A lizard, one day, decided to go for a nice dive, though it slowly became less fun, the minutes stretching to five. Still deep underwater, he knew he was in trouble, covering his mouth in an attempt not to bubble. A nearby witness to this was a whale of black and white, who felt a desire to end the lizard's plight. Swimming before the reptile, his concerns were sung, and he offered a breath from within his own lung. The struggling lizard, of course, nodded his head, preferring to breathe not water but air instead. Pressing his lips around their blowhole, a breath he was taking, the one-way kiss soothing his chest's aching. With a pat to the whale's head, the lizard glubbed, "Thblank yoblu! Wiblthoblut yoblur hblelp, Ibl'd bble tublrniblng blblue!" His mood restored, he remained below the tide, and the orca gave their new friend a ride. Twice more they'd pause, giving the lizard a breather, but the whale couldn't breathe water either. Eventually the time came that they both needed fresh air, but they would return below before long, swimming without a care.