Character Sheet for Kei the Echidna
Immortal, has thousands of years
Character Description
Kei is an immortal echidna possessiing tremendous Chaos powers. He's after Terios' offspirngs to absorb their abilities and use them to fully return to this world as a hyper-powerful Chaos god, and he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goal.
Schemer, Manipulator, Highly Intelligent, and single-minded belief in his own power.
Likes: The Chaos Emeralds, manipulating others to aid his ambitions, power, studying Chaos energy and others who've used it
Dislikes: People who use the chaos force better than himself, Knuckles, Chaos (water god)
Before Chaos wiped away the Echidnas from the world, Kei was able to maintain his spirit by transcribing symbols of the Chaos Emeralds in his skin. Kei has remained dormant for centuries, however prolonged use of the Chaos Emeralds has allowed him to awaken again. But he requires a sacrifice to return to life with his body which should he return will be able to have the power of all 7 emeralds…and last indefinitely without. But to achieve that, Kei has his sights on sacrificing Terios’ children given their contact with so much chaos energy.
Under his clothes, his pretty toned and pale body is covered in ancient Echidna sigils, used to keep his spirit in this world.
He wears a long dark grey coat over a light grey vest and a green turtleneck, dark grey pants and shoes