Blood-Bellflower: A Bellflower Bunnies Tale.
Chapter 2.
That night, Periwinkle was sleeping in his room, the bedroom where he and Dandelion sleep together. While he was sleeping, he received a vision. It was the same one he has but much longer. He saw the vision of a demonic force who wants to throw Earth into chaos with support from the zealots tainted and driven violent by its madness, Foxhell. He also something in the vision of what is going to happen to his family and his friends, he also saw in the vision a violent zombie outbreak caused by the dark miasma, he also had a vision of what would happen to the humans as well as the extraterrestrial colonists who lived here, and he also had a vision of what will happen to the planet’s fate. He saw in the vision mortals killed by those lethally infected and reconstructed by that black mist will end up being reconstructed into undead within 10 seconds. He even saw something that resembles a black hole and that it was that of a black glowing sphere with a destructive aura and it can suck up anything into it, yet it wouldn’t kill those who have become undead and demonic. Periwinkle feared that something bad will happen. Then he saw demonic being with black aura glowing, and that was Belphegor, the Demon Lord of Pure Evil and Fell God of Terrorism. Then he saw the unholy weapon, Elixemgulat. Then 5 seconds later he saw a demonic grey face with demonic eyes, bloody face and vampire-like teeth, as well as hearing a banshee scream. Shorty afterwards, Periwinkle woke up in shock. He didn’t want to go back to sleep yet, but he had a strange feeling something odd is going to happen. Then he heard a voice, he checked the window, opened the curtains, and then he saw Dandelion. Periwinkle gasped in shock when he saw Dandelion, “What are you doing here?” asked Periwinkle “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”, “I wanted too.” Said Dandelion “But I couldn’t sleep. I was hoping for a divine spirit to come, but I am not sure if any spirit can.”, “You can’t see spirits or ghosts that easily.” Said Periwinkle “Only those with strong hearts and god-like essence in their hearts can see spirits or ghosts easily.”, “Yeah.” Said Dandelion “But I want to see if a divine spirit could come here.”, “Wait and see.” Said Periwinkle “I’m sure nothing bad will happen if you see something good.”. Then Periwinkle and Dandelion waited 3 minutes, then a shadowy figure of someone came walking to the small sacred house in front of their home, Dandelion smiled and thought it was a divine spirit. However, Periwinkle was unsure what it was. When took a closer look, he saw what resembles a human male in his early or mid-20s. The male has orange hair, crimson eyes, pale skin, cerulean t-shirt, a black leather jacket with pale grey fur, dark blue jeans, a slate grey waistbelt with a buckle, orange boots with crimson straps, white skull-shaped buckles and black soles. That man’s name is Viktor Busekphaliccio, and he is very sinister and devious. Periwinkle then saw a nasty look and smile on the man’s face and could see his irises briefly shrunk and looking insane and unearthly. Periwinkle knew something is wrong with that man and senses a dark unholy aura inside him. “Dandelion, get back.” Said Periwinkle “I’m asking you not to look at that thing any further.”, “But, bubby…” said Dandelion, “Dandelion, please.” Said Periwinkle “Don’t see that thing any further.”, “Why?” asked Dandelion, “Just because...” Said Periwinkle “Of a good reason. I’ll explain everything tomorrow.”, then Periwinkle closed the window, and the brothers went back to their beds. Then Viktor looked at the house, “Now then.” Said Viktor “Let’s get started.”.
Next Morning, Periwinkle and his siblings got outside to check the small sacred house after breakfast, when they checked, they could there weren’t any sweets much to their shock and dismay. Violette and Dandelion were depressed, Mistletoe was frustrated, while Poppy was more frustrated than Mistletoe, and he suspected something odd going and suspected thievery was involved. Periwinkle on the other hand was upset and didn’t know what to say. On one hand, he was upset that the chocolates and other sweets were not here, but on the other hand, he was outraged, offended and yet remaining calm. He knew something odd would happen, but never thought it would be possible theft. He even suspected that the young human man he saw last night had something to do with what happened. At Noon, Poppy and Violette were having a conversation outside, they had no idea that something odd happened like this. “Do you think something flawed happened to the small house?” asked Violette, “I don’t think that was ever the case.” Said Poppy “Something tells me there is thievery here, and yet it was nasty enough to offend and hurt us.”, “Do you have an idea who?” asked Violette, “I have an idea who could it be.” Said Poppy “That would be Emile, that arrogant classmate of mine. Emile may be naughty, arrogant and pompous, and slightly stuck-up, but he isn’t vile or treacherous. Yet I suspect he may have something to do with this.”, “Yeah? What about it?” asked Violette “We can’t be sure if Emile was the culprit responsible for it. You did saw footprints?”, “Yup.” Said Poppy “But I couldn’t check them properly, I have to go back to the spot where that small house is and examine it carefully.”, “Seriously?” asked Violette, “Yup, I’m sure.” Said Poppy “Sooner or later, when I follow the footprints, I’ll make sure those jackasses will ever think twice for stealing it.”. Then Poppy and Violette saw Pimpernelle, she was accompanied by a pale-furred rabbit with orange hair, that rabbit male’s name is Emile, he is the same age as Poppy yet slightly a month older than him. Both Poppy and Violette also saw something in Pimpernelle’s bag, they happen to be chocolates, and they were gift from the divine spirits of the heavens. Poppy and Violette assumed yet jumped into conclusion that Emile was involved in the theft and had Pimpernelle as an accomplice. At the same time, Periwinkle placed the small sacred house back into the basement, when he got back from the basement, Dandelion spoke to Periwinkle. “Bubby.” Said Dandelion “Do you think there is a possibility that there’s a curse that causes bad luck when seeing something divine?”, “No.” said Periwinkle “I don’t think there’s a link between divine spirits and a series of bad luck and chaos happening sooner or later. However, I was told about strange things happening in the past in not only in the colonies, but also places from the Omega, Alpha, Beta and Delta Dimensions. You see, those places where villages, towns and cities located in planets like ours and other planets including the recently destroyed and ravaged Hosnian Prime had a series of rather extreme and unfortunate events, which did result in a series of nasty inconveniences and also a lot of deaths that are accidental, reckless, insane and idiotic. This resulted in deaths of many people living here. Amongst those incidents were something that caused the deaths of many royals in a planet called Fodarghia, it has countries run by emperors, kings, high chancellors and presidents as well as nobility including Barons, Baronesses, Viscounts, Viscountesses, Counts, Countesses, Margraves, Dukes and Duchesses. The king of one of Fodarghia’s countries, Faerghus, a religious yet powerful nation, one by the name Lambert Cassiano Blaiddyd and his wife and queen consort Phasma Londakida Blaiddyd as well as the majority of his bloodline were killed in a massacre which has mainly of what claimed to be zombie-like demonic beasts but wasn’t confirmed. They claimed the people of the town where Lambert and Phasma were killed in were responsible for the deaths, but that wasn’t confirmed either. However, Lambert and Phasma weren’t the only ones killed, but also 6 of their children, many nobles, warriors, mercenaries and castle knights, as well as civilians of this town were killed, including senators and merchants. Amongst the few survivors were Dimitri Alexandro Blaiddyd, his younger sister Elizabeth Serena Blaiddyd, and Dedue Molinaro, a young man who is the son of a blacksmith and an old friend of Lambert. This incident that took the lives of many people was called the Tragedy of Duscur, also known as the Massacre of Duscur. 3 years after the massacre, the same thing happened to a place called Ariandroth, like in Duscur that massacre was caused by something unknown, people claimed that either zombie-like demonic beasts were responsible for the incident, or the civilians were ones responsible for that massacre, but it couldn’t be proven or confirmed yet. However, Lambert’s older twin brother Rufus Thamderus Blaiddyd and his wife Freyta Bomeigrun Blaiddyd who were regents of Faerghus were killed in the way as Lambert and his wife had, and this left 4 of their children orphaned. 5 months after the incident, shocking details regarding the Tragedy of Duscur as well the incident in Ariandroth, which is called the Tragedy of Ariandroth aka the Massacre of Ariandroth were recently uncovered. After hearing reports of investigators of what happened, it was revealed that an unholy crime syndicate that slithers in the dark called Foxhell were the ones responsible for those incidents, and both Duscur and Ariandroth, were the 4th and 9th town that fell victim to the plagues that destroyed those settlements which involves zombie-like demonic beasts. The Foxhell was the cause of the destruction of 10 other settlements in Faerghus, as well as 12 settlements in the neighboring country, Adrestia, like what happened to Duscur and Ariandroth, those settlements were affected by zombie-like demonic beasts brought here by the Foxhell, and there were many reasons for this. One of the reasons is that the emperor and his wife wanted their 2 surviving children to live properly after 6 other children of theirs died in accidental deaths by illnesses or other causes which were the result of the failures of the half-legal blood experiments, and in exchange for the success, King Lambert and his wife as well as the majority of his bloodline along with his loyal followers must be assassinated, and that Lambert’s blood must be used for the experiment to be successful in order for the 2 children Dalvos and Edelgard to live. No would quite imagine those acts would be grizzly and treacherous. However, Foxhell wasn’t the only organization plotting against Lambert and his bloodline, but also the Corporate Alliance, the Black Sun Syndicate, the White Maw Syndicate, the Western and Southern Churches of the Order of Seiros, a few members of the Central Church of the Order of Seiros as well as a few dozen members of the Knights of Seiros, many noble families from Adrestia and Faerghus, and many common and uncommon crime syndicates, as well as many mercenary and bounty hunter guilds and several low-ranking and high-ranking of officers of the main militia of Faerghus. Despite the culprits responsible for those acts revealed, it was almost good enough to prevent outbreak from affecting Faerghus and Adrestia any further. However, I even feared that our settlement would probably end up like Faerghus and Adrestia, yet I hope for the others’ sake it doesn’t make a beeline for them.”, “Really?” asked Dandelion, “Yes, my brother.” Said Periwinkle “As your older brother I ask you not to discuss this with our father or anyone in our family.”, “Why?” asked Dandelion, “It is because, I don’t want an issue to happen to anyone nor do I want to put my family in grave danger. I should be the one telling our father about this, but soon not now.” Said Periwinkle “Please don’t discuss this with my father until the time is right and after I tell him everything in the appropriate timing. OK, Dandelion?”, “OK, bubby.” Said Dandelion. Then, when Periwinkle got outside, he heard a voice and saw what is recently happening, “What in blazes are you saying??!!” yelled Pimpernelle, “You got some nerves into steeling sweets from us, haven’t you Pimpernelle, you treacherous girl?” said Violette “Shame on you, you hear?”, “I don’t what were you thinking, Pimpernelle.” Said Poppy “But should think twice before doing something treacherous and treasonous.”, “You’re being monstrous, stupid and stubborn.” Said Pimpernelle “I have done nothing wrong against you.”, “Like I have your word for it.” Said Poppy “You are nothing more than a backstabbing fiend and thief.”, Emile who heard what Poppy said sneered in disgust and groaned in anger, “When will you learn to shut your gulls?” asked Emile “You can’t accuse people without proof, you’re being stupid and stubborn.”, “What?” said Poppy “Just watch your mouth, you naughty ruffian boy.”, “You don’t have any authority over my rights to speak like that.” Said Emile “And neither is anyone in your stupid family.”, “When it comes to stern conversations, I beg to differ.” Said Poppy “And of all the idiotic things, your actions are not only dumb, but also nasty and rebellious.”, “Why’s that?” said Emile, “Trust me, it is because you are always naughty, arrogant, pompous and misguided.” Said Poppy “And you too are always a fiend. Once fiend always a fiend, you know?”, “Let me be perfectly clear, brat.” Sneered Emile “You’re saying we’re thieves despite the lack of proof, and you better not offend me any further, you hot-headed geek. You’re an idiot you is annoying than a thief yet less treacherous than a delinquent. Trust me, pal. You don’t want me to come between you, jackass, you hear me?”, “I have your word for this, Emile.” Said Poppy “And I have something stern and furious to say to you.”, “Don’t you dare.” Said Emile, “You’re always not only an idiot but also a complete asshole who gives me a headache as usual and keep on getting on my nerves with dislike and jealously towards me and yet you are such an insane fiend and of course a damn arrogant jackass you mocks me like a psychotic gangster! I never liked you in my life, and I want you out of my sight and my life!” yelled Poppy furiously, “Let me warn you, idiot.” Sneered Emile “Mock me and I’ll have your hide for this, lethally.”, “You will get out of my sight and life, over my dead body!” snapped Poppy “Did you hear me? Over my dead body!”, “That can be arranged…” said Emile “You crazy hot-headed son of a bitch!”, then Emile pounced on Poppy violently and picked a fight with him out of anger and hatred, “I’m gonna kill ya for this, Poppy!” yelled Emile “I’m gonna kill ya! I’ll literally kill ya, you hear?”, seeing what happened, Periwinkle tried to convince Poppy to stop, but he wouldn’t listen and both he and Emile picked fight with each other in their attempts to kill each other for perspective reasons. Zinnia also saw what happened through the window and was horrified and disgusted, not only of what she saw, but what she heard, yet she didn’t saw the whole thing. Zinnia stormed out of the house and shouted, “BOYS!” snapped Zinnia “Put a stop to this madness, you hear me?!”, but Poppy and Emile wouldn’t listen, instead they continued to pick a fight with each other, until Poppy kicked Emile in the crotch and kicked him up in the air and straight into the ground. Then Zinnia furiously grabbed Poppy by his arm and dragged him into the house along with Violette. “You two are nothing but disrespectful and violent delinquents!” yelled Zinnia “I’m dragging you back into the house, and report to your father about your vulgar attitude! You two are going to be lectured violently!”, “But, Aunt Zinnia!” said Poppy and Violette “WHY!?!”, “Because, you two youths need to show respect to people around your age, just like that, one way or another!!” yelled Zinnia. Zinnia threw Poppy and Violette into the mansion and slammed the door angrily, much to Periwinkle’s surprise and shock. Dandelion also saw the whole thing and was surprised too. “What just happened?” asked Dandelion, “My older siblings got too carried away.” Said Periwinkle “In Poppy’s case he picked a fight with Emile. I never thought he was furious enough to offend Emile and have him pick a fight with him. I better check on Pimpernelle.”. Periwinkle quickly rushed to Pimpernelle, he could see her picking up the chocolate and sweets spilled from her backpack when Poppy used the backpack to whack Emile in the face about twice when both males picked a fight with each other. “Oh my god, Pimpernelle.” Said Periwinkle “Please forgive my older siblings for their psychotic bad behaviour. I don’t know why they weren’t themselves recently, but they should never have done such things.”, then Periwinkle picked up some of the candy that fell into the ground after Poppy dropped the bag when being dragged away by Zinnia, “Here.” Said Periwinkle “Let me help, Pimpernelle.”, but Pimpernelle was still angry, instead she slapped Periwinkle’s hands which caused him to drop the candy. “No thanks, Periwinkle!” Said Pimpernelle angrily “I don’t want your help! I’m in an extremely foul mood. It’s not just what I saw, but also what I heard. Your older brother, Poppy, has become a sadistic person and has behaved like a deranged lunatic. Even Violette accused me of theft. I can never stand their bad attitude. I’ll never forgive your older siblings for being a bunch of horrid individuals, and I never want to see them again!”, “But why?” asked Periwinkle “Explain.”, “I’ll tell you why!” said Pimpernelle furiously “Your older siblings have become stuck-up perverts and they along with your family have gone out of control! Your family is failing! I’m going back home and tell my parents about your older siblings’ abusive and dastardly behaviour towards me and the others! I never want to see all of you again!”. Pimpernelle angrily ran off and got on her bike and she and her friends rode off looking in a foul mood. Periwinkle could see tears in Pimpernelle’s eyes while she was angry and stressed out with the incident she experienced. Dandelion walked up to Periwinkle and spoke with him in worry, “Something isn’t right, big bubby Periwinkle. It’s the bad luck curse.” Said Dandelion “I hope things won’t be more worse like during the time we were tied up and held prisoner by a much of meanies at a gangster hideout in uptown Blueberry Hill. I don’t want to think what is gonna happen next, Big Bubby.”, Periwinkle felt sorry for Pimpernelle, and he was also starting to be more concerned for Poppy and most importantly his entire family. Then he noticed something else, he could see a nasty look on Emile’s face, he was starring at Periwinkle deviously with a furious look on his face, then 8 seconds later he spoke calmly to Periwinkle, “Periwinkle Bellflower, you annoying and religious brat.” Said Emile “Pray that your family won’t end up being too screwed with Poppy’s anger and madness. Next time I see him and your damn family, he’ll be fried, literally. Rest assured I’ll be back.”, then he took off in disgust vowing to get even with Poppy for the humiliation. Periwinkle noticed Emile’s aura and could see something odd about and he could also see darkness from it, and not in a mild manner, but in an uneasy and fierce manner. “Something isn’t right.” Said Periwinkle quietly. Witnessing everything was not only Periwinkle’s father Bramble, but also a young human male in his late childhood age named Infin. Bramble witnessed and heard everything through the window from the house, while Infin witnesses and heard everything from the sidewalk.
Viktor also saw everything and went to an abandoned building and spoke to Thalez Del Moriartagoz, the grandmaster and superior of Foxhell, and explained everything to him. “Just as I suspected.” Said Thalez “It is no wonder that boy, Periwinkle, had experienced something hellish today. The thievery of the chocolates and other candies, and incident, including Pimpernelle’s outburst towards Periwinkle is all according to plan against Blueberry Hill and its population. Like what we did to Duscur, Ariandroth and the majority of Faerghus, this town will perish.”, “It will be done.” Said Viktor “And yeah, this is gonna be fun and stressful.”, witnessing what is going on is a young human male in his early teens named Chad Thompson, he knew something odd is going on. “Just as I feared.” Said Chad.
Back at the manor, Bramble was speaking severely to Poppy and Violette. He not only lectured them, but also punished them for their attitude towards Pimpernelle and Emile. “You’ll be cleaning up this part of the manor in the place of your paternal aunt Zinnia.” Said Bramble angrily “Afterwards, I’ll be taking you to see Pimpernelle at Maclonos residence and you’ll say to her that you’re sorry, and you also owe Emile an apology too. And Poppy, if you behave like this again, I’ll have you punished accordingly by having your privileges revoked for a week and forbidding you to go outside for a week too. Hopefully an act like this won’t ever happen again.”, then he angrily forced both Poppy and Violette to clean up a room in the manor. Poppy was angry that he and Violette were forced to clean up much of the room in the mansion as punishment for their bad behaviour. Periwinkle then walked up to Poppy and tried to talk to him. “Poppy.” Said Periwinkle while he remained stern and concerned “I’ve told you not to go too far but wouldn’t listen to either me or our father. And what’s worse, your behavior caused Pimpernelle to swear you and our entire family off like that.”, “Why’s that?” asked Poppy, “Because of a reason.” Said Periwinkle “You and Violette were accusing Pimpernelle of a theft without proof. And what’s worse, you made insults towards Emile due to his persona and you jumping into a conclusion just like that, and then as a result, Emile picked a fight with you out of anger and hatred which caused you to get into trouble with our father. You even tried to tell him that act wasn’t your fault, but he refused to listen or believe you. I think he probably refused to listen or believe you, but I couldn’t be sure.”, “What else?” asked Poppy, “After that incident, I tried to sympathize with my friend Pimpernelle, but she yelled at me out of fury and said she never wants to see me again.” Said Periwinkle “She even considers you and Violette stuck-up perverts and deems my family being a failure. I knew that this results in her possibly having a grudge against you.”, “Yeah?” said Poppy “Like I ever will accept this.”, “You have to.” Said Periwinkle “Don’t you understand that behavior like that results in destroying friendships with others. Yeah, that’s going to upset and anger you even further.”, “If what you said is true, then I should try to reconcile with her.” Said Poppy “But I can’t do that yet. I need to figure out the truth behind the theft of the sweets and the chocolates. And do want to know what’s next?”, “Tell me.” Said Periwinkle “It better not be problematic like your stressful moments with Norbert, Pammy and Keaton despite our friendships with them, and it better not be your bad blood against Emile since months ago.”, “I’ll tell you. I’ll examine the footprints carefully, then I’ll follow them and find the culprits responsible for the theft, I’ll take the sweets along with the evidence back home and tell Dad and the others the whole story and that whoever stole those sweets from us and caused me and Emile to pick a fight with each other and got me and Violette in trouble with Dad is to blame for everything.” Said Poppy “And as for Emile, whom Dad asked me to apologize to, if he doesn’t accept my apology or fakes accepting it, then does something heinous to me or our family and friends, he’s going to regret it. And in a fiercely measurable case, it’ll be likely death, even though it isn’t usually the right thing to do.”, “That will be technically murder, Poppy.” Said Periwinkle “Do you honestly think it’ll make anyone feel better? Think about it, trying to do something violent and strictly judgmental like that would result in dire consequences, and Daddy will have you sent to juvenile detention centre for this, and that will never do. You even had given rather horrific threats to Emile and his friends at Caloristus Gallagher Public Grand School for dreadful reasons. I think it is best if you leave Emile be for the time being, if you don’t want to get on his bad side, be in good terms with those whoever they are.”, “Do you think I’ll listen to any of your preaching and trash?” asked Poppy “I doubt that I’ll get ahold of myself for this. To tell you the truth, I will not tolerate your crap, and I will not stop until I’ll make sure Emile and those who got me into trouble will learn a painful lesson.”, “You have lost your mind, Poppy” said Periwinkle, “Shut up, Periwinkle!” said Poppy “I’m not in a mood of hearing this crap any further, not ever you hear?! I’m not gonna listen to you anymore, not ever again! I’m not gonna trust you ever again, and I’m never speaking to you again! You hear me?!”, “Poppy.” Said Periwinkle sternly “You shouldn’t have said that, because you are getting too carried away with anger in a nasty and stubborn manner.”, “Just shut the hell up and get out of my sight!” yelled Poppy as he tried to smack Periwinkle in the face. Mistletoe came to his aid, “Just leave our bro be.” Said Mistletoe to Periwinkle, “OK.” Said Periwinkle “Then we better help out Violette with the cleaning. Get Dandelion to help out, then we’ll afterwards, we’ll speak with Daddy about the issue between me and Poppy.”, “Sure.” Said Mistletoe. Then Periwinkle, Mistletoe and Dandelion began to help out Violette with the cleaning, but Poppy did not want to clean up the part of the house any further as his father ordered to upon being punished by him, especially when Periwinkle tried to reason with him and of course due to the fact that he assumed his father never listened or believed him. However, at the same time, Bramble did witness not only Poppy refusing to clean any further but also his argument with Periwinkle and was being concerned for him. He didn’t want to go near him and order him to do the cleaning again, yet he knew it is best that he leave him be. “This is getting worse.” Said Bramble. After cleaning the whole house, 4 of the siblings were given fudges and chocolate shortcakes as reward for the hard work, and also in Violette’s case, cleaning up her act against Pimpernelle and Emile. Zinnia asked Poppy if he wanted fudge or chocolate shortcake, but Poppy, instead he lashed out his anger towards Zinnia and his siblings. “Does it look like I care?!” yelled Poppy “You’re getting on my nerves like hell!”, Bramble who heard that tried to calm down Poppy, but Poppy spat on his father’s face. “What’s your problem, son?” asked Bramble “Why did you spit on me?”, “Aunt Zinnia’s sweets suck, on ice and so does Periwinkle’s shrewd wisdom!” snapped Poppy “And I’m in no mood to accept any sweet foods from that hot-headed woman, Zinnia, nor do I want to hear anything allegedly wise from my brother Periwinkle!”, “WHAT?!” asked Zinnia “Is it because I’m hot-headed and that you deem Periwinkle’s words allegedly wise!?!”, “Yeah, that’s right!” said Poppy angrily “Not only you were hot-headed, but also aggressive and annoying! Even my father and 3 of my siblings are extremely stupid as Mistletoe! Even Periwinkle is somewhat piece of crap when trying to reason with me like that.”, this annoyed Bramble, “That’s very rude of you to make a comment about me.” Said Bramble “I’m not dim-witted, and neither are your siblings.”, “What? I speak the truth about you and my brothers.” Said Poppy “And besides, the way one of your sister cooks sweets disgusts me, and yet Aunt Zinnia is extremely annoying as my good-hearted brother Periwinkle and my childish brother Dandelion.”, “WHAT??!!” screamed Zinnia “Are you saying my cooking disgusts you, and I am also annoying as your brothers, Periwinkle and Dandelion!?!”, “Yes!” said Poppy angrily “That’s the truth, you hear?!”, then Zinnia grew furious, she grabbed Poppy and violently slapped him in the face about five times. “You’re completely stuck-up, Poppy!” yelled Zinnia “Don’t you ever say such things again towards me, your siblings and your own father! I mean it!”, “I don’t care about your complaints, Aunt Zinnia.” Sneered Poppy “And I hate my father’s good behaviour, because both you and he are pathetic.”, this made Bramble furious, “You disgust us, Poppy!” snapped Bramble “Good children never say such remarks towards adults and their own siblings! This worse as your recent behavior towards Periwinkle’s friend Pimpernelle! Apologize to us right now!”. But Poppy refused to, “Not in your life, jackass.” Sneered Poppy “I don’t even want to hear it.”, unfortunately he punched Bramble in the stomach, and then kicked him in the crotch much to Periwinkle’s horror and Dandelion’s shock, “Daddy!” yelled Periwinkle and Dandelion as they saw him being injured by Poppy, Periwinkle looked at Poppy angrily, “Poppy!” yelled Periwinkle “What in heaven’s name did you do?!”, “Dad got what he deserved, Periwinkle!” snapped Poppy, as a result of Poppy’s actions, this angered Zinnia even more, she grabbed Poppy by his left arm and dragged him to his room. “I had enough of this, you violent and foul-mouthed boy!” yelled Zinnia “I simply cannot trust you about three times before letting you do anything that would cause a problem! You are having a one-hour time out in your bedroom as punishment for this act, and you should think twice before insulting me and your father! And you should think twice before assaulting your own father, Mr Naughtypants!”, then Zinnia angrily threw Poppy into his room and slammed the door. Then she went back to Bramble and picked up the tray that fell on the floor after Poppy injured his father. Thankfully, Periwinkle and Violette managed to catch the fudges and shortcakes when they fell off the tray, but Periwinkle and the others felt sorry for his father. After putting the fudges back on the tray, Periwinkle checked on his father. “Daddy?” asked Periwinkle “Are you OK? You’re not hurt, are you?”, “I’m fine, son.” Said Bramble “That is one painful stunt. I never thought my son Poppy would be that violent.”. Then Bramble looked at Zinnia and spoke to her, “I never thought you’ll get sterner and angrier with my children.” Said Bramble “You were like that when you dragged them back into the house after one of them picked a fight with Emile, a schoolmate of theirs, as well for insulting Pimpernelle, Papilio’s daughter.”, “That’s because I’m in an extremely foul mood recently.” Said Zinnia “One more bad remark or action from Poppy and I’ll take some extreme measures on him by putting him in a restraining order.”, “What does that mean?” asked Bramble, “Don’t ask that question.” Said Zinnia “You’ll find out if your bad-tempered teenage son acts out like this again.”. Then Bramble got a cell-phone call from his friend Papilio, and he was shocked when he heard what Papilio had said to him. Papilio told him what Pimpernelle said to him and explained she got an issue with Poppy and Violette when they spoke blind nasty things towards her as well as accusing her of theft without proof. Even Bramble told Papilio about Poppy’s angry and foul mood and his behavior towards him and the others, he even promised Papilio once Poppy cools off, he’ll take him and Violette to see Pimpernelle after lunch. Periwinkle on the other hand was quietly and almost secretly being concerned for his older brother Poppy, but also his family and his friends, including Pimpernelle, Tony, Sylvester, Austin, Ruka and the others. He even knew the situation here in the colonies as well as Anodamian Mach will soon become in painful risk one day this year.