Part of my 4-Part Character drop! You all are getting a treat today, with four new characters to show off! No CS's for these guys, though, but I'll make sure to build profiles and share them soon!
Naim Gender: Male Age: ??? Eyes: Yellow Nationality: Mercian
Naim is a mysterious individual living in the forested land of Mercia. He is the latest in a generation of people known as druids: folk who revere nature and a different set of deities, leading small groups like a priest. All of their traditions are passed down orally, with no written records of what they do or why. They firmly believe in the powers of the sun, stars, moon, seasons, and weather, setting festivals or ceremonies for each important event.
Naim is well versed in herbology, botany, and carving runes used as charms. While they traditionally do not get involved with the modern people, it seems this druid has his eyes on a certain member of royalty.