*A computer within an office styled room turned on, with the arrow icon going over to the red paw styled emblem. With a click, it brought up the members before selecting the labrahuahua, bringing it to various files. With another click, it selected the file known as "Interview with Joey" and showed the results with various pictures and a video. With a final click, the video began playing.*
Formula: G'day folks, welcome back to the... uh... what was it called Loony?
Balloona X: The Formula Files, silly.
Formula: Oh right... Welcome back to the Formula Files
Balloona X: I'll let you handle this if you got it all under control.
Formula: Are you sure?
Balloona X: It's your show... unless you need me to override it and your collar.
Formula: You can linger around, but... I'll handle it.
Balloona X: Ok, but I'll stop in every so often to give you a puff-zle.
Formula: A wha?
Balloona X: A puffy nuzzle, silly! *She tapped his nose with her paw before walking off, leaving him blushing and shaking his head.*
Formula: Er-uh... anyway... today, I'm going to give you guys some insight to a good friend of mine. I'd like to introduce you all to my dear friend, Joseph *He pointed to the door, where a brown haired male figure with yellow highlights in it, clad in a gray jumpsuit entered.*
Joseph: Uh... hey Formula.
Formula: Go on, introduce yourself.
Joseph: Well... the name's Joseph Boltara dudes and dudettes who watch this.
Formula: Abit nervous here, Joseph?
Joseph: Slightly dude.
Formula: You don't have to mate. Just have a seat *Joseph nodded, having a seat.* Anyway... a few of the others have questions for you about who you are, what you're like, and how we met and such.
Joseph: You mean your paw patrol friends?
Formula: Well... sort of. It’s questions from the team and a few of the others around the area.
Joseph: Alright then
Formula: Where to start though? *He looked at his monitor on the wall, selecting a random question.* Here we go... Zuma decided to ask “What is it you like to do in your downtime?”
Joseph: Well to me, I've been doing some gaming with my friends, hanging out at the park, even doing some electrical training from you, Form
Formula: Well, good to hear things are going well for you there. Next up... would be Skye, and she brought a tough one.
Joseph: Lay it on me dude.
Formula: She said... "Which of the members of the team is your favorite pup? PS, you can't pick Formula for this one."
Joseph: Oh dear, tough one there... to be honest, I can't pick one because all of them are great.
Formula: Smart man... though you should think of an answer soon. Skye will "cute" the answer out of you.
Joseph: Well, it'd be hard since... Marshall is like the funny one of the group, Chase is more responsible for the team, Rocky respects the environment, Rubble was a good singer in the past, Skye is so cute, Zuma is excellent in water, and Balloona X is a fun girl
Formula: You are right... on all of those accounts. *He turned his head as his door opened with the collie wagging her tail.* Oh boy... what is it Loony?
Balloona X: It's time for a puff-zle!
Formula: Right now?
Balloona X: Yep!
Joseph: Puff-zle?
Formula: A puffy nuzzle...
Joseph: Oh...
Balloona X: Speaking of... no more delaying!
*She walked over, smiling widely as the lab looked at the camera.*
Formula: We'll continue after a bit folks... *As he went to shut off the camera, the collie grabbed his paw, holding it down before staring into his eyes.*
Balloona X: No shut offs this time... we did the opener without them and we'll continue.
Formula: Uh hehehe... are you sure about... *He was cut off as the collie pressed her lips against his, blowing air into him.* Mmmmm...
Balloona X: Mmm... *She stopped once she reached the size of her.* Welcome back, Formloona.
Formula: Hehehe, got me back to your size, huh?
Balloona X: Mmhm. *She nuzzled up against him, giggling a bit.* This is the first of the day, expect bigger ones, cutie.
Formula: Hehehehe
Balloona X: Once this done, we'll end on a big note, but for now... *She tapped his tag.* Lock on current size. *his tag beeped*
Formula: Aw, again?
Balloona X: Mmhm... now be good and stay puffy. *She tapped his nose, leaving the two alone for now.*
Joseph: What was...
Formula: Don't ask.
Joseph: Ok.... Next question?
Formula: Uh... Rubble's asking something about your favorite food... typical from him at points.
Joseph: Oh, that’s an easy one. My favorite food is tacos.
Formula: Alright, well now that that’s out of the way, let’s see the next question. Let's see... Rocky asked "What's the funniest moment you had when meeting Formula and/or Drift?"
Joseph: Oh a hard one there, let's see... Oh yeah! I remember that one time in the tunnel! *A ripple took them into a flashback, where a much younger version of the two were going, though this was a time where the MPD pup didn't have his bionic paw yet. vo* I was bringing you back from the doctor after your checkup with that power you encountered, but I still don't know how it happened...
Formula: *vo* I was a younger pup back then.... and I don't want to explain it at all... I'm still not ready to explain it just yet...
Joseph: *vo* Right. Anyway... we were on our way back to my place for a bit to get you comfy.
Young Joseph: Gee Form, you sure gave me a bit of a worry. At least the doc said your powers will adapt and be much more controlled when you're older.
Young Formula: I know, Joseph...
Joseph: *vo* I decided to take the shortcut through the tunnel, but little did I realize those powers were that unstable at that point...
Young Formula: Ohhhh... Joseph, I don't feel so good...
Young Joseph: Got a tummy ache?
Young Formula: Sort of...
Young Joseph: Don't worry, we're almost home
Young Formula: Trying to hang in there... but... little hard to.
Young Joseph: Why?
Joseph: *vo* After asking that question, I got my answer... *Young Formula expands to a giant size and is trapped between the train tunnel.*
Young Joseph: Oh boy... that would explain it.
Young Formula: Ohhh... at least the train isn't due for another half hour. *He wiggled his paws uselessly. Present Joseph began laughing while Formula blushed.*
Joseph: Seeing you wiggle and flap your paws was both the cutest and the funniest thing I ever saw! If only your team saw that...
Formula: No! I'd be the laughing stock for a whole week! *Balloona X walked in.*
Balloona X: Wait, he got stuck in a train tunnel?!
Formula: Baaad timing...
Balloona X: You need to tell me that story right away! *She zipped over to him, smiling widely.* You had to have been cute like that!
Joseph: Oh, he was! I took pictures!
Formula: Mate!
Balloona X: Lemme see, lemme see, lemme see!
Joseph: Hang on... *He fished around, pulling out a few pictures as the collie looked at them while Formula's whole face went red with embarrassment.* And here's where they pushed him out...
Balloona X: Hehehe!
Formula: C-Can we move on?
Balloona X: Not yet! Can I get a few of these copies?
Joseph: Of course
Formula: Guys!
Joseph: Right, right! Sorry. All right, next question.
Balloona X: Hold that thought actually... question for you Formy... can you recreate these photos for me later please?
Formula: Loony, I love you to death, but there is no way you are getting copies of that! *She busted out the cute eyes and voice, staring right into his eyes.*
Balloona X: Pwease? Fow me, Fowmy? You can't say no to this face... *Formula tried to resist, but Balloona X turned up the cute level.*
Formula: Aaawwww... ok then...
Balloona X: Great! Now before I go... *She deactivated the maintain size function, blew up, and inflated Formula even bigger. Formula just looked at her as she giggled, making him twice her normal size as she locked his settings again. Balloona X then inflated to meet his new size, nuzzling him again.* Bigger puff-zle time!
Formula: You are gonna change me back to normal after this, right?
Balloona X: Yep! *Her stomach gurgles.*
Formula: Sounds like you're hungry.
Balloona X: Aww... tummy calls for food, I'll be back for round three! *She bounced out as the two looked at each other.*
Joseph: So... next question now?
Formula: Oh right... Alright, this is a question from Marshall. "How did you ever meet Formula in the first place?"
Joseph: Ah... that's the one I've been waiting for.
Formula: Hold on a minute. *He walks to his dresser and pushed it in front of the bedroom door.* There. That should keep Loona out for a bit. *But then, he can feel something underneath him* Huh? *Balloona X burst through the floor.*
Balloona X: Nice try, Formy.
Formula: How?!
Balloona X: I'm quicker than you think... Now Joseph, if you will...
Joseph: Answer the question? Right... this was back on a cooler day... *Another ripple went back to a night where it had a bit of bad weather from a bit of a snow storm. vo* I wasn't very popular around other kids, and I didn't really fit in with anyone. *Young Joseph walks across the sidewalk alone and miserable. He walked over to a house, getting ready to head in, but paused.*
Joseph: *vo* I just wanted to go upstairs to be alone for a bit, but I heard one soft sound, like a lost puppies whimper. Thankfully, there were some tracks in the snow and after following them, I met this cute pup who had a bit of a shiver.
Formula: *vo* Wasn't fully my fault that my parents had a different family adopt me, but reject me due to my disability... so I had to hunker down somewhere from the cold. *Young Joseph looked at the shivering Young Formula and picked him up.*
Young Joseph: Aw... it's ok little guy. Let's get you out of the cold... *He gently rubbed the pups head, taking him back inside.*
Joseph: *vo* So I took care of him ever since that day *A montage shows them playing together, Joseph tucking him into bed, Formula eating a hearty bowl of Kibble, Joseph yelling at him for a stain on the couch.*
Formula: *vo* Highs and lows to say the least, especially after he found out about my power... *He blushed in embarrassment again, a few images of his puffier side being shown.*
Joseph: *vo* And sometimes, it'd even go off in your sleep. You did have sleep-flates where you'd inhale like you were about to blow up a hot air balloon. *On one night, the younger Joseph was sound asleep with the younger pup with a wooden paw on his limb was across him. When Joseph woke up during that, his body was just blocked by gray belly fur.*
Formula: *vo* After all that inflation training, helping each other... We were great friend no matter what, well until... Well, I met you Loony-Tuney but not face to face yet... *One day, the two were watching a bit of tv when a news flash came up with the infamous collie on it. Formula's tail began wagging a bit as Joseph looked at him.*
Past Joseph: Hmm... you're usually more serious bud, and Drift's usually happier... what's going on in that brain of yours?
Past Formula: Well, I... I...
Past Joseph: You want to meet her, don't you, Form?
Past Formula: Kind of... but look at me. *He twisted his bionic paw around by that point, looking at the screen.* I'm not known like she is, and I'd have to move to Adventure Bay to meet her...
Past Joseph: Yeah... my parents aren't just going to move to a new city just so two pups can meet, sorry man. Unless... *he go up to his computer and looked for something*
Past Formula: Whatcha looking for, mate?
Past Joseph: With your brains, and my developing knowledge in electrical maintenance, I think we can get you to be a part of the team, but I think you may have to prove yourself to them.
Past Formula: How?
Past Joseph: There's an old junkyard in the desert on the way. I can get you set up there for a while, you make some gadgets, gather some intel to gain their trust, win them over, and boom! You're in.
Past Formula: What about...
Past Joseph: Don't worry. Once you're in, I'll move to the town so you aren't missing home forever bud. *He rubbed the head of his labrahuahua.*
Formula: *vo* So we made a deal, He help me to be a Paw Patrol member and I visit him at his new place anytime I want to, so he doesn't feel alone at all
Joseph: *vo* Though I have to visit him at points, or I see him floating around town like a giant blimp... courtesy of one giddy collie. *then the flashback ended*
Balloona X: What?! He makes the perfect blimp!
Joseph: I heard his squeaky giggle earlier as well... never saw him be that big.
Balloona X: I like to push his limits. *She licked Formula's cheek.* But that was sweet of you two to help each other
Formula: We're good friends, and without him, I would be... who knows where.
Balloona X: Anywhere without me is a world none of us would like to see or hear. *She nuzzles her head against his puffy belly.*
Formula: H-Hey... that tickles. I still have questions to answer
Balloona X: oh sorry
Formula: Let's see... Chase has a two parter to his in a way. First bit, "How often do you and Drift hang out?"
Joseph: Well, it's kind of rare thing if I hang out with him
Balloona X: You should more often, even I find it cute when I challenge him to a puffing contest, only to trick him into being the blimp while I'm normal.
Formula: Yea, she can easily trick Drift all the time
Balloona X: Not the brightest bulb obviously, unlike you Formy. I have to play mind games with you. *She licked his nose, giggling.*
Formula: True...
Joseph: What's the second part of that question?
Formula: Let's see... "What's the biggest size you've seen each personality reach? Not including recent times in Adventure Bay..."
Balloona X: Huh? That's more like my kind of question I might ask...
Formula: Your question's still in there, don't worry.
Balloona X: Ok then
Joseph: Well... I'd say the biggest I ever saw Formula get was the size of that tunnel from the photos. For Drift... as big as my old house. I have pictures of that too.
Balloona X: Oh I'd like to see it!
Formula: *sigh* At least these are Drift's pictures instead of me this time....
Joseph: These were when he impersonated you Form. *He pulled out the other photos as the lab groaned quietly. The collie rolled over, looking at them.*
Balloona X: Awwww hehehehe
Joseph: It's hilarious trying to hear Drift do Formula's accent while adding his own take on it. Any particular photos you may want?
Balloona X: Just sent me copy of all pictures of Formula and Drift
Formula: Loony...
Balloona X: What, you two look cute as younger pups *She rolled over, nuzzling against him.* Now... it's time for my question?
Formula: Oh right...
Joseph: Ask away...
Balloona X: Think we got all the info so I can give my cute pup the biggest puff-zle of them all?
Joseph & Formula: Wait, what?
Balloona X: You heard me.
Joseph: Well uh... maybe find another question first?
Balloona X: Maaan... I can't wait much longer.
Formula: Sorry Loony *She frowned, busting out the cutie eyes again.*
Balloona X: Pwease Fowmy... I can't wait anymowe...
Formula: One or two more questions...
Balloona X: Fine... but first... *She deactivated his override, pressing her lips against his and blew the extra air into him.* Triple Formloona looks cute on you for puff-zles. Hehehe *she nuzzled his huge bloated body*
Formula: L-Loony... that tickles more. Hehehe... p-please stop
Balloona X: Fine... I'll be back. *She moved the dresser aside, leaving for the time being.*
Formula: Ok, let's see what next question is...
Joseph: Any from Ryder, Alex, Katie... anyone around here perhaps?
Formula: Well, there’s one from Alex. He asks, “What fun things have you and Formula have done over the years?”
Joseph: Technically when he said "over the years," we've been together for like 2-3 years... but on our fun things, it's mostly playing around the park
Formula: With various different playstyles...
Joseph: Yep
Formula: Would go into details, but... next question. Ok, this one's from Ryder. "What's the best time you guys ever had when you met?"
Joseph: It's tough honestly. Between helping each other out, the funny inflation related antics with him, or even going on adventures with him have been some of the best experiences.
Formula: Surprised there's that much variety in there...
Joseph: Well, it has been 3 years.
Formula: I know Joseph, I know
Joseph: But I'm surprised that Drift didn't pop up in at all during our talk. *Suddenly Formula’s tail spins, his clothes turn golden and Drift rears his handsome face.*
Drift: Hey there Joey, how's it hanging?
Joseph: I spoke too soon...
Drift: Aw, you’re not to happy to see me?
Joseph: Technically to me, you and Formula were going to switch back and forth in the whole talk, but I guess not
Drift: Hey, when you live with him, it’s hard to get a word in.
Joesph: Fair enough. I guess we should continue.
Drift: Yeah. But before we do... *Drift walks over to the dresser and pushes it in front of the door. Then he moves another dresser into the hole Balloona X dug in.*
Joseph: How did she dig through the floor? Aren't we on the second floor?
Drift: With her, you won’t believe the things she can do.
Joseph: Noted...
Drift: Anyway, you wanna continue answering questions?
Joseph: Yep.
Drift: Alright, the next question is from Chase. “What is the most embarrassing moment you’ve ever had?”
Joseph: Another question from that dude?
Drift: Looks like it. Well?
Joseph: Well, in involved me and Drift in a practice drill for my job as an electrician.
Drift: Well, it was one of the only times Formula had let me out to help.
Joseph: Yep *A flashback played. vo* I was working on a live line, because the fuse had burnt out during a lightning storm. I was almost finished, when... *As he worked, a jolt of electricity zapped his belt buckle, fusing it into the pole. When he went to grab the pole, he ended up shocking himself. As he fell off, his belt, still fused to the pole, pulled his pants down, exposing his underwear.*
Past Joseph: Drift, help me!
Past Drift: I gotcha, bud! *The pup went to turn off the fuse, but ended up shocking himself, resulting in his fur going staticky and poofing up.*
Past Drift: Ah! My fur!
Past Joseph: Drift, I need a crash pad! My pants are ripping! *He slowly begins to fall.*
Past Drift: Right! *He heads to where Past Joseph is about to land and manages to catch him, only for a raspberry sound to be heard.*
Past Joseph: Uh, Drift? Did you just... *Past Drift blushes in embarrassment. *The flashback ends.*
Joseph: And that was the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me.
Drift: Well, it wasn't so great for me either...
Balloona X: Hehehehe....
Drift: What the...?
Balloona X: Can't keep me out.
Drift: How did you...
Balloona X: I put a secret door in your wall that connects our rooms.
Drift: You are weird, you know that?
Balloona X: But cute! Besides, I'm not the one who embarrassed themselves on a training drill.
Drift: Can we not bring that up?
Balloona X: Hey, I had an embarrassing moment just like yours, only a lot worse. Take it from me, sometimes it'll pass.
Joseph: Anyway... we got anymore questions? I got a call to get to on the other side of the bay.
Balloona X: Just mine about the puffing.
Joseph: He's all yours then, see you guys later. *Joseph walks out and waves good-bye to his friends.*
Drift: See ya!
Balloona X: Come again!
Drift: Well... guess it's time to shut the camera off.
Balloona X: Nope, we're not signing off yet, but I need my mechanic back for it. *she licked his nose*
Drift: U-Uh oh... *He twitched, shaking his head as the Aussie accented, silver mechanic returned.*
Formula: Crikey... you and your overrides.
Balloona X: Hehehehe
Formula: Well, time to end.
Balloona X: Nope! We're not ending boring, we're ending big! *She presses her lips against Formula's and blew into him. He blushed a bit, proceeding to blow air into her in return. She mumbled* Huh?
Formula: *mumbling* You're not making me big alone, sheila...
Balloona X: *mumbling* Perfect... well guys, this has been the Formula Files, and we hope you all had a swell time and stay tuned for the next big edition! I'm Balloona X... *She puffs up to the size of half the room.*
Formula: *mumbling* And I'm Formula... *He puffed up to the size of half the room as well as the camera had a lens-full of blue and gray belly.*
Both: *mumbling* And we'll see you guys next time! *The camera picked up the sounds of some giggles, squeaks, creaks, and a few happy barks before finally shutting off. Back on the computer, the files collapsed back to the condensed section before backing out and the computer turned off, leaving many more interesting bits within.*
The End