*In Adventure Bay, almost all of the pups were busy playing at the park.*
Zuma: Feels nice to relax for a change, dudes.
Chase: Well... not quite all of us, exactly. Someone's missing... again.
Marshall: What exactly?
Rubble: Take a guess...
Marshall: Uh... *He looked around a bit.* Oh right, Formula's not here again!
Zuma: He's probably busy upgrading our gear again.
Rocky: Actually... I think it's suit diagnostics day for us.
Balloona X: The one day I actually give him the space he needs to work without interruptions.
Skye: I can go check on him if you guys want.
Balloona X: Sure, go ahead
Skye: Got it! *She began heading back to the Lookout while the rest played. Back at the Lookout, Formula was in the garage working on the pup's suits*
Formula: Alright, let's see here... *He looked over a few screens, each showing the current status to each pups suits and packs with their regular gear, airbags, and their overinflated modes. As he was going over the screens, Skye made it to the garage to see the door open*
Skye: Hey Formula, how're the diagnostics going?
Formula: Uh... good on everyone's suits so far, except foooor... *As he looked at the screen, the pilot pup behind him went over, taking her suit.*
Skye: Cool. Just wanted to see if anything was new.
Formula: Skye, wait!
Skye: Relax Form, I'm sure it's fine. *She put her suit on, giggling a bit and heading out.* I just want to test it out, that's all.
Formula: Oh crikey... *He looked over the screen, seeing it was her suit that wasn't done yet.* But Skye, your suit is not...
Skye: Not big? You're quite right! *She giggled, grabbing her collar tag.* This puppy's gotta float!
Formula: Wait, Skye! Don't do that! *He ran out to stop her, but she had tugged the tag once, activating her airbag and bouncing the technical pup back to the garage.*
Skye: Oops, sorry about that Form. Are you ok?
Formula: I'm fine, but please... stop there Skye. I'm trying to warn you about your suit...
Skye: Why? Is something wrong?
Formula: Not quite. It's just that it's something big...
Skye: Big? Ooh... you must've modified my overinflated mode! Let's test it out!
Formula: Skye, wait! *He got up and ran out again, but the girl before him giggled and barked.*
Skye: Overinflated Mode! *Her suit began inflating further as Formula once again bounced off, only tumbling to a tree farther away. Her paws started to sink into her suit as her head sink in a bit, but can still see as her suit stopped inflating at three times bigger than usual.* Whoops. Sorry Form, but I did say this pup's gotta float, and I want to see what surprises lie in this suit now!
Formula: Skye, I was trying to warn you that your suit is not...
Skye: *she barks* Hover mode! *Skye's suit inflated slightly more as it began to slowly float off the ground. She giggled a bit as she enjoyed the view. Formula however looked with much concern*
Formula: Oh crikey...
Skye: I'm just happy to relax with this at points! Reminds me... I have a few questions I wanted to ask that one time your paw went crazy.
Formula: Skye...
Skye: Ya know... stuff like how it feels to be inflated, how big you could really grow...
Formula: Skye!
Skye: What're the best parts of being a balloon... favorite part times...
Formula: SKYE!
Skye: Yeah, Form?
Formula: Your airbag has problems I was trying to find.
Skye: Oh nonsense. Let me get down first and we'll see... *She barked in a slightly different tone.* Deactivate Hover! *She looked ready to get down, but her suit remained the same size as her tag beeped incorrectly.* Huh? *she barked again* Deactivate Hover! *Her tag did that beep again, leaving her still up there.*
Formula: I think I found the problem...
Skye: Formula, why is my Hover mode not deactivating?! *She wiggles her paws uselessly, floating higher up.* Help me with your override!
Formula: Oh, Right. *Formula pressed the pink button that popped up on his paw, but Skye's suit remained inflated. He pressed the button a few more times with still no result* Ok, that might be a problem.
Skye: H-Help me out here!
Formula: Don't worry Skye, I got a plan, just stay right... *A wind kicked up, causing the pup to float off in the breeze like a balloon.* ...there.
Skye: Woah!
Formula: Oh no. Ryder! *Formula ran inside the Lookout in search of Ryder. Ryder is playing his game on his pup pad until Formula show up* Ryder, Ryder!
Ryder: What's wrong Formula? I haven't seen you this panicky since you found out Balloona X was planning that one punishment when you shot a cannonball at her.
Formula: Don't remind me... *He shivered at that thought, not wanting to fully relive that day as he pointed outside to the floating pink sphere.*
Ryder: Is that Skye?
Formula: Yeah. While I was performing diagnostics on the team's suits, Skye came over and took her suit. She then activated her overinflation hover mode, and now she can't get down. Neither her commands or my override are working.
Ryder: I assume you have a plan though?
Formula: I have one, but I need to get up high to make it work.
Ryder: Sounds like we may need the Air Patrol for this one then...
Formula: We have to hurry, who knows what trouble she might get into!
Ryder: Relax Formula, we'll get her back down. No suit is too big, no pup is too small! *he slide the pad open and push the button for all pups' tags beeped including Skye's tag* Paw Patrol, to the Air Patroller!
All Pups: Ryder needs us! *All of them began heading to the Air Patroller, except for Skye, who simply just blew away in the breeze. At the Air Patroller, everyone had rallied together.*
Chase: Where's Skye and Marshall?
Formula: Well... *before Formula could answer, Marshall tripped on some sticks that were left behind*
Marshall: Woah! *Marshall knocked over the other members. His head then popped out of the pile* Guess I didn't stick the landing.
All: Hehehehe *The door closed up as the signa lit up and the seven had their gear on.*
Chase: Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder sir! Well, except for Skye.
Formula: There is a reason for that, which... you may see shortly. Ryder, can you explain to them what I did explain to you?
Ryder: Right away. *He pressed his pad, turning the screen on.* Seems Skye got a bit too eager to test out her suit during the diagnostics test and she's stuck in her Hover mode.
Chase: Oh no, Skye!
Ryder: Don't worry Chase, we'll get her down safely. First off, I need... *he select on Balloona X's tag symbol* Balloona X.
Balloona X: Why me?
Ryder: I need your inflated form to act as a platform while... *He selects Formula's tag symbol* Formula fixes Skye's suit.
Balloona X: Time to bounce into action!
Formula: I'm tuned up and tuned in!
Ryder: I'll also need... *He selects Chase's tag symbol Chase.* I need you to try to keep Skye calm while Formula fixes her suit.
Chase: Chase is on the case.
Ryder: All right! Paw Patrol is on a roll! *Robo-Dog barked as the Air Patroller hovered upward then the rotors turned and began flying to Skye. A transition with the usual emblem cut to Skye as she looked worried about her situation*
Skye: What do I do?! I can't deflate... I don't have my pack... please hurry you guys!
Ryder: Balloona X, it's time for your blimp size suit to go into action
Balloona X: On it Ryder! *She got up, heading to the door. She hopped up to get her pack from the machine as it tightened to her waist. She jumped out of the plane and began to inflate into her blimp mode as her propellers popped out*
Ryder: Formula, your platform aka your ride is ready for you
Formula: Understood. *He got up, heading down and looking out to see his giant collie.*
Balloona X: Come on Formy. *Formula jumped out of the plane and landed on the blimped up collie as she then flew off towards Skye* Just try not to tickle me too much.
Formula: As long as you don't activate the other mode to make that happen, you'll be fine.
Balloona X: Good
Ryder: Chase, I suggest you go see how your bloated pup is doing out there
Chase: Right away! *Chase jumped out of his seat and headed to the door. He hopped up to get his pack from the machine as it tightened to his waist. He then jumped out of the plane and a metallic hang glider popped out with twin jets in the back. He then flew over towards Skye*
Skye: Chase! Thank goodness!
Chase: Don't worry, Formula is gonna fix you right up.
Skye: I do hope so! *Balloona X came close to Skye as Formula was holding his balance*
Formula: Ok Loony, just stay steady.
Balloona X: I will, I just need to get under her and try to dock her on my back
Formula: Got it. I'm glad I never had a free tank mode for these suits. If that broke... woof! We'd have a literal blimp on our paws! *Balloona X positioned herself underneath Skye so Formula could be close enough to work on her suit*
Skye: Please hurry.
Formula: Relax... I got this Skye. Chase, I need you to calm her down
Chase: It's ok Skye, don't worry. *He nuzzled her head to keep her calm*
Skye: Trying to keep calm here...
Chase: Just try to, for me. But maybe this could calm you down *he give Skye a kiss. She blushed a bit in surprise, closing her eyes calmly.*
Formula: Ok, good. Now I can get to work. *He slowly got onto his hind paws, putting a front one on Skye's suit to stay stable while he worked.*
Chase: Just try to go to your happy place for a bit Skye, Formula will have you fixed up shortly.
Skye: *took a few deep breaths* Ok. Ok.
Chase: Good girl, just go into your happy place *he patting her head*
Skye: Oh Chase… *She giggled a bit, entering her inner comfort zone. She imagined herself back at the Lookout, but most of the surrounding area was various shades of pink and had a vibe like she was in a cloud version of their world.*
Fantasy Skye: Ahh, now this is nice. But I think I'm missing something here? *She walked outside, being up on top of a cloudy area with a few bunnies bouncing around.* While cute, I don't think the buns are what I was talking about...
???: Do I need to ask what then? *Skye turned to notice Chase, only he looked a bit pink*
Fantasy Skye: Oh now I remember. It was you, my little Chasey boo
Fantasy Chase: Glad to know... *He walked over, nuzzling her head as she adopted a slight pink as well.* Ready for a lovely fun flight?
Fantasy Skye: Of course.
Fantasy Chase: Excellent!
Fantasy Skye: But if we're going to do this, let's make it special.
Fantasy Chase: Oh? Do tell...
Fantasy Skye: Like this! *She approached Chase as she gave him a kiss, only for her to blow air into him, causing him to inflate. She stopped when he was about twice his normal size.* Sound nice?
Fantasy Chase: Indeed! *He returned the kiss, blowing air into her till she was his size.* Nice and even.
Fantasy Skye: Hehehe, these puppies are gonna float!
Fantasy Chase: Indeed, but not quite yet... *He winked at her as they continued their little puff session. Once both were about twice the size of a puphouse, they both began floating off.* That's better.
Fantasy Skye: *giggled* It sure is. *The two pink balloons bumped against each other through the air, giggling with their tails wagging. Back in reality, Chase was softly rubbing Skye's head, seeing her with a happy smile and whine to her.*
Balloona X: Do you ever wonder what your pup dreams of?
Chase: Probably something involving either cute critters or flying.
Balloona X: We should get Formula to make a little dream machine to see what she sees. Y'know... to figure it out.
Formula: I'll add that to my list. But for now, I'm almost done fixing her suit.
Chase: Be glad Loony's supporting her, cause I imagine after it's reset... the timer's gonna hard reset and the time would be... in like 2 minutes or so
Formula: About, yeah. When the suits reboot, the timer system is way shorter if used, hence why you guys don't see me often test them on myself.
Chase: You do what now?
Formula: Nothing!
Chase: We are gonna have a talk about that later. Is it ready yet?
Formula: Uh... just about.... now! *He finished the repairs, the diagnostic screen showing it was set as he stepped back.*
Chase: Great. Now let's get her down.
Balloona X: Right away… *As she started descending, a transition with Skye’s tag brought her back to her dream world.*
Fantasy Skye: *giggling* This is amazing! It's so fun.
Fantasy Chase: Oh we both know that!
Fantasy Skye: Hehehehe
Fantasy Chase: Hmm... I think I may know one better though.
Fantasy Skye: Really? Do tell...
Fantasy Chase: You have wondered what it's like to be huge like Formula and Balloona X have gotten to, right? *The area around them changed to a nice big open field with them laying on their big bellies.*
Fantasy Skye: I think I like where this is going.
Fantasy Chase: It's a dream of yours, huh?
Fantasy Skye: You have no idea, hehehe.
Fantasy Chase: Excellent. What method would my sky high pup like?
Fantasy Skye: Oh I think you know. *She leaned forward to give Chase a small kiss*
Fantasy Chase: Right away... *He kissed her right back, blowing the air from him into her, doubling her size and deflating him.* Plenty of puploon now...
Fantasy Skye: Mmhm... *Fantasy Chase jump on Skye's huge body*
Fantasy Chase: Time for Skye to go on a roll
Fantasy Skye: And to really take to the sky, huh?
Fantasy Chase: Definitely. *Skye began fly higher into the air as Chase was enjoying his ride* Woohoo, yeah!
Fantasy Skye: Now this is fun! Being a huge balloon with the pup of my dreams.
Fantasy Chase: Oh you... one day, we'll really see how big you'll get. You'll be joining the Balloon Patrol no doubt.
Fantasy Skye: Balloon Patrol... sounds like a great idea!
Fantasy Chase: And I'll help you make a perfect recruit. *He crawled around, hugging and rubbing her belly.* With enough practice, you'll easily reach sizes they can.
Fantasy Skye: Hehehe, thanks Chase.
Fantasy Chase: No problem. *He crawled up to her head and kissed her again. She blushed, giving a happy whine as her fantasy pup went back to puffing, but it was cut short when she felt a splash of water wake her up.*
Skye: Whoa!
Marshal: Sorry about that Skye, I was just trying to wake you up.
Skye: Oh. Well... thanks. *She blinked, noticing her suit was normal again.* Hey, Formula fixed my suit! But... where are we?
Formula: Back on the Air Patroller.
Balloona X: We had to get you back inside before your suit was completely deflated back down
Chase: Yeah... even with Loony's blimp mode, it's tough since we don't have the airbags put in the other gear yet.
Formula: I'm working on it, it takes time between diagnostics though.
Chase: So Skye, what was your happy place like exactly?
Skye: Uhh... *She blushed a fair bit, surprised at that.* J-Just... what you expect.
Chase: It involved flying and some cute critter?
Skye: To say the least... *She got really shy, some of the others looking curious.*
Ryder: Well it's good to see you safe again. Robo-Dog, take us back *The mechanical dog pilot barked as he turned the plane around. A transition with the usual emblem cut to the pups back at the Lookout with Formula in the garage again*
Formula: Ok, let's see... *He was looking over all the diagnostics when two figures entered behind him.* Ok, who is it this time?
Skye: It's just me and...
Formula: Skye and who else?
Skye: Chase
Formula: What can I do for you two? *He set his screen down, setting it over a blueprint of sorts.*
Chase: We were wondering about something...
Formula: That being?
Skye: Well... *She whispered a plan into his ear.*
Formula: Really? Well... I'd have to look into that.
Chase: You'd do that, really?
Formula: Yes... but next time... please don't just take your suit when it's in diagnostics unless I say it's done.
Skye: Don't worry, I learned my lesson.
Formula: Good...
Chase: Question though... what did you mean you wear our outfits to test them?
Formula: Well... before I give the suits to you all, I test them on myself to make sure they are working a certain way before I let you fully test them.
Skye: Well... that is considerate, but I think you kind of owe us for that.
Formula: What did you have in mind?
Chase: Balloona... bring it in.
Formula: Excuse me, what? *He turned to see his collie bring in a basic white suit.*
Balloona X: Here it is.
Formula: What is that?
Skye: Just put it on.
Formula: Ok then *He grabbed the suit, slipping it on as the three pups laughed a bit.*
Balloona X: Time for a new game!
Formula: what game?
Chase: Well...
Balloona X: It's a unique one...
Skye: And we call it...
All 3: Dress Pup!
Formula: I'm sorry, what?
Balloona X: The suit you're wearing is special.
Chase: We customize it with a special program...
Skye: And then we blow it up for all to see!
Formula: Wait, what?
Balloona X: Oh relax... *She licked his cheek.* You've been working hard, now it's time to play.
Formula: Uh... Ok then. Just don't go overboard on it.
Balloona X: Name one time I've gone overboard. *She giggled, stopping him from speaking.* Don't answer that... Anyway, time to play the Dress Pup!
Skye: Let's! *The two gals and the shepherd went over to a new computer that was there, all three putting in stuff.*
Formula: Why do I feel like I'm gonna regret this?
Chase: You won't.
Balloona X: Besides... we haven't had fun for four days now, so we are going big.
Formula: Oh boy...
Skye: Hehehe, you're in for a show. ?She and the others nodded as they finished selecting.*
Formula: You're finished already?
Chase: Yep.
Balloona X: Now before the blow-up... *She hit accept as Formula's collar beeped.* Let's see the outcome normally.
Formula: Huh? *He felt a tingle as his suit changed to have blue, pink, and the green and blue mixed spots, a police hat on his head with some bunny ears poking through, a clown styled makeup with balloons over his eyes and a pink nose, and a bunny cotton tail appearing over his.* Oh come on!
Skye: Hehehe, it turned out great.
Formula: I look ridiculous!
Balloona X: But you look cute and funny
Formula: Seriously?!
Balloona X: Mmhm, and now for the best part... ready you two?
Chase and Skye: Yup
Formula: Can't we talk this out? *All three looked at each other, nodding.*
Balloona X: Yes, but after... *She inhaled, kissing Formula before blowing.*
Formula: *muffled* Balloona! *Balloona X continued to blow up the labrahuahua until he was all round and twice her size* Ugh, now this is really embarrassing.
Balloona X: It's cute, but we're not done... *She rolled him outside before continuing to blow her lab pup up.*
Skye: Such a cute sight...
Chase: Yep *Balloona X continued to blow Formula up until he was about three times the size of the puphouses, with his paws and head sinking in*
Balloona X: There. Now we're done.
Chase: Think the Bay can see him?
Formula: Don't. You. Dare...
Balloona X: What was that? Go ahead? Ok then!
Skye: My my, what a greedy balloon, hehehe... *Balloona X continued to blow up the pup until he was almost the size of the Lookout as his paws and head sunk further into his body*
Balloona X: Hehehe, now I think he's big enough.
Formula: *muffled* Please, let this be over!
Balloona X: We're done Formy, good boy. *She nuzzled his head, giggling.* And this was from us three... time for the rest of the pups
Formula: *muffled* Wait, what!?
Balloona X: Yep! *She whistled as Marshall, Rubble, Zuma, and Rocky came out from the Lookout.* Time for some more mods, Formy...
Formula: *muffled* I will get you back for this...
Balloona X: I know *Balloona rubs her nose on Formula's inflated belly*
Balloona X: Mmm... such a soft balloon you are. *She heard Formula groan, but their ears perked up after hearing something stretching.*
Formula: *muffled* Uh... did you make two suits, one with an airbag?
Balloona X: Yeah?
Formula: *Muffled* And where is that suit exactly?
Balloona X: Uh... by the other one? *She gulped a bit, seeing a second red sphere join them.* What the?!
Marshall: *nervously chuckled* Hey guys.
Formula: *muffled* Oh boy... looks like someone got their paws on the other.
Balloona X: Yep *Marshall’s suit reached the same size as Formula did, showing of a firefighter style with a touch of jester to it, a few recycling marks in on it, a scuba tank on his back, and a construction hat.*
Marshall: I just wanted to know what the suit was.
Balloona X: Well, now you know.
*The two Lookout sized balloons simply swayed a bit, the rest of the team laughing.*
Marshall: Any bigger, and Everest may see me…
Formula: *muffled* Plenty to see bud…
Balloona X: You said it! *She climbed back up to his head, giving him a kiss. Up on the mountains, a telescope was looking around when it saw the balloons. Looking through was Everest, sighing lovingly.*
Everest: Oh Marshy… you never cease to stop being cute.
The End