Kai’to, Chester, and Tu’rava (a trio of geroo) happened upon an odd transmission coming from some unknown source. The video turned out to be an entire visual story. The language barrier, however, prevented them from fully understanding what was happening. In the video, though, the characters were obsessed with this "Vespa" thing; a small, two-wheeled vehicle. Being between planets (and having nothing better to do), the trio decide to try to build one, based on what they saw in the movie. Maybe they could sell them on Ringeltec?
This is one of my earliest Hayven Celestia inspired pieces. It still remains unfinished because I asked a couple artists for help coloring it and didn't want to keep pressuring them, so I just let it fall to the wayside...
1 year, 5 months ago
20 Sep 2023 03:32 CEST
Initial: 40f60c457ec382e1de32a9ca48058204
Full Size: 602890b88df2332b300820f07d89bb19
Large: 77d4cfc731ef0d996cddfe26b1e7d448
Small: c78ef42a83af7085e7096a839cc3c76a
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