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by MADJerk
Lord Boner!!!
Fuck the fat Russo-fascist schmuck Daniil Kuzmichev/DAHR!

One of my obscure drawings that I drew in May 2021 as a joke art for an artist that I liked. There Gadget dominated over his OC punk mouse Maxy. But this was BEFORE... than  I reaized in Feb 2022 that this artist is a complete asshole: a greedy cock, a hypocrite, a racist, a sexist, a fascist and a homophobe. And that I was an idiot who don`t see this obvious fact... So I decided to upload this drawing here, slightly changing it for no longer a joke, but a real mockery of this fascist. Gadget in this picture says "Fuck you, DAHR! You're not a communist at all, you're just a Russo-fascist stuck on the emotional level of a 12-year-old angry schoolboy obsessed with American Pop culture."

This artist is IRL called Daniil Kuzmichev, the nickname is DAHR. For some Western anonymous he is known for that Gadget comic https://blog.dahr.ru/?p=2024

This fat asshole pretends  the "communist" and constantly "exposes" the "wrong Leftists" who are, as he saying, doing pointless bullshit in the West, and not a REAL STRUGGLE FOR THE RIGHTS OF WORKERS ACCORDING TO MARX'S TEACHINGS. Such "wrong Leftits" according to his "expert opinion" like Feminists, LGBT activists, BLM, SJWarriors etc...

Despite the fact that Daniil himself does nothing to defend the interests of the workers... Because in fact, DAHR is just a Russian fascist. Which is not surprising, given that he is a Stalinist and hates LEON TROTSKY. Trotsky is the one who, together with Lenin, made the October Revolution and was going to continue to make a World Workers' Revolution around the world, until he was soaked in Mexico 21 Aug 1941 by killer sent by the scumbag Stalin.

However, earlier the Russo-fascist shit from Daniil did not climb so clearly. In the noughties, he was rather just a fanboy of American pop culture, devouring all superhero comics and movies, fantasy, cartoons and other stuff for geeks. But in the 10s, DAHR began to show himself more and more as an narrow-minded patriarchal conservative fascist.
His "jokes" over the single cases of the clumsy representation of minorities and other ridicolous examples of politcorrectness in US culture turned into an OPEN HATRED of "decaying Western culture." But he nevertheless continues to consume that "decaying culture" greedily to this day, reading EVERY new Marvel/DC/etc comic about a new gay character.

Daniil started hanging out with dubious Right-wing half-wits. Seriously, Daniil sincerely considers this "performance" with his buddy in KKK clothes extremely funny and clever, not seeing anything wrong and racist in it:

I began to pay more and more attention to this, and finally I was disappointed and opened my eyes to the rotteness of Daniil in early February 2022. When the fat slob threw a huge tantrum under the some artist's post about offering a cheap commissions. DAHR yelled like a crybaby that this artist "BETRAYED OUR GENERAL WORKING INTERESTS, HE IS A FAGGOT-STRIKEBREAKER, I KNOW THIS I READ CARL MARX!!!!!" But in fact this artist did`t trade in Artist Union with DAHR therefore he was just competitor to DAHR in the free market of Internet... But the greedy fat dick just wants to be holier than the Pope and called others "faggots", using as excuse his "vast knowledge of Marx".

I argued on this topic with Daniil, as a result of which the fatty could not object anything reasonable and cowardly ran away banned me in PM.

And then after week Russia began invading Ukraine and DAHR finally came from closet as a Russian Fascist, proclaiming "For a victorious war over the damned Ukrainians to the final end!!!!!!" At the same time, that fat shitcock is still trying to pretend to be a "communist", giving out simply amazing schizophrenic posts. Like this:

If you are too lazy to distill this text/bullshit through a Translator, here is a brief gist:

Fat hypocrite writes that the current Russian-Ukrainian war is terrible, sheds fake tears about "a poor Ukrainian soldier with whom I could drink tea and eat pie on the veranda of his house under other circumstances..." that he does not wish death to the Ukrainian soldier, but then writes.
".. But you know, being against the war means wishing for Russia's defeat so that's bad, and in general, I already have two of my buddiels on this war, "so from this day on I collect helmets, armor, first aid kits, pouches, backpacks, underwear, shoes, uniforms, transport, dry rations and in general, everything that helps a citizen of the Russian Federation who has become a trooper of the Russian Federation will not turn into Ukrainian chernozem, along with his Ukrainian colleagues."

And that he, Daniil Kuzmichev, is VERY SORRY and will write on the purchased bulletproof vest for the Russian attack aircraft "DON`T KILL! DON'T DIE!"

How do you like this degree of hypocrisy? Literally "I feel sorry for both Ukrainian and Russian soldiers, but to be against the war = to be against Russia = is bad, so I will buy MY COUNTRY soldier equipment so that he successfully kills Ukrainian. But I will write on this equipment "DON`T KILL!" to indicate that I am a GOOD PERSON that I feel sorry for the Ukrainian."

This lying freak can't even be honest and admit that he sends money to sponsor the Russian Army to kill Ukrainian soldiers AS A SUPPORTER OF RUSSIA'S SUPERIORITY OVER UKRAINE. Which speaks of him not as an international communist, but as a typical fucking Russian fascist.
Jeez, how glad I am that I sent to hell that fascist scum DAHR before the war even started. If you accidentally stumble upon this person, then you know - he is a fascist asshole.

And folks, if there's one thing I've realized in my life, it's that if you see a STALINIST, it's bound to be a Russian fascist. It's like Hitler's National Socialist. Formally a "communist/socialist", but in fact just a racist bastard.

female 1,084,777, breasts 133,416, boobs 91,471, bondage 72,927, mouse 54,191, rodent 34,557, disney 23,653, character 18,731, tied 9,031, gagged 8,363, tied up 7,860, ballgag 5,739, mice 2,585, gadget hackwrench 1,854, humiliated 1,513, gadget 1,349, rodents 750, nakedbreasts 543, naked in public 454, disneyfanart 176, caricature 48
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 1 year, 8 months ago
Rating: Mature

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1 year, 8 months ago
Always figured there was something up with that one, I never paid him much attention but I am not surprised this is true.
1 year, 8 months ago
It's a shame I wasn't as smart as you back then. I used to think that the DAHR was so "jokes at edge" over some ridiculous examples of political correctness. And everything turned out to be simpler: he is always be a racist, homophobe, sexist and fascist =/
1 year, 8 months ago
Yeah....At some point even if i don't read Cirrilic and google translate was what it was I too come to understand that he was quite the unpleasant person about MANY things. I too thought he was just edgy and humorous. BUT. I chekced his blog and man If i was for one hell of downer(not the first one, just taught me that you cannot really understadn an artist from his art.)
1 year, 8 months ago
Yes, many could have made such a mistake. To perceive the real fascist proclamation of a Right-wing shithead as funny "jokes on the edge". Here it is really necessary to look not only at art, but also at the statements of such an "artist".

Also in the art itself could be such signs of a Right-winger / homophobe / fascist, etc. can be seen. If the "artist" CONSTANTLY pours shit on the Leftits and modern progressive movements in his "creativity", while not making a single art where mock of the Rights, like conservators, sexists, homophobes, religion retards - you can make an obvious conclusion that "artist" is a fascist.
1 year, 8 months ago
чтобы уничтожить украинских фашистов - все средства хороши.
1 year, 8 months ago
ну да, вот только Путин и Шойгу ВНЕЗАПНО этого не делают :р
Дороги, железнодорожные пути и мосты в Украине, по которым возятся сотни западного оружия, топлива, экипировки для солдат и т.д, НЕ разбомблены Российской армией до сих пор. И они так и будут целыми, потому что Российская Федерация с Украиной торгует до сих пор. И по этим дорогам, ж/д путям и мостам перевозят нефть, металлы, лес и прочее-прочее, в том числе товары везут не только в саму Украину, а еще и во "вражескую" Европу.

Российские ракеты летят во всякие энергоподстанции, ТЭЦ, склады и прочее, что делает жизнь простых украинцев хуже.  НО ВНЕЗАПНО эти самые российские ракеты НИКОГДА не летят ни во Дворец Президента Украины, ни в здание Правительства Украины, ни в Управление ВСУ, ни в штаб их секретной службы и т.д. То есть, кремлевский гномик путин убивает обычных украинцев, а САМИ ВЛАСТИ УКРАИНЫ плешивая крыса и пальцем не трогает. Потому что ботоксный старикашка висит на постоянном договорняке с киевскими правителями. Так как ему же нужно поддерживать транзит газа и прочего товара через Украину в Европу...

Так что ты можешь хоть глотку сорвать, крича что "укрских фошыстов надо уничтожить любыми способами!!!1111"
Вот только твои хотелки жулик Путин и Ко. в рот ебал XD Потому что кремлевский карлик-фашист в договорняке с украинскими фашистами из Киева. Зеля и Путя рубят бабки, пока их верные бараны с обоих сторон убивают друг друга помирая за их золотые унитазы.
 И только полные дебилы до сих пор не заметили этого.
1 year, 8 months ago
текста много, толку мало.
Европу уже разорили. Падет и США. После чего, будет планета Россия. Надеюсь, этого дождаться.
1 year, 8 months ago
ой, типичная отмаза дурачка "многабукафф, не осилил".
Иди там у себя на кухне на портрет Путина помолись - может тебе полегчает XD
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