Blood-Bellflower: A Bellflower Bunnies Tale.
Chapter 4.
After coming back from Austin Cleanheart’s Family Estate, Periwinkle went to the spot where the small sacred house was, and saw footprints next to it, then he felt and realized something when he examined the footprints, he realized that the human man he saw last night was responsible for the theft and he also felt a dark presence from the footprints and then realized there was something unholy and dastardly about the young man whom he saw last night, which explains the nasty and cocky look on his face, the footprints and the dark presence from his aura. Periwinkle then headed back to the house and spoke to Violette and explained to her what he discovered, Violette believe him and checked the spot where the small sacred house was, and examined the footprints, and realized Periwinkle was being truthful about this, but couldn’t be sure if it is true that the culprit was unholy and filled with something dark and anti-religious. Then she spoke with Mistletoe and told him what she discovered, then Mistletoe checked outside and examined the footprints and realized Periwinkle and Violette were telling the truth, then Mistletoe spoke with both Periwinkle and Violette. “So you said there were footprints on the spot where the small sacred house was?” asked Mistletoe “I examined them and something tells they were that of a human were they?”, “Yeah, that’s right.” Said Periwinkle “I even saw the person who might be responsible for this last night, and I assume that theft caused us a great deal of trouble.”, “What do you suspect?” asked Violette, “I had a strange feeling that the theft, the incident between you and Poppy and Pimpernelle, Poppy picking a fight with Emile, as well as Pimpernelle’s hatred towards me and my family, and Poppy’s foul mood all have a connection and are part of some unholy plot.” Said Periwinkle “But I couldn’t be sure if it is true.”, “Something isn’t right.” Said Violette “We need to tell Poppy about this.”, “Yeah.” Said Mistletoe “He needs to know.”, then Violette and Mistletoe went Poppy’s room and spoke with Poppy of what happened. “What are you saying?” asked Poppy, “Periwinkle found strange footprints in front of where the small sacred house once was.” Said Violette “When he examined it, they weren’t that of a rabbit or anything else. But that of a human male.”, “What?” said Poppy “Footprints?”, “Yeah.” Said Mistletoe “Much too big to be groundhog, rodent or any regular mammal. They were indeed human footprints.”, “Even Periwinkle saw the possible suspect who could be responsible for this.” Said Violette “Upon giving description of what he looked like, but barely, both Mistletoe and I checked the area.”, “His suspicions were confirmed when both of us examined the footprints and discovered what happened.” Said Mistletoe “It was now obvious that someone orchestrated the theft, yet the parts where your anger issues today, the way you and Violette were negative towards Pimpernelle when accusing her of theft, your behavior towards Emile when you picked a fight with him out of anger and hatred, not to mention what Pimpernelle said to Periwinkle, I doubt they had a connection to that theft that happened last night.”, “What are you saying?” said Poppy “Are you saying that a human is responsible for the theft?”, “Yeah.” Said Violette “Earlier, we had suspicions that a member of our kind came to that small house and left again upon stealing it. But it wasn’t the case, it was human who caused this theft.”, “What?” said Poppy, “The human who stole the chocolates and sweets from us did that for a reason.”, “One that is never a nice and considerate reason.” Said Violette, “If you don’t believe us.” Said Mistletoe “See the footprints for yourself.”, “OK.” Said Poppy “I’ll get to the bottom of this after I check this out.”, “And yet we owe Pimpernelle and Emile an apology for what happened.” Said Violette “You’ll get to the bottom of this later.”, “Fine.” Said Poppy “I’ll apologize to Pimpernelle for what happened today, yet I won’t ever apologize to Emile for what happened, not ever, you hear?”, “That’s totally not nice, bro.” said Mistletoe, “Yeah, what about it?” asked Poppy “I never liked Emile, there’s always bad blood between us. He’s not only an idiot, but also an arrogant young man without proper sense of responsibility.”, “Yet you owe him big time.” Said Violette, “Fine.” Said Poppy “But I’m too reluctant to do such things, you hear?”, “We’ll see about that.” Said Violette and Mistletoe. Periwinkle has heard everything, and was worried about what is going to happen next. Then Bramble arrived at Poppy’s room and spoke to him, “I think it’s time you and Violette should see Pimpernelle and Emile.” Said Bramble “Come along, I’ll take you to her.”, “Daddy, wait.” Said Periwinkle “I’m coming with you. I need to make sure Poppy’s apology as well as Violette’s apology are properly accepted by Pimpernelle. I have a strange feeling it won’t be easy without both me and you combined.”, “OK, fine.” Said Bramble reluctantly “But I’m reluctant to allow this. Something odd would happen if you get involved in this.”, “Maybe.” Said Periwinkle “But that’s not the only reason I’m going with you, Poppy and Violette to see Pimpernelle.”, “Well I don’t want to talk about it.” Said Bramble “But still we must get going.”. Before Poppy could go with the others, he went outside and examined the footprints next to the spot where the small sacred house once was. However, when he checked, he had a strange feeling about whoever caused the theft gave him a rough day.
Upon arriving at Pimpernelle’s house, Bramble and Periwinkle greeted Papilio and Flora and told them that they brought Poppy and Violette with them. Before Poppy and Violette could go to Pimpernelle’s room, Periwinkle suggests he will see Pimpernelle and make sure she’ll accept their apologies for the incident that happened as well as something classified from them and their father. Then Periwinkle went to Pimpernelle’s room and spoke with her. Pimpernelle was somewhat surprised to see Periwinkle, but was reluctant to interact with him for a reason. “Hello, Pimpernelle.” Said Periwinkle “I just came here for a few reasons. One is that to discuss with you about what gives you to the right to swear me and my family off like that after Poppy’s and Violette’s actions towards you and Emile in a negative way, second is that I need to make sure you’ll forgive Poppy and Violette for what happened, and third is something that concerns the state of our town we live in, as well as a certain schoolmate of Poppy which won’t bold well with others.”, Pimpernelle was too angry to interact with Periwinkle, but Periwinkle remained concerned with her. “Pimpernelle.” Said Periwinkle “Please interact with me, I won’t take no for an answer.”, “I’ll give you an answer, Periwinkle.” Said Pimpernelle angrily “It is because your family are idiotically flawed, and to tell you the truth, some schoolmates of ours at our school as well as some high school students had made furious facts about your family, I agreed with the statements from the youths across our town including the ones from both our school and the other schools.”, “You shouldn’t have agreed with this statement.” Said Periwinkle “And you shouldn’t harbor a grudge against my family nor letting out hatred towards me. To tell you the truth, I care deeply about you, yet I would never be horrid to you or anyone in my life, not even my family ever.”, “Why?” asked Pimpernelle “I could not cope with this trauma, and yet this act is going to too far! I never want to see you or your family in my life again!”, “You shouldn’t say such things.” Said Periwinkle “I understand how you feel as well as saying what problems you have, but I fail to see the dignity and respect within you, especially from the incident you’ve experienced just like that. To tell you the truth, the facts about us from the students from our school, including primary schools and high schools, are either false or half-truthful. Also, I’m always a kind, honest, respect and good-mannered boy and would never be a problem to anyone in my life.”, “Yeah, what about it?” snapped Pimpernelle “I wanted to get along with you, but a part of me is unwilling too, I was too wrecked with sorrow and anger to deal with that.”, “I understand, Pimpernelle.” Said Periwinkle “You should know what I really am, a strong good-hearted boy with a heart devoid of evil and darkness. I would never be liability to anyone including you and your family. Surely, my father would understand how you feel and so do your mother, Flora.”, “Just stop!” sobbed Pimpernelle “You know nothing!”, “Actually, I do not know nothing.” Said Periwinkle “You shouldn’t be wracked with anger or hatred towards me. Do you want this hatred to consume your life and literally be the death of you?”, “No, I don’t.” sobbed Pimpernelle, “Perhaps I could tell you something, not just what really happened today, and the truth about Poppy and Violette’s behavior towards you Pimpernelle, but also a theft of the sweets from the small sacred house, and of course the person responsible for this nasty act.” Said Periwinkle, then he explained everything. Pimpernelle believed Periwinkle but couldn’t find the strength or will to apologize to him, and she was still upset of the trauma she experienced. “Just leave me be, please.” Said Pimpernelle “Just bring in both Poppy and Violette. They’ll apologize for their behavior, but I’m breaking ties with them and the rest of your family, except you, Periwinkle.”, “Why?” asked Periwinkle, “It’s because your family is failing.” Said Pimpernelle “Please just leave me be.”, “OK.” Said Periwinkle “I understand, Pimpernelle. By the way, thank you for showing me so much respect and kindness.”, then Periwinkle calmly left the room. Afterwards he told his father and two older siblings that it went well, despite the depression and frustration Pimpernelle had, he even told Poppy and Violette to go in and apologize to Pimpernelle for their behavior. Then Poppy and Violette got into Pimpernelle’s room, while Bramble overheard the conversation. Poppy and Violette apologized to Pimpernelle, but she reluctantly accepted their apologies. However, she also told them she is breaking ties with them due to their behavior and accusations towards her as well as Poppy’s violent actions and hatred towards Emile, not to mention him being somewhat anti-social in an extreme and horrid way. This resulted Poppy and Violette to angrily end their ties with her and her family just like that, even though they didn’t took back the apology for their actions towards her. When Bramble heard that he was furious, he didn’t want to punish Poppy or Violette yet, but he told Papilio what he heard when Poppy and Violette spoke to Pimpernelle when trying to apologize to her. Papilio got upstairs and spoke with Pimpernelle, after having a brief conversation with her, he angrily spoke to Bramble, Poppy and Violette and then furiously broke his ties with the Bellflower Family except Periwinkle and refused to interact with them ever again due to the inconvenience and issues they experienced today and of course the past months. Bramble left the house with Poppy, Violette and Periwinkle and headed back home with them.
Upon returning back home, Bramble punished both Poppy and Violette for what happened that resulted in Pimpernelle and her family breaking ties with almost the entire family except Periwinkle. As punishment, they were never allowed to leave the house for 2 whole weeks, except for going to school, and they were being stayed put in their rooms for 2 whole weeks as well. Then Bramble scolded Periwinkle for making matters worse, yet Periwinkle confirmed it wasn’t his intention for this to happen and that Pimpernelle and her family never understood his family nor those who tried to reason with them. Bramble sighed and believed him, but cautioned his son never to make the situation worse again. Before Poppy could go to his room, he snapped at Periwinkle. “You could’ve prevent the incident between me and Violette and Pimpernelle and Emile!” yelled Poppy “And you could’ve prevented the theft as well! You’re completely useless!”, “Why?” asked Periwinkle “All I ever did was trying to help, and yet I never wished for those problems to happen. But you’re right, I could’ve prevented all of this, but I wasn’t able to due to the problems and strong strange feelings.”, “You’re such an idiot!” snapped Poppy “You may be my brother, but you created a nasty rift between almost all of us and Papilio and his family! You’re a damn failure, and I’m never speaking to you again, you hear me?! I’m fed up with you!!”, “You shouldn’t have said that, Poppy.” Said Periwinkle “This won’t make anyone feel better. And thanks to you, my father did not want to bother taking you to see Emile and what’s worse, you’ve caused this family a great deal of trouble, our family that is.”, “SHUT THE HELL UP, PERIWINKLE!” yelled Poppy furiously “I’M NEVER SPEAKING TO YOU AGAIN’ AND THAT GOES TO OUR DAMN FATHER!”, “ENOUGH!!!” snapped Bramble “That disgusts me, Poppy. Get to your room this instant and don’t ever go near me or your brother Periwinkle until further notice! I hope this will ever be good enough to have you think of what you’ve said and done.”, Poppy spat on his father’s face and stormed off in fury, much to Periwinkle’s dismay and Bramble’s anger. “I’m sorry you have to witness that, Daddy.” Said Periwinkle, “That’s alright, son.” Said Bramble “But Poppy should think twice before saying such things out of anger.”, “Yeah.” Said Periwinkle. Then Periwinkle went to his room and began to make a decision, he decided to head to the temple in a forest to take his mind off the issue with Poppy. He knew today became a disastrous and nasty day.