Reminds me of Incredible Hulk 2's Abomination. As they say - they bigger they are, the harder they fall. Who had that last ball of serum? Gotta feed it to Elder.
Reminds me of Incredible Hulk 2's Abomination. As they say - they bigger they are, the harder they
I think the last one the Robo-boi holding weren't used. One was thrown by Elder, another was taken from the Vixen and used on her, the last one was given to the Robot and still wasn't implemented.
I think the last one the Robo-boi holding weren't used. One was thrown by Elder, another was taken f
Elder's muscles is what i picture Javi's looks like but Javi is bigger. Javi's shirts keep it all hidden and contained. one day his nanite shirt gives out and hes actually way bigger then Elder :p lol sorry Javi
Elder's muscles is what i picture Javi's looks like but Javi is bigger. Javi's shirts keep it all hi
Well he did put all that Bio Energy that he absorbed Into his physical size...want to bet his cell structure is Unstable as the Bioenergy Itself!??? It may make him Pop like a balloon if hit in the right spot.. He may be a shape-shifter, but Organic cells have limits of how much energy they can absorb without spontaneous collapse.
Well he did put all that Bio Energy that he absorbed Into his physical size...want to bet his cell s
Really Eyes on the Prize, they all look like Humans in Jurassic Park staring down the mouth of a T. rex Well, this is, I think, that Elder took them all completely By surprise by Doing his Godzilla Impression..
Really Eyes on the Prize, they all look like Humans in Jurassic Park staring down the mouth of a T.
It's strange it didn't occur to me sooner, but it's a really good thing he doesn't seem to know what he's capable of. When Rayco was changed, there was a concern because of the pheromones he was putting out. I imagine either of them could just generate toxic gas at will. I think they might also be able to alter the shapes of others, yeah? That'd be bad. Geez maybe even mental alterations.
It's strange it didn't occur to me sooner, but it's a really good thing he doesn't seem to know what