"Hey villains, are you sick of this happening to you?" *cut to stock footage of villains being defeated by heroes* "Well not to worry because we at villain Co have just the thing you need to stop those silly heroes from stopping whatever nefarious plan you have cooked up. Just give us a call and we'll send out a Crack team of henchmen to kidnap the hero or heroine bothering you. Like this one for example. See how strong, confident, and rebellious she is. Well not to worry using our patented brainwashing technology *que cartoon buzzing, beeping, whining, and clunking* she's been turned into a shy, submissive, and obedient housewife. Ready to bake pies, clean house, do everything you say without question, and never remember that peaky hero life she once had. So give us a call today at 1-555-HEROGON, that's 1-555-437-6466, and we'll make all your hero problems disappear."