Paw and Ma Boogaloo arrived in the family Edsel to the grocery store with their teenage son, Na Na, on his first day of work.
"Well. Here yer are, Na Na. Yer first day on the job", Paw said.
"Oh goodie goodie", said Na Na. "Now I can save up enough money to replace my three wheel motorcycle that you have to pedal" (Referring to a tricycle).
"You do a good job for the people there. Okay?, Ma said.
"Okaaayy", Na Na gleefully replied.
Paw then advised Na Na, "And when ya get yer next moteecycle, you shouldn't a oughta be leavin' out in the street like yer did the last one".
"Yea. A mean pookie ole car ran it over", Na Na affirmed.
Ma looked at her watch, then said, "Na Na, you better go and report for work so you don't be late".
"Oh yea. Okay", Na Na replied as he got out of the car to report to work.
"We'll be back when you get off from work", Paw said to Na Na.
When Na Na Boogaloo came into the grocery store and reported to work, he announced, "Uh. I'm here".
The assistant manager asked the manager, "Where did they dig this one up?"
"He's what personal sent us", the manager replied.
"Alllllright", the assistant manager replied.
The manager then informed the assistant manager, "We have some shopping carts in the parking lot. Go ahead and have Na Na bring them in".
The assistant manager then instructed Na Na, "What we need you to do is collect those shopping carts out in the parking lot".
"Okaaayy", Na Na interjected.
"Now listen up", said the assistant manager. "Instead of bring them in one at a time, you can do the job more efficiently if you put the carts into each other. Then roll them into the store".
"Okaaayy", Na Na again said.
"You understand. Right?", the assistant manager replied.
"I guess soooo", Na Na acknowledged.
As Na Na ran out to get the carts, the assistant manager advised him, "And watch out for the cars out there".
As soon as Na Na ran out into the parking lot, car brakes can be heard screeching and a horn blowing.
Na Na didn't get hit and he ran out to the carts like nothing happened.
"Out near a couple of shopping carts, Na Na said, "Hm. Let's see. He said put the carts into each other".
"Uh, this cart's heavy", Na Na said. "But I think I can lift it up into this other's in. Now to roll them into the store".
Na Na rolled the carts across the parking lot, then >BAM<. Na Na rolled them again, then >BAM<. Then again >BAM<.
The assistant manager came outside and exclaimed, "What's going on out here?!"...NO NO NO! I didn't say ram them into the wall! And what are you doing with one cart piggy backed on top the other?!".
"But but but. You said...", Na Na began to explain.
"Never mind what I said", the assistant manager interjected. "Come on inside and I'll find something else for you to do".
Once in the store, the manager asked the assistant manager, "How is Na Na doing with the carts?"
"He rolled them into the store alright", the assistant manager answered.
"I don't see them in here anywhere. Where are they?", The manager asked.
"I don't mean that way rolled them into the store", the assistant manager replied.
"Uh. I think I get the picture", the manager affirmed, then said, "One of our bag boys is on break. Go ahead and have Na Na bag at register two until he gets back".
"You hear that, Na Na? Go bag groceries at register two", The assistant manager said. "All you have to do is do as the cashier tells you".
"Okaaayy", Na Na acknowledged.
"The man said for me to bag groceries", Na Na said to the cashier.
"All you have to do is set the groceries in the bag", the cashier told him.
"Okaaayy. I drop these in", Na Na said.
"I'm buying those eggs", the customer retorted.
"Those are eggs. You don't just drop those in", the cashier said, then said, "They're broke, now".
"He's new here", the assistant manager assured the cashier. "I'll go get another dozen up here".
A moment later, the assistant manager came back and said, "Here they are".
The cashier then told Na Na, "You have to bag the eggs gently".
"Oh. Okay", Na Na acknowledged, then said, "I set them in eeeeasy".
"That's more like it", the cashier said.
"Then I put these in", Na Na then said.
"Stop! Don't drop caned goods on top of the eggs!...Oh great", the cashier retorted.
"I know of something else Na Na can be doing", the manager said. "There's those packs of bacon one of our other stock boys forgot to stamp prices on".
"Yea, that", the assistant manager said. "I'll get Na Na on it right away.
The assistant manager had Na Na follow him to where the meat case is.
"Okay. You see these packs of bacon?", the assistant manager asked.
"I guess soooo", Na Na replied.
"This is a price stamper", said the assistant manager. "The price numbers are already set, so you don't have to fool with them. What I need you to do is stamp those packages of bacon...Got it?"
"I guess soooo", Na Na again replied.
After the assistant manager left, Na Na said, "Let's see now. He wants me to stamp the bacon...I grab a bacon...Put it on the floor...And stamp it".
Na Na then stomps on the package of bacon.
"Grab another bacon...Put it on the floor...And stamp it.", Na Na says.
After stomping on several more packages of bacon, Na Na says, "I don't know why he wants me to stamp the bacon...But I do it anyway".
Na Na then pulls another package of bacon from the meat case and stomps on it.
"What are you doing?!", the assistant manager retorted at Na Na.
"I'm stampin' the baaaconnnn", Na Na answered.
The manager then approaches and asks, "What's going on?"
"He's stamping the bacon", the assistant manager replied.
The manager then asks, "Well if he was doing such a good job, why didn't you let him be?"
"I don't mean that way stamping the bacon", the assistant manager answered.
"Oh", the manager replied, then mentioned, "Well, we got flies in the produce department. Let's put Na Na on fly swatter duty. I don't see any way he can possibly mess that up".
"Okay. Will do", the assistant manager agreed.
At the produce department, the assistant manager said to Na Na, "This is so simple, there's no way you could mess this up. Take this fly swatter and swat any flies that land. Just don't swat any flies on the fruits and vegetables. Got that?"
"Yea. I think so", Na Na acknowledged.
"I'll be back in a bit to check on you", the assistant manager told Na Na.
A fly then landed on a shelf.
"A fly", Na Na said, then began to sneak up saying, "Fly fly fly fly fly...Uh. Miiissed".
"Another one...Fly fly fly fly fly fly fly...Uh. miiiissed ageeeeeen", Na Na said.
"I got a idea", Na Na said. "This water melon will get rid of the flies".
Na Na then said, "Prop the door open...And bust the water melon on the sidewalk".
Na Na then busted the water melon on the sidewalk.
"WHAT...DO...YOU...THINK...YOU'RE...DO...ING?!", the assistant manager raged at Na Na.
"Gettin' all the flies out", Na Na explained. "When all the flies go after the water melon on the sidewalk, I close the door. An ta-da!...They're trapped outside".
"Yea...But for every one fly you trap outside, you're letting fifty others in!", the assistant manager scorned at Na Na.
The manager came by and said, "I'm not even going to ask how this happened", then suggested, "Let's have Na Na help those other two stock boys doing the clean up in the detergent isle".
"Okay then", the assistant manager agreed.
In the detergent isle, the assistant instructed Na Na, "Here. Take this mop. Help Johnny and Billy mop up this mess. And if you mess this one up, I will personally knock the shit out of you".
Na Na chattered his teeth in fear for two seconds
After the assistant manager left, one of the stock boys pulled the mop bucket away and told Na Na, "Heeeyyy. This is our waterrrr".
The other stock boy told Na Na, "Yea. get your own water".
Na Na then said to himself, "Hm...Maybe I don't need water. I'll clean up without water".
Na Na then said, "I'll grab this box of laundry soap..Open it...Dump it on the floor".
As Na Na pushed the laundry detergent around on the floor with the mop, he said, "This soap might clean better than water will".
Then the assistant manager showed up and said to Na Na, "Nice job you're doing there. ESPECIALLY WITHOUT ANY WATER!"
Na Na gleefully replied, "Oh, reeeeally?"
"Ooooo, what did I say I was going to do!", the assistant manager scorned, then punched Na Na in the face.
The assistant manager then told Na Na, "And besides that, you're fired!"
Na Na then asked, "You mean, you gonna catch me on fire?!"
Na Na then went running down the isle on his way to leave the store, shouting, "Na na na na na na! Mean man gonna catch me on fire! Mean man gonna catch me on fire! Mean man! Mean man gonna catch me on fire!"
This was about time for Na Na to be getting off from work.
As Ma and Paw Boogaloo waited out in the family Edsel, Ma mentioned, "I wonder how Na Na did on his first day of work".
That was about the time Na Na Boogaloo came running out of the store, shouting, "Na na na na na na na na...!".
"Well...I recon we now know", Paw replied.
As Na Na opened the rear passenger's door of the Edsel, he retorted, "Na na na!, then got in and retorted Na na na na! as he slammed the car door shut".
"What happened?", Ma asked.
Na Na answered, "Mean man hit me an made me doo doo my pants".
Ma retorted, "What?!...Paw, we hafta have a talk with somebody about this".
"I think so", Paw agreed.
Na Na then said, "Then the mean man said he was gonna catch me on fire".
"WHAT?!", Ma retorted. "You hear that, Paw?!"
"What exactly did he say", Paw asked Na Na.
Na Na answered, "He said, besides that you're fired".
"Oh that thar doesn't mean he's gonna set ya on fior", Paw assured Na Na. "It just means ya can't work thar anymore. Ya musta did somethin' to make 'em mad at ya".
Na Na then retorted, "That means...I can't save up for another three wheel motorcycle that you hafa pedal! Na na na na na na na na na!"
"You cool down or Mommy gonna spank you", Ma warned Na Na.
"But I can't save up for another three wheel motorcycle that you hafa pedal!", Na Na retorted.
"Oooooo, Mommy gonna spank you!, Ma said, then reached back and spanked Na Na.
"NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA...!", Na Na Boogaloo cried as the spanking made a >pooick pooick pooick< sound.
"Ooooo, poo-poo. Where did that come from", Ma retorted.
"Mean man hit me and made me doo doo my pants", Na Na said.
Paw finally said, "Well, if this here place treats thar hired help thata way, it ain't no kinda place no one would want to work fer anyways".
"You hear that, Na Na? Your papa is right", Ma said. "This place isn't worth working for".
"I guess not", Na Na agreed.
"We'll just try ta find ya another job is all", Paw assured Na Na.