Friends make their way into systems of chance
Friends make their way of escape into systems of chance
Escape to freedom I need to be there
Waiting and watching, the tables are turning
Waiting and watching, I need to be there
I care to see them walk away
And to be there when they say they will return.
- Machine Messiah by Yes
It was finally time. A special fox was about to have two dreams come true. Miles Prower, known as Tails, spent his youth in college. He was about to graduate top of his class, with a degree in aerodynamic engineering. He looked very promising for the Mobius Air Force, but even more so for a special blue hedgehog.
Sonic the hedgehog. Hero of Mobius, the Blue Blur, and until recently was brother figure to Tails. During the harsh winter, the two brothers admitted feelings for one another, and spent many nights close together, their love growing stronger. Now it's time for graduation.
Tails, getting more nervous, had his cap and gown. "Can you believe it?" Sonic asked his lover, hugging him.
"No... It's so strange. Sixteen years in school, and it's over just like this..." He looked at the robes in a plastic bag, that was only to be opened at the ceremony. Tails donned his class ring, looking proud of it. "The smartest citizens of Mobius. All graduating tomorrow." Tails made a "mind blown" movement.
Friends make their way into systems of chance
"I'm sure whatever they end up doing, it'll blow more minds than anyone ever." Sonic thought.
Tails hugged Sonic. "I love you." He purred.
"Love you too, buddy." Sonic had a plan, and he was going to put it into action tomorrow. "You aced your finals, and your capstone project was pretty good." Sonic praised.
"Are you saying that because you actually understood what I was presenting, or are you saying that to say that?" Tails asked, knowing Sonic wasn't smart enough to follow along.
"I say that to say that." Sonic drooped his head. "I couldn't follow along at all." He frowned. "I just clapped when everyone else did." He felt embarrassed.
"I knew it." Tails smiled, hugging Sonic again. "It's okay. You were there, that's all that matters."
Those words echoed in Sonic's head. "You were there, that's all that matters." This made him more determined to enact his plan. "Well, time to sleep buddy. Next time I see you, you'll be on stage." He smiled, and tucked Tails in. "Some things never change, huh buddy?" He asked, kissing Tails forehead.
"Nope. That's what makes life beautiful." He smiled, giving Sonic a smooch on the lips. Sonic held it for a few moments before falling asleep.
The next day arrived, and when Sonic awoke, Tails was gone. Left to rehearse for the big evening ahead. Sonic felt an emptiness, but pushed it aside, to prepare his surprise for Tails. He performed a few stretches, and ran around, getting rid of the anxiety in his system. "Man, I can't imagine how anxious Tails is." He ran faster, and ended up back home, punching a few pillows. "Urrgh!"
Eventually, the evening came, and Sonic went on his way to see Tails, surprise in hand. Unfortunately, Eggman had other plans. "Halt!" Eggman slammed a bot foot down, causing Sonic to slam into it.
Friends make their way of escape into systems of chance
"Well well, if it isn't Sonic. On your way to something important?" Eggman taunted.
"Yes, actually! Get out of my way!" Sonic tried to run around, but Eggman's bot kept stopping him.
"What's so important?" Eggman asked, firing missiles.
"I'm not telling you! Then you'll send robots there!" Sonic dodged the missiles.
Meanwhile, the graduation ceremony was beginning. It was a big class, so a big venue was rented. They called each student to the stage, alphabetical by last name, starting with the A's. It would be a while before the P's but Tails didn't see Sonic in the crowd. He stayed calm, as there was time before it was his turn.
"You know me so well. But are you fast enough to dodge this??" Eggman taunted, launching a flurry of attacks, robotic fists and missiles. Sonic simply jumped, avoiding everything. "Grrgg. I keep forgetting to calibrate for air movement!" Eggman slammed a fist on his machine.
The graduates were in the B's.
Escape to freedom, I need to be there
"This isn't even the tip of the iceberg, hedgehog!" The bot transformed into something bigger. "Stage 2! Egg Fletcher, go!" It was a sturdy metal bot, with a red hammer in one hand, and a giant anvil in the other. Sonic smiled, getting a strategy already.
The graduates were in the C's.
Sonic attacked the anvil hand first, causing it to drop to the ground. It caused a rather sizeable quake around them, also causing the both of them to lose their balance.
"You're down!" Sonic grinned.
"Grrr! Stage three! Egg Samurai! Go!" The bot transformed into a more slender version, with a rather serious looking sword.
"How many stages do you have??" Sonic asked, growling.
"I won't tell you!" Eggman snarled. Suddenly Sonic was forced backwards, and the bot was behind him. "Hahaha! Say hello to the speed model, the Egg Sam-" Sonic made a similar move , causing it to fall apart.
E through M was called. O's.
"GIVE UP!" Sonic and Eggman both yelled at each other.
Waiting and watching, the tables are turning.
Sonic managed to single Eggman away from the bots, and elbowed the back of Eggman's head, knocking him out. Sonic's fur was damaged from the fight. He was bruised, battered, and tired. But he was a hedgehog on a mission. He gathered himself, and broke the sound barrier to get to the ceremony.
"Gale Priss, degree in Actuarial Science." Tails was next.
"I need to be there! I will be there!" Sonic told himself, the hall now in sight.
Tails looked at the crowd, and still didn't see Sonic. For a moment, he lost hope.
Waiting and watching, I need to be there
"Miles Pr-" a loud boom surprised the entire room, causing a few people to shriek. The announcer tried to calm everyone, and was successful. They continued. "Miles Prower, degree in Aerospace Engineering." They called. Tails walked across the stage looking rather sad.
"Why the long face buddy?" The blue blur appeared before him. It was Sonic, and he was on the stage, face to face with Tails.
"Sonic! You made it!" Tails smiled, and hugged him in his cap and gown.
"Barely. Egghead had to hinder me. You look amazing." Sonic took in Tails in his cap and gown.
"But you made it. That's all that matters." Tails smiled, tears pooling in his eyes.
"Miles "Tails" Prower." Sonic spoke through a microphone. A few people in the crowd cheered, knowing what was coming. "We've been buddies since childhood. Seeing each other grow, we've had our ups and downs. I really enjoy the ups, with those tails of yours." Tails choked up. Sonic continued. "During the cold winter, we admitted our love, and I feel more than ready to take on the world with you, for the rest of my life." Sonic got down on one knee. "Miles Prower, my friend Tails, will you do me the honor of marrying me, becoming my partner for life?" Sonic finished, and revealed a silver ring with two colored gems. One blue and one yellow.
The crowd cheered loudly in support, as Tails screamed. "YES! I DO I DO!" he hugged Sonic tightly, crying tears of happiness. The duo walked off the stage together.
I care to see them walk away
The duo walked off the stage together, hand in jeweled hand. When the ceremony was finished, the graduates all tossed their hats into the air, cheers filling the room. When the room was empty, Tails went back onto the stage. The microphone was still on. He took it, and spoke into it. "Not to worry, school friends. We will return." He giggled, hearing his voice echo.
And to be there when they say they will return.
"Don't worry, Tails." Sonic took him outside.
"Why should I? We're engaged!" Tails hopped happily.
Sonic kissed him deeply. "Now, it's time for the wedding."
"You'll be there, right?" Tails asked in a goofy voice.
"Of course. I need to be there." Sonic pat his head.