oh yeah, by the 15th century we had wheel locks and matchlock muskets and they were in widespread military use. Its one of those things that fantasy history really leaves out in favor of magic. : /
and yes, ear plugs are recommended.
oh yeah, by the 15th century we had wheel locks and matchlock muskets and they were in widespread mi
I always had the Gummi Bears pegged some centuries before the 15th. What did you see that said to you "Age of Exploration"? Or did you just want to draw out some G1 firearms dressage?
I always had the Gummi Bears pegged some centuries before the 15th. What did you see that said to yo
I can imagine a dialog when Cubbi is first introduced to firearms: Cubbi asks, "Where's the bow for this?" Big bear answer, "This ain't a crossbow. This is what's called a musket".
Firearms were new technology back in those days. I can imagine a dialog when Cubbi is first introd
Of course, he can't be a proper highwayman without a flintlock! (someone's got to stop the coach and demand all of Marie's clothes, after all. :D Maybe multiple times.) Gummi Bears is set after 1492, right? This just leads into Cubbi and Cavin in Sharpe's Battalion.
Of course, he can't be a proper highwayman without a flintlock! (someone's got to stop the coach an
Highwayman?! I'll have you know he's stopped highwayman before, thanks very much! XD and yes, i do have this set around 1520. which is actually more toward the Wheel-lock age, Cubbi's pistol, and Gritti carries a "fish-tail" matchlock Musket. (hard to tell with his pose, i know)
Highwayman?! I'll have you know he's stopped highwayman before, thanks very much! XD and yes, i do h
I'll have you know he's stopped highwayman before, thanks very much! My GB headcannon has vastly more amounts of Clouseau-esque chicanery going on in it than yours. If you've got all those different armaments plotted out, then who pays for it all? Granted, the sword and bow era is still going on, and gun/gummi powder would only be made in small amounts by Wise Gummi Seers (Zummi, hiding behind 2 proxies and a secret society.) I overlooked that Gritty was bandoleering cartridge shot, instead of the traditional loose powder. But maybe he's just trying to worry any opponents by just not telling how many ones are the musket shot and how many are the beef jerky.
I'll have you know he's stopped highwayman before, thanks very much! My GB headcannon has *vastly *