As burlesque stage manager, Aida is Jene's right hand woman at the Sapphire. It's up to her to make sure the show goes on, and goes on smoothly at that. Under her watch, no one misses a cue, the music is on time, the lighting is where it needs to go. If she does her job well, it seems like she does nothing at all.
She's also very protective of her girls and keeps a close working relationship with security as a result. Something about the excitable atmosphere and copious amounts of liquor seem to necessitate that at times. It was this relationship that lead her to cross paths with Aryia, who worked on the club's security detail at the time. The two women hit it off rather quick and soon became partners and, eventually, wives. While Aida still works at the club, Aryia now focuses on her studio, though she's no stranger to stopping by her mate's job.
Aida is an adopt I got from lunasparkle quite some time ago. I bought her with the intent of making her the Sapphire's stage manager and Aryia's mate from the start, but I've been lazy about picking out a name for her. Well, she's here now, so expect art of her... eventually. lol