*It was a normal day in Adventure Bay. Mayor Goodway was planning to start her skydiving trip to the desert.*
Mayor Goodway: Oh I can’t wait to learn to skydive! This is going to be so thrilling!
Skydiving Attendant: All right, Mayor. You have your parachute packed?
Mayor Goodway: Yes, sir!
Skydiving Attendant: Good. Now do you suffer from vertigo or are you afraid of falling or heights?
Mayor Goodway: Uh... sort of?
Skydiving Attendant: Don't worry Mayor, we will take it slowly for you
Mayor Goodway: Thank goodness.
Skydiving Attendant: Don’t worry, we take lives very seriously here. *The relieved Mayor walks onboard the plane and the Attendant follows her.* Now before we take off, I must warn you, the takeoff is gonna be loud.
Mayor Goodway: How loud?
*The plane takes off. The noise from the turbines, become blaring. The two cover their ears.*
Skydiving Attendant: That loud! *Soon enough, they were high in the clouds. While the plane was busy flying to its destination, back in Adventure Bay, some of the pups were playing while some were working, but Formula was busy working on a few new packs and suits in the garage.
Formula: Well, so far so good. *Balloona X walks inside the garage.*
Balloona X: Hey, Formy! You wanna play Fluffy Attack?
Formula: Maybe in a bit...
Balloona X: What're ya up to anyway?
Formula: Well, working on some new gear Ryder mentioned to me while you were asleep. I decided to get to work on making it for us.
Balloona X: What new gear?
Formula: Let's just say... it could be used soon.
Balloona X: You sure you aren't working on any cute additions to become STEM or Nitro?
Formula: No, I did that yesterday
Balloona X: Gonna tell me?
Formula: Sorry, no.
Balloona X: I know how to get info though... *She giggled, walking over to him.*
Formula: Balloona X, don't you dare...
Balloona X: Do what? This? *She grabbed his tag, giggling to herself.*
Formula: Don’t. You. Dare.
Balloona X: Sorry but I can't resist! *she push his tag twice* Default size and shape two, alpha mode. *She tapped his tag once more before running off giggling.*
Formula: Loony! *He began running after her.* Get back here you!
Balloona X: No way, Formula Bottom!
*On cue, the lab’s lower half expanded out, focusing primarily on the rear compared to the usual mode.*
Formula: Seriously, this one?!
Balloona X: What? You look cuter than beta mode, hehehe *She walked over, licking his cheek and giving him a hip bump.*
Formula: Oh yea, two can play that game *he clap his paw to activate her tag*
Balloona X: Uh oh...
Formula: And this time, I did reprogram the collar system to only use Name of the Mode with it codes
Balloona X: Wait, what?
Formula: Let’s see how you like your edition to Ballooty X, 8-0-7-Rump-7, version one. *He clapped twice once again as her tag beeped.*
Balloona X: Uh oh... *Her body began swelling up, ending up similarly to Formula’s as he snickered.*
Formula: There we go...
Balloona X: Hehehe, I guess it's fair to get me back
Formula: Indeed... *He licked her cheek, giving her a hip bump in return.*
Both: Hehehehe
*As the two kept their silly bumping game up for a bit, a transition with Balloona's tag transition to the desert, where the plane Mayor Goodway was on was flying over.*
Flight Attendant: Alright, we're coming over your drop zone target now!
Skydiving Attendant: Are you ready for skydiving, Mayor Goodway?
Mayor Goodway: Are you sure about this?
Skydiving Attendant: Just be glad it's a tandem skydiving lesson.
Mayor Goodway: Ok then...
Skydiving Attendant: Know what that means?
Mayor Goodway: Well a little bit, I think...
Skydiving Attendant: I'll be going with you, just till you get the hang of it for solo runs.
Mayor Goodway: Alright then *The skydiver clipped onto a harness behind her before opening the door on the side.*
Skydiving Attendant: Ready for this?!
Mayor Goodway: kind of...
Skydiving Attendant: Good, let's go then! *The two jumped out of the plane, going into the freefall portion.*
*Once they elapsed a certain time in the freefall, the attendant pulled the parachute as the mayor had her eyes covered.*
Mayor Goodway: Tell me when we're safe!
Skydiving Attendant: Relax, chute's deployed and we'll be landing soon. *Suddenly, thunder rumbles.*
Mayor Goodway: Please tell me that was not lightning.
Skydiving Attendant: Wait, there shouldn’t be a storm here today! Our meteorologist lied to... *They were cut off by a harsh gust of wind that blew them over to a canyon.*
Both: Whoa! *The wind blew them into the tightly packed space, where they landed on a ledge.*
Mayor Goodway: Oh dear, now I know how Luke Stars felt! Get us down from here!
Skydiving Attendant: Can't. Parachute got torn from the walls. Maybe try calling the Paw Patrol?
Mayor Goodway: Oh, what do I do!? She paused for a minute. Oh, I'll call the Paw Patrol!
Skydiving Attendent: That's literally what I jus... never mind. *Mayor Goodway pulled out her phone, calling Ryder, who was busy looking through the periscope when he received the call.*
Ryder: Ryder here...
Mayor Goodway: Ryder, we need a bit of help! We're stuck in a tight canyon, roughly about... twenty or thirty feet up, and a storm is rolling in!
Ryder: That's weird, I thought the storm for the canyon wasn't coming until tomorrow...
Skydiving Attendant: Well, the weather folk can't predict the future fully...
Ryder: But don't worry you two, we'll help you guys out. No job is too big, no pup is too small! *He extended his pad, pressing the button as all the pup tags lit up.* Paw Patrol, to the Air Patroller!
All Pups: Ryder need us!
Formula: Ok, fun's over Loony, time to reset the overrides now... *He went into the garage, picking up the two bits of gear and meeting back up with the collie.*
Balloona X: We'll reset once we are in the Air Patroller
Formula: That a good idea though?
Balloona X: What could happen? *As they went to meet up at the plane that landed, they heard Marshall stumble a bit.* Uh oh...
Marshall: Heads up. *He ended up tripping over one of the wrenches from the garage, bumping into the two big rumped pups as they ended up in the plane with Marshall on top of them.* Thanks for the landing though guys...
Formula: No worries mate, but where's the rest of the team?
Balloona X: *She look behind them* Uh Formy...
Formula: Hmm? What's up? *Balloona X point down. He looked down. His ears lowered a bit.* Guess it should've been who's down, huh?
Marshall: What? *he look as he tried to hold his laugh in because Balloona X and Formula were accidentally sitting on the other members*
Balloona X: Uh... sorry guys for making you the butt of the joke...
*The pups all shared a laugh as the door closed, with the emblem shining and most of the pups in their gear.*
Chase: Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder sir!
Balloona X: Wait, I don't remember you guys wearing that gear during our Mission PAW outing... what's going on here?
Ryder: Oh right, I forgot about telling you about this, I thought Formula would gonna tell you
Formula: Got a bit... distracted to say the least, but I did complete the suits... sort of. Not fully perfected, but they should hold... for this mission.
Balloona X: What do you mean?
Ryder: Well... the Air Patroller doesn't just bring us to do Mission PAW missions, it's primarily used for the Air Patrol missions.
Balloona X: Air Patrol?
Ryder: Yep.
Formula: It's a branch that focuses on them being airborne primarily Loony. Well... I think...
Ryder: He’s right, Balloona X. When we do the Air Patrol Missions, we normally use jetpacks.
Balloona X: So it's a flight bit?
Ryder: Correct. You two should get suited up though.
Formula: Alright, we’ll finally see how well my new gear works.
Skye: What flight gear did you build? *Formula pulled up two suits.*
Formula: Just these. Slightly more unique than the rest.
Chase: Why? Did you sneak airbags in these two?
Formula: No... not yet, that is...
Balloona X: Well let's put them on *the monitor open up as the two pups go to the back of the Air Patroller as the monitor closed again. After a bit, the two came back in, wearing similar outfits, but having different sides and styled helmets.* Now we're ready. So what's so special about this suit, Formy?
Formula: You'll see. Anyway... our mission Ryder?
Ryder: Ah, right. *The screen closed as the mission briefing came up.* Seems during her skydiving lesson, Mayor Goodway and the attendant got stuck in a canyon and can't get down. To make matters worse, a storm is arriving there soon.
Ryder: You both said it. So we have to move quick.
Formula: Agreed, but are there any other details?
Ryder: The canyon's quite narrow.
Formula: Yikes... like trying to fit a croc in a kangaroo's pouch I'd imagine...
Ryder: So, for this mission I need... *He uses the pup pad to scroll to Balloona X's icon.* Balloona X, I need you to help the Mayor and the attendant get to safety. Plus, it will be a chance to use your new Air Patrol gear
Balloona X: Cool. Time to bounce into action!
Ryder: And I'll need... *Selects Skye's icon.* Skye. I'll need you to get the mayor and attendant to safety with your helicopter harness.
Skye: This puppy's got to fly!
Ryder: All right! PAW Patrol is on a roll! Robo-Dog, pick up Skye's helicopter *The robotic pilot barked, turning the rotors into the vertical position to allow for the controlled hover mode, lowering the claw from underneath the plane to pick up Skye's puphouse. After successfully picking it up, Robo-Dog switched the plane to its proper flight mode and began flying off to the desert. A transition with the usual emblem cut to the team flying over the desert, a few looking at the slowly darkening sky.
Chase: Hey Form, got some kind of weather device on hand?
Formula: Not yet, but if I were to make an estimate... looks like a potential tornado could be in bound, be about less than half an hour before the eye of the storm forms correctly. Flying in conditions like that... we won't be in Adventure Bay anymore to say the least.
Ryder: Before we do anything, Robo-Dog... set Skye's puphouse down to the ground *The robotic dog barked twice, setting the puphouse down on top of the canyon.* Ready Skye and Balloona X?
Skye: You said it.
Balloona X: I'm ready, I hope my new flying gear will be cool!
Formula: It should, though... I am worried a bit honestly. The weather is very unpredictable like this.
Balloona X: Hey, I'll be fine.
Ryder: You go first, Skye
Skye: You got it! *she jump off of her seat and run to the back. Skye leaps up. Her jet-pack rolls to her and it attaches itself to her body. Once equipped, the Air Patroller's door opened as the arm released her. From there, her pack changed into her ultra-sonic jetpack with its twin pink jets, blasting her around till she landed by her puphouse.
Balloona X: Looks like I'm up. Here goes nothing *she started to get off of her seat and to the Air Patroller's opened door as she jumped out of it*
Marshall: Wait, did she just...
Formula: Give it a second.
Rocky: Do your usual bit?
Formula: Take a guess... *Balloona X inflates as she falls. As she gets bigger, twin propellers come out of the pack and rotate.*
Balloona X: Whoa! But I didn't use my airbag features...
Zuma: Form, explain a bit dude.
Formula: I added an override function to Balloona’s jet pack. Whenever it activates, it turns her into a blimp.
Balloona X: So I'm a blimp for Air Patrol missions!?
Formula: Not just you, I added one on me too, but abit different
Balloona X: Cool, I wish I can lick you but I'm too big to fit in
Formula: After this... get going before that storm kicks up.
Balloona X: Alright! I'm heading down! *Her twin rotors angled her downwards, making her descend from the sky.* Ready Skye?
Skye: Ready whenever you are! *She flies to her pup house and it morphs into her copter.*
Balloona X: Alright, we're set then. Let's go. *The two lower themselves down and begin to navigate through the canyon.*
Ryder: Be careful down there, we don't know how strong the storm is
Rocky: Or how strong it'll get.
Balloona X: Understood.
*The two began going into the canyon, looking at the tight space.*
Skye: Man... there's barely any room for you in here, Loony.
Balloona X: I can handle it, Skye. Beside, I'm sure Formula did add in a size adjustment on my suit
Skye: You sure?
Balloona X: Trust me
Skye: May want to try it then real quick...
Balloona X: Uh... alright? Wait, hang on. *Her tag lit up as Formula simply looked outside, keeping an eye on the storm before his lit up.* Hey, Formy...
Formula: Something wrong? Do I need to come down there?!
Balloona X: No no... it's about the suit. It's not a big canyon... is there a way to... get through easier?
Formula: Hehehehe, I was hoping you'd ask that...
Balloona X: Well... that got your tone chipper real quick. The answer though?
Formula: Well, there are two modes. Slippery mode, and Deflating mode.
Balloona X: Well Deflating mode I can understand, but no idea what Slippery mode is...
Formula: Slippery mode keeps you at the same size, but it's more like a gelatin style to you. Be able to squeeze through any tight gap with ease. However, I did add in alittle something with that
Balloona X: Ooh... I'll find out myself. *She barked* Slippery mode! *Then her Blimp suit body blew up a tad bit more as it started to bouncing a bit* Whoa... this feels weird.
Formula: Oh it will got weirder than that
Balloona X: What does that mean? *As she approached a tight section, her big body squeezed through it, but not without sending a tickling sensation through her.* Hehehehe...
Formula: Here we go...
Zuma: Dude, what did you do exactly?
Formula: Oh I did add a tickling sensation program to make her feel ticklish if she squeezes through tight spots
Marshall: Oh boy... you know she's going to override you to your most ticklish form and won't give you a break for a while.
Formula: I know, but worth it
Rubble: You turn more into Drift every day I feel...
Formula: I am not!
Rubble: If you say so...
*The labrahuahua simply shook his head, looking outside once again to see keep an eye on the storm. With a transition with his badge, the two flying pups eventually found their way to the two stuck skydivers.*
Balloona X: Skye... hehehehe, there they are... hehehehe!
Skye: You are giggly, aren't you. Getting your "little" boy back big time for this? *The collie simply nodded, not able to speak right from all the giggling.* Come on giggle pup, let's save them before it's too late
Mayor Goodway: Oh, thank goodness they're here! *she look* And they got a blimp?
Skye: You probably don't recognize her, Mayor Goodway, but it's actually Balloona X. Her outfit makes her look... like that. *Whispering to her ear* And she got the giggle, thanks to her partner who made her suit
Mayor Goodway: Noted.
Skydiving Attendant: Can you get us down? Weather's getting worse a bit.
Skye: We'll have you out of here in no time. Balloona X, we need you here to make sure they'll be safe *The collie giggled, floating over to them.*
Balloona X: Ok.... hehehe, hop on you two... hehehe, just go easy on me... hehehe
Skye: You could just change to your deflated mode to help with the tickling if it's too much.
Balloona X: Hehehe... No, it's the... hehe... the only way I'm strong enough to... hahaha... Hold a passenger.
Skye: Alright then.... *They float down to the mayor and her attendant.* Boarding the giggle-loon air cab. Next stop, safety! *Both the Mayor and attendant jump on Balloona X's bloated body as she giggled abit*
Mayor Goodway: Uh, why is she...?
Skye: Side effect. Come on! Let's get you to safety. *Balloona X continued giggling as the two walked right to the middle of her bloated body*
Formula: Hey girls, not to be one to rush, but I estimate we have less than five minutes before the tornado forms. *His ears twitched a bit as he looked at his paw.* Make that less than three...
Skye: Oh dear, looks like we need to got you out of here, Balloona X. And fast
Balloona X: Hehehe, How... hehehe, I have to go slowly to be less ticklish
Skye: Sorry Balloona X, but we have to speed up here *she bark three times* Super Stretching Harness! *Her copter opened up a panel on the baseplate, bringing out a unique looking harness.* Alright, try to hold still...
Balloona X: I'll try... hehehehe *Skye piloted her copter a bit, slipping the harness around the giggling balloon.* Hehehehe that tickles all over!
Skye: Not my fault there. *She began whisking the giant collie away through the canyon's walls as Balloona X laugh alot more*
Mayor Goodway: You sure she didn't get strapped to a thing of laughing gas earlier?
Skye: No, Formula just added something to her new Air Patrol suit
Mayor Goodway: Something that makes her sound like she's stuck in a tumbler with tons of feathers?
Skye: I guess *She eventually flew them out as the wind started getting worse.*
Formula: They're out, let's go before we get stuck in the tornado soon.
Ryder: You heard him Robo-Dog, let's get out of here! *Robo-Dog barked. He proceeded to fly off as the pups saw the funnel of wind get created as they left.*
Rocky: That was close...
Formula: Way too close one there
Chase: You were worried about your loon, huh?
Formula: Yes...
Rocky: Well just wait until she gets you back for all that tickling
Formula: I’m well aware... *His ears lowered a bit, gulping in worry as they eventually landed on the edge of the desert.*
Skye: Alright you two, last stop: here.
Mayor Goodway: Finally, back on the ground, safe and sound! *Both of the Mayor and the attendant slide down off of Balloona X as she giggled from it* Thanks a whole lot you two!
Balloona X: Hehehe, no problem... hehehehe
Skye: I think it's time to deactivate the Slippery mode, Balloona X
Balloona X: Agreed. *she barked* Deactivate Slippery mode *then she deflated abit as her suit become tight as a drum again* There we go.
*Eventually, the Air Patroller landed near them and the rest of the team joined up with them.*
Mayor Goodway: Thanks a lot Ryder!
Ryder: No problem. Whenever you’re in trouble, just giggle for help!
Balloona X: Speaking of giggle, where is Formula?!
Rocky: I think he’s still in the plane.
Balloona X: Good! *she barked* Deflate mode! *Her suit deflated back down, enough to go in the Air Patroller as she bounced to there* Formula, where are you!? You sly pup! *She looked around, not seeing him as she looked up, seeing him clung to the ceiling with his paws as she rolled her eyes.* Get down here, Formula!
Formula: Yipe! *His magnetic paw lost its focus, falling down in front of her before he scurried back a bit.* G-G’day Loony... w-what can I do for ya?
Balloona X: I know what you did to my suit in Slippery mode!
Formula: Y-Yeah? *He laughed nervously a bit with his ears and tail lowering.* T-Too late for sorry?
Balloona X: WAY too late.
Formula: Loony, I can...
Balloona X: Shush! *She deflated back down a bit more, but when he went to run, she rolled on him to hold him down.* Nice try, Formy
Formula: Come on, Balloona X! It was a joke!
Balloona X: Quiet you sly pup! I love what you did, but you are sooo getting something special! *Formula gulps.*
*A transition with Balloona’s tag cut back to Adventure Bay with Mayor Goodway getting a few lessons at the Lookout. She was in the Air Patroller, looking down nervously.*
Mayor Goodway: Are you sure this will be safe?
Ryder: Positive. The pups and I make sure we have everything all ready for you
Mayor Goodway: All right! *She jumped out of the plane. She went into the free fall for a bit, and once reaching the correct height, deployed her chute. The pups watched her chute, with Balloona X not fully focused.*
Balloona X: Nice form, don’t you agree... Gigantamula? *She giggled, tickling the half barn-sized pup on his belly.*
Formula: Hehehehe! Please stop! Hehehehe! I'm sorry!
Balloona X: I still have a few minutes, so... no stopping for you, Gigy. Besides, let this be a lesson. If you EVER pull this stunt again without my consent, what I'm gonna do will be worse. *The lab tried to gulp, but he couldn’t stop laughing from her tickle onslaught.*
Marshall: Sounds like you’re going to have your paws full.
Balloona X: With his puffy tum, of course!
Chase: Lucky gal it seems. *He winks at Skye a bit, as she simply giggled.*
Marshall: Well, sounds like you two are into some fun for a bit. *As he went to head off, Mayor Goodway landed and the parachute covered the dalmatian. He ended up walking right into the back of Formula, causing the giggling pup to roll over him.*
Formula: Hehehe sorry Marshall... hehehe
Marshall: Who put this pup on a roll?
Balloona X: You did! *She inflated herself a bit, bouncing up onto the labs belly to continue tickling him.* Thanks for the view though!
Balloona X: Though... it can be better. *She giggled, barking.* Helium hose! *Her pack opened as the hose popped out.*
Formula: D-Don’t... please Loony...
Balloona X: Sorry Formy, but you have to feel how I feel as a floating, giggling, blimpy pup *She plugged the hose into his mouth, putting just enough helium to get him floaty as she removed it.* There we go... tickle time again! *she started tickling him more. He kept laughing in a more high pitched tone as she gently licked his belly.* You’re so adorable all puffy and happy, Gigy. Would keep you this big, but we do need ya for missions, but I’ll make the most of this time.
Formula: *high pitched* I had a feeling this was coming, but again...
Both: Worth it! *The collie had her tail wagging, continuing her play time with her lab-loon over the town.*
The End