Soren took his time in the locker room, dressing and making sure his knee and elbow pads were tight enough to stay in place. At the end of the show, he heard Max's music playing over the TV in his room and knew it was time to go. The champion and fan favorite took his time with the fans. Nearly there, Soren heard Lizzard's music playing and reached the top of the ramp just as it finished. He waited patiently and then cued his own music, Saliva's hunt you down.
He appeared from the left side of the ramp and ran down straight to the ring, giving short fan service before taking his corner since he was the underdog for this main event. His song quieted down as the first verse ended and the announcer finished naming him.
The nervous rose flaun stared across the ring at Max with occasional glances at this new wrestler he hadn't met yet. He knew a bit about how Max fought but he knew nothing about Lizzzard. The three men stared each other down for a moment after the bell rang then came away from the corners and all locked up in the middle of the ring.
Lizzzard was the first to break with a kick at Soren's knee, making it buckle and dropping on it. He then threw a punch at Max who anticipated being attacked as he was the title holder and blocked it. Soren recovered from the knee blow and elbowed Lizzzard in the stomach, allowing Max to go belly to belly and suplex him. On the offensive, Soren wasted no time in landing kicks on Max's torso but was blindsided by Lizzzard who recovered quickly, getting thrown into the ropes then clotheslined on the rebound.
With Soren down, Lizzzard reached down to grab Max's hair and pulled him to his knees. He dropped an elbow on Max's back, putting the cat on his knees before pulling him back up. In a burst of annoyance, Max stood up and knocked Lizzzard's arms aside by swinging his own and punched him, forcing him into the corner where he alternated between punches to the face and knees to the stomach.
Soren got up after shaking his daze off and ran at Max's back. Lizzzard saw him coming and forced his way out of the corner, putting Max in it then rolled out of the way. Soren leapt on Max and monkey flipped him across the ring but didn't hear the sound of him hitting the canvas. He turned his head to look while getting up and saw that Max had inadvertently body slammed him.
The crowd got excited as the match heated up and Soren went to drag Max away from Lizzzard. Soren dropped Max's legs and hurried back to Lizzzard who was getting up. Trying to keep his momentum going, he whipped Lizzzard into the ropes and went to drop kick him but he had managed to hold on to the ropes, leaving Soren to crash down on the canvas. Lizzzard took the opportunity to corner Soren and wear him down with alternating blows to his head and stomach.
Across the ring, Max was getting up, his fur bristling in annoyance and charged across the ring, slamming the reptilian into Soren. Soren sank to the ground as Max started to own the zone. He pulled Lizzzard's head back and slammed it into the turnbuckle pad, then did it again before turning him around and whipping him into the far corner. Max's boots could be heard as he thundered across the ring, slamming his body into Lizzzard. Then he pulled him from the corner and lifted him up to lock in the torture rack but Lizzzard slipped free and shoved him into the ropes, bending down then flipping the feline skyward as he rebounded.
He dropped to his knees and went to pin Max but Soren was getting to his feet and arced around the ring, coming up behind Lizzzard to moonsault press them both as Max kicked out just on the second count. Soren got up and ran to the corner on his right, going to the top rope to wait for them to get up. Lizzzard was the first to his knees but both men stood up around the same time.
Soren leapt from the top rope and hooked his legs around Lizzzard, leaning back then flipping him in the direction he had faced on the too rope. With his hurricanrana based Rose Line done, he got up to attend to Max as Lizzzard slid out under the bottom rope to impact the floor.
It didn't take Soren long to find Max, but not in the way he wanted. He felt Max's arms wrapping around his torso and barely looked down before he was yanked off his feet, getting slammed hard into the canvas. Max didn't release after the first suplex, he performed it two more times, bridging himself on the last one. The referee ran over and started to pound the mat, Soren kicking his feet rapidly, and barely managed to avoid a count out by inadvertently falling on his side, getting both shoulders off the mat just long enough. The referee forced Max to break the hold and he pounded the mat in frustration.
Getting up, he took his frustration out on Soren who was trying to recover. If not for Lizzzard choosing to intervene with a blow to Max's head, it may have been lights out for the underdog. Lizzzard threw Max down on to the canvas then bent down and lifted him up on to his shoulders, power bombing him in the center of the ring. That took all the wind out of Max's sails and Lizzzard followed up with a pin, hooking his leg tightly. The referee counted to three and Max kicked out milliseconds after.
Lizzzard let Max go and sat back, taking a breather as Soren was still down. Meanwhile the referee was trying to get Max to leave the ring, who was giving him an earful. Finally Max climbed through the ropes and scowled at Lizzzard and Soren, the air seemed to shimmer with the rage coming off him.
Lizzzard went to end it by powerbombing Soren as well, but the sneaky rose flaun started to pound his head and was dropped on his back. Ignoring the pain in his back, he reached up and grabbed Lizzzard's shirt rolling him into a ball pin, his face pressed against the seat of Lizzzard's pants with his bulge pressing into the reptilian's face. Lizzzard was putting up a good struggle, forcing Soren to do all he could to keep the pin in place. He heard the referee pounding the mat and growled as he felt his grip slipping. He barely manages to hang on until the three count, getting bucked off afterwords and landing on the referee, putting the striped shirt fox on a tour of the stars.
Soren got off him and stood up, hearing the bell ring and the crowd going wild. He barely heard the ringside announcers yelling into their headsets. Stunned that he actually came out on top, he got up and walked towards the ropes where something with leather and cold metal was put in his right hand.
Realization dawned on him that he had won the title and he raised both arms up and roared "yeaaah!" Though his voice was lost to the roar of the crowd as confetti began to rain on the ring. He felt something slip between his legs and lift him up.
Thinking Lizzzard was going to royally thrash him, he shouted "wait wait wait!" But then saw his former opponent was holding him on his shoulders and he grinned, holding the title up once more with another victorious shout.
As Lizzzard walked him around the ring, he caught Max giving him a scary scowl from the side of the ring, the cat's tail swishing from side to side in sharp movements.
Art and Max belong to
Lizzzard belongs to
Soren belongs to me
12 years, 5 months ago
01 Oct 2012 06:48 CEST
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