suit opened up like a door before a ramp was extended onto the ground*
Formula: After you Loony.
Balloona X: Such a gentle-pup. *She licked his cheek, entering inside as Formula followed behind, camera in paw.* Whoa...
Skye: How does it look in there?
Balloona X: Looks even better than the blueprint
Formula: Much bigger on the side as well. Can fit our whole team comfy in here, even if half of us have our airbags activated.
Balloona X: Orrrr... *She looked at Formula, grinning.*
Formula: *Noticed Balloona X's look and got concerned* No, Loony. No...
Balloona X: C'mon...
Formula: *sighed* Oh alright, just to test it out.
Skye: What?
Formula: You might feel a bit of pressure in here...
Skye: Huh? *Formula positions his camera in the front of the plane before he walked back to Balloona X*
Formula: Ready?
Balloona X: Yep
Formula: Alright… *The two pups then began to inhale deeply, causing them to swell up. They were each about half the size of the room before their bodies started pressing on the ceiling and sides, which Skye was able to feel*
Skye: Woah! What's going on in there you two? *She didn't hear any reply as the two stopped swelling, taking up all the space comfily inside, heads right next to each other.*
Balloona X: *muffled* Mmmm... this is heavenly...
Formula: *muffled* Yeah, it is. I could stay here with you for hours.
Balloona X: muffled Now you chipper up... *She kissed him as Skye waited a bit.*
Skye: Uh... guess I better fly around then. *she barked* Take off! *The engines then started up as Skye began to be propelled into the air. The two swelled up pups inside felt the recoil from the take off*
Both Bloated Pups: Whoa!
Skye: You alright in there?
Formula: Yeah! Just a little surprised by the recoil is all. Loony...
Balloona X: I'm fine...
Skye: I think you guys should be seated down properly, just in case. And maybe Formula can get some nice footage from the windows?
Formula: Sounds like a good idea. *Both pups exhaled all the air until they were back to their proper sizes. Then Formula went to grab his camera back and got to a window seat, while Balloona X sat close next to him*
Skye: Perfect. We'll give you a tour while you discuss the final mode.
Formula: Your final mode is an emergency Carrier mode. Your suit is able to carry up to 2 of the puphouses and bring them with us. Think of it incase either the Air Patroller or the Paw Patroller aren't available at the time.
Skye: Makes sense...
Balloona X: Both Plane and Carrier mode is known as Split Mode, you can switch from one mode to another
Skye: That's so cool.
Formula: Go ahead, try it
Balloona X: Basically like Formula and Drift's house in a way.
Formula: Yeah. Go ahead and try it.
Skye: Ok then. *she barked* Carrier Mode! *The suit's lower half enlarged a bit before the back of it gained a metallic door similar to the Air Patroller* Nice. Did much of anything change inside there guys?
Formula: More roomy, to allow for any human passengers like Ryder.
Skye: Cool.
Balloona X: Also… you have a bigger portion towards your… back end of the suit.
Skye: Is that where the puphouses go?
Formula: Well yes, I know it will be weird but...
Skye: That's interesting, if not a little embarrassing.
Balloona X: Yeah...
Skye: You guys want me to bring you back down now, or do you want to enjoy the view up here together for a while longer?
Formula: What do you think, Loony?
Balloona X: Your video, Formy.
Formula: *thought about it for a moment* Hmm. As much as want to spend time up here with my Loony...
Skye: Got to handle Rocky?
Formula: Yeah.
Skye: Aww... ok then. Maybe next time... *Skye made her way back to the Lookout and landed safely back in the yard*
Balloona X: It was fun while it lasted. *She licked Formula's cheek* But we are so going to have a romantic ride next time.
Formula: Uhh... *He blushed a bit as the collie kissed him.*
Balloona X: And it'll be the biggest as well...
Skye: Aww, I can't wait for that day. *she barked* Door Open! *The door opened up and the ramp extended downward to the ground* Thank you for boarding Skye High Airlines, please visit again!
Both: Hehehehe *Formula and Balloona X exited from Skye with Formula carrying his camera. Formula then positioned the camera again*
Formula: Alright... There.
Balloona X: Alright. We'll see you guys in a bit...
Formula: You said it... *He put his paw over the lens as the video ended. Back on the computer screen, the mouse left the folder, going to the Rocky one now and clicking on the video.* Ok, and set. Welcome back to the Formula Files.
Balloona X: We just finished up our little flight, and if you had seen, you probably had plenty of balloony goodness from us.
Formula: I'm amazed my camera wasn't crushed...
Balloona X: How could it be with soft cushions like us? *She nuzzled Formula's face* Hehehe. Anyway, tell our followers who is next *He blushed a bit, seeing where her eyes were looking.*
Formula: Uh... we have our recycling expert up next. He's there to help fix whatever is broken. Our mixed breed member, Rocky! *Rocky entered the room and walked next to Formula*
Rocky: Hey there you two.
Balloona X: Glad to have you here Rocky.
Rocky: Pleasure to be here.
Formula: Ready to try out your new suit features?
Rocky: Green means grow, huh?
Balloona X: Hehe, ok then.
*Formula grabbed his camera and the group made their way to the yard where Formula positions the camera just right*
Formula: And... There. Ready.
Rocky: Alright, let's grow then. *He tugged his tag, engaging the airbag.*
Formula: I think you'll like some of the surprises I added.
Rocky: Really? *He stopped inflating when he was the size of a puphouse.* Alright then, we'll see. *he barked* Overinflated Mode! *His suit began inflating further as the other two watch. His paws and head began to sink in a bit, but his suit stopped when it was three times bigger than usual.* Ok, what do I have?
Formula: *Brings in a recycle bin* Well first you have a Sticky Ball mode. Your suit gains a sticky material that can collect objects in an area. *He tosses some of the recyclables all over the ground around Rocky* Go ahead.
Rocky: So I'm like a recycling ball, sweet! *he barked* Sticky Ball Mode! *His suit changed appearance, going from its usual look to a glossy suit, having a deep slime green color.*
Formula: Ok, now just roll on the recyclables and they'll stick
Rocky: Got it! *Rocky rolled as best as he could over the recyclables, and just like Formula said, they stuck to the suit. When he was finished collecting, he looked like a big recycle ball*
Formula: Alright. Now, I also equipped the suit with a Compactor mode. The suit gains a bit of weight so it can crush and recyclables flat. You can use it individually or link it with Sticky Ball Mode.
Balloona X: You've been linking modes lately. How come the first two don't have that?
Formula: Theirs were straight forward and were simpler to use alone, the others require combinations to work more effectively.
Rocky: Makes sense. *he barked* Compactor Mode! *the suit got a little bit more inflated as it now had a more bulky feel. Rocky started the roll over and all the recyclables were getting crushed under the weight of the suit* Nice.
Balloona X: Nice is right
Rocky: This'll make cleanup so much easier. Woohoo! *In the moment of excitement, Rocky lost his balance and ended up rolling towards the 2 pups. They didn't get out the way fast enough and ended up getting rolled over* Woah! Lost my balance for a moment there. *Rocky repositioned himself upward* Alright what's next? *He looked around but couldn't find the pups* Guys? Formula? Balloona? Where are you?
Formula: Down...
Balloona X: Here...
Rocky: Huh? *He checked and noticed that the 2 pups were flattened and stuck to his suits belly.* Oops, hang on. *he barked twice* Deactivate Sticky Ball and Compactor Modes! *The suit lost both its gloss and the heft as the recyclables and the pups fell off of the suit, returning back to basic OM size.* Sorry about that you two.
Formula: I've been crushed by Loony when she was heavier, but you still beat that weight...
Balloona X: Is this what it felt like when I crushed you back at Barkingburg?
Formula: Sort of. Only... ten times heavier, since you weren't as big or heavy.
Balloona X: I'm not sure how to feel about this. Sympathy for what I accidentally did to you, or enjoyment for a new experience.
Formula: Not sure either...
Rocky: Do you guys need help getting back to normal size or...
Balloona X: We're fine, we are inflatable experts
Formula: Loony, if you'd please?
Balloona X: Right. *Balloona began to inhale deeply and started to reinflate herself. After a while, she was back to her normal bloated self*
Rocky: That's one...
Formula: *Slightly hesitant* Ok Loony... *sighed* Go for it.
Balloona X: Sure thing Formy, hehehe *Balloona X lifted up Formula and pressed her muzzle against his flat muzzle and blow air into him. He was back to normal in now time, but Balloona kept on blowing until he was her size*
Formula: Really?
Balloona X: What? Formloona's cute. Unless you want me to bring out Formanny...
Formula: No, no, no. This is fine. *he turned his attention to Rocky* Anyway, I also equipped your suit with a Toolbox mode. You are able to bring out your tools for those "bigger" jobs.
Rocky: Awesome.
Formula: And unlike your pup pack, you can call on numerous tools at the same time if needed to. Try it out, Rocky
Rocky: Ok *He barked* Toolbox mode! *The belt on the suit began to open up as multiple tools began to pop out all at once* Wow! Was this one of the surprises you were talking about?
Formula: Not quite...
Rocky: Oh? Then what are they?
Formula: You'll see...
Balloona X: You'll really enjoy them
Rocky: Ok then. So what else can I do as Toolbox mode?
Formula: Well, in case of an emergency, the suit is able to pass the tools to others if needed.
Formula: Want to try it?
Rocky: How do I do that?
Formula: Just bark and say Detach then the tool to detach.
Rocky: Ok then *he barked* Detach Hammer! *The arm that held the hammer came closer to Formula as a click was heard and the hammer was separated so it could be passed to Formula*
Formula: And just like that… *He took the hammer as the arm retracted.* I can use this till I’m set.
Rocky: Nice. So what's next?
Formula: One sec. *He put the hammer back on the arm as it retracted again.* Well… I did include a unique Fur Suit mode.
Rocky: What does that do exactly since we’re already furry?
Formula: The thought just came to me when we all watched that werewolf movie, I thought it might be fun for you. Letting your wild side loose.
Balloona X: Just deactivate your Toolbox and switch to Fur Suit
Rocky: You got it. *He barked* Deactivate Toolbox! *The arms all retracted back into the belt before it closed up Now the next one. he barked again* Fur Suit Mode! *The suit began to gain an appearance to look like wolf's fur that sort of matched Rocky's fur color* Wow!
Balloona X: That looks even better than on the blueprints!
Formula: Yeah… *He smiled a bit, remembering the time Rocky was the backup H.P.S. pup when Balloona was sick.*
Balloona X: *Noticed Formula chuckled a bit* What's so funny?
Formula: Nothing… just remembered a joke.
Balloona X: Ok then...
Rocky: This is a nice surprise. I feel like a real wolf, if not bloated.
Balloona X: You look like it… *She giggled, inhaling a bit of air to swell up three times bigger than usual.* But the feeling is different.
Rocky: Alright Balloona, you win this one. So Formula, anything else this suit has?
Formula: There is one more surprise...
Balloona X: You might hate it for a moment until you will like it soon
Rocky: Oh? *He barked* Deactivate Fur Suit mode! JThe suit lost the fur to return to its default OM* So, what is it?
Formula: Well... how do I put it...
Balloona X: It's... well it's...
Rocky: Come on, out with it!
Balloona X: It's best we show you
Rocky: Why? How bad could it be?
Formula: Just trust us on this.
Rocky: ok then...
Formula: But first you're gonna need this. *Pulls out a blindfold*
Rocky: I can't exactly...
Balloona X: Ah, right. Climb on, Formloona and I'll give you some height to reach.
Formula: Alright. *He hopped onto his balloony collie's back as she swelled up a bit more, allowing Formula to reach Rocky's head and put the blindfold on.* Ok, good to go.
Rocky: Ok, so now where?
Formula: first, we got to get him rolling. *Balloona X deflated to normal size then Formula hopped off her back to get his camera and carry it on his back. Then Balloona and Formula began to roll Rocky on his side*
Rocky: Woah! Where are we going?
Formula: You’ll see…
(Formula and Balloona rolled Rocky to the beach, but his suit prevented him from feeling the sand under him. When they made it near the water, Formula repositioned his camera at a distance. Formula then got back on Balloona's back where she swelled up so Formula can remove the blindfold from Rocky*
Rocky: Uh... Why are we at the beach?
Formula: For a watery test.
Rocky: Water?! No no no!
Balloona X: Don't worry Rocky, this'll be great
Rocky: I refuse! And no amount of bargaining will convince me!
Formula: Figured you might say that... *He had an odd mouthpiece put into his mouth as he adjusted a dial and barked in Rocky's tone before speaking with his voice.* Turtle Swimming Suit mode! *Rocky's suit then shifted as the top got a bit larger while his paws and head moved closer to the ground. The top of the suit then gained an appearance similar to a turtle shell with recycling symbols forming the pattern and some nut shaped spots*
Rocky: Woah! How did you do that?
Formula: Easy... *He spit out the mouth piece, turning his voice back to normal.* Simple voice modifier that simply adjusts to make me sound like anyone on the setting. Helps for tricking baddies, playing pranks, and using overrides for OM stuff.
Rocky: That's... actually kind of cool.
Formula: Happens when you get bored. *He hopped off of Balloona, onto Rocky's back and knocking him into the water as he landed on the edge of the water.
Rocky: Woah! Why would you give me this mode?
Balloona X: So you can't swim/float around in water without getting wet
Formula: Well... mostly. Didn't get the chance to get the boots in yet. *He backed away from the edge of the water.*
Balloona X: Not going in?
Formula: Don't have my waterproof paw on right now.
Balloona X: Oh, right.
Formula: Yeah, so... no beach day for me.
Balloona X: Aww.
Rocky: Actually... we made an adjustment to your bionical paw. That one is now waterproof.
Formula: Wait, what?
Balloona X: Yay! And you know what that means... *She went right next to him, smiling widely.*
Formula: Oh, dear!
Balloona X: Come on Formy
Formula: Loony, I just don't see...
Balloona X: See you not having fun? Then let's fix that!
Formula: Oh no.
Balloona X: *She double taps Formula's tag* Default Size and Shape 3! *She pressed his tag before backing away. Formula then inflated into a full spherical balloon the size of the pup houses* Hehehe, I knew you'd prefer I bring out Roundmula.
Formula: Seriously?
Balloona X: Oh come on, you know you wanted to. And besides, we can now have fun together. *Balloona X rolled the ballooned labrahuahua to the edge of the water before jumping on his back to get them floating. She then rubbed him with her muzzle* Hehehe. Isn't this nice?
Formula: Ugh... *He looked slightly grumpy, but as she rubbed him, he blushed and had a smile and laugh chime in.* Oh alright...
Balloona X: See... btw Rocky, how does your swim suit feel?
Rocky: It feels nice, just wished my paws and head weren't so close to the water though.
Formula: I did get inspiration off a turtle, so... *He wiggled his paws a bit.* Besides, you need your paws to move around on the water anyway
Rocky: Yeah, that's a bit fair.
Balloona X: Yep, it is.
Formula: Hey, Loony? I won't be able to reach my camera in this state. Could you...
Balloona X: Do what? Do the sign off?
Formula: Yes, please.
Balloona X: Sure thing, Formy *Balloona X hopped off her inflated pup and made her way to the camera* Well, I'm Balloona X... *She picked up the camera and pointed it to the two floating pups.*
Formula: I'm Formula...
Rocky: I'm Rocky...
*From above, Skye swooped down in her jetpack, barking her wings to fold back in as she landed on Rocky's back.*
Skye: And I'm Skye...
All 4: And we’ll see you guys next time! *Balloona X went back onto Formula’s back as they both floated around on the water and they all shared a laugh before the camera shut off. Back on the computer, the files collapsed back to the condensed section before backing out and the computer turned off, leaving many more interesting bits within.*
The End