Artwork originally posted on FA.
If I did one for Lost, Found is the obvious next in line. She's a little easier...but way more expressive. So obviously I did a lot of faces for her.
Don't know how all those little Found's got there, though.
Anyway, transcript like last time:
Time and a half or two!
Physical attributes:
Base of antennae curve in opposite directions, both turning right (her left) as they come up
The right antennae (her left) has a pointed end and hangs lower than the left antennae (her right), which has a round end and is shaped like a backwards question mark by default
The dark pink hair rises off of her head, making a notable curve at some angles and somewhat obscuring itself
Her long hair reaches down to the ground with several tufts coming off of it, changing to a red color at around chest-height
The dark red color I've used for several of the sketches on the page is used for her Celebi eyeshadow
She has two wings, both with a crescent-shaped hole taken out of the end of each
Her lower body is less changed than her top half, but the darker pink on him is treated as clothing
Notable is the long bang ending with an inward curl, which is by default between two tufts of hair on her right side. This tuft can change to a physically-interactable and otherwise visible representation of her feelings, as exemplified in the expressions shown. On such representations, the bang's ending curl appears on them.
She is also very expressive to the point of silliness - if a face exists, Found can (and will) copy it. As her emotions are largely exaggerated, her facial expressions are as well.
Middle image attributes list:
- 'Other half' of the Lost Silver Celebi
- Genderless, but uses female pronouns (noncanon notwithstanding)
- Unknown age (>21) ...but...
- ...technically younger than Lost
- Kept half of their original form's powers after splitting (did not get her powers sealed like Lost did due to them not being a threat)
- Has no memory of her life before being saved by Gali (due to Lost having them)
- Still has emotions and feelings from that time, puzzled by nostalgic feelings
- Likes pranks, headpats, brownies, cosplaying
- Gained limited space-altering powers after splitting (only used for comedic effect, not used for battle)
- As a result, she is more aware of her surroundings than she lets on...
- Goes at her own pace, always in need of stimulation/activity
- Usually cheerful and upbeat, never a dull moment around her
- Often gets herself into trouble, as she is endlessly curious (she doesn't know what some things are still!)
- Gets anxious, confused...fearful if separated from Lost or Gali
Energy Ball
Pollen Puff
Metronome ("Do I really need other moves?")
reference sheet
ref sheet
found hertz
lost silver
1 year, 5 months ago
25 Jun 2023 04:23 CEST
Initial: 0045c45ecc7857fa3b118c8271dfe8f6
Full Size: c2c2e7fbd120d24bea846bbbaa9c1a10
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Small: c9b83472f03a52873a5bf38a20865ee8
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