This is a redrawn version of my "Serena Scooter Chibi" picture. This one I drew using pencil, then pen to ink over the lines. Now, this one hasn't been colored yet, and I made a few changes. I'll admit it, I forgot to add the front turn indicators, and there wasn't room to add the mirrors^^;. Other than that, I scaled things things down a bit more, made her cargo a bit smaller and added a second strap to hold it down while she's on the road. Besides what I forgot to add, I think I may actually like this version more than the previous one I did. :) I plan to color it later when I get a chance^_^.
Okay. Since I haven't come up with her last name yet, I can't ask any of you not to use her distinct name, but I can ask that you don't use her distinct likeness without first asking for and receiving my permission