Well I was struggling to decide what to draw then the idea of a bear hybrid hit me. Then I remembered an old character I'd done ages ago. So now the Bear Tiger is back. ^^
It was getting late in the evening and Miku sat on the couch watching TV. It was well past the time he normally went to bed. He didn't even have his night clothes on yet. He was still in the number 1 t-shirt he'd worn all day and in a diaper which over the course of watching the movie marathon had grown ever more soggy. Miku wasn't alone on the couch though as the hung hybrid sat next to his dad. A brown bear in his mid early thirties. The two shared the same ears and eyes. And the same attire. Miku's father had moved to Denshire Falls years ago. He had a very weak bladder and had to wear diapers of some sort. He'd grown to like them. When he moved to Denshire he fell in love with a Tigress at work. While not into diapers herself she loved diapered men and enjoyed taking care of him. After a few years Miku came along. He was a life long Denshire Fall resident. Miku himself was a strong boy who dreamed of being an astronaut when he grew up. Miku was given the chance to potty train but declined. He loved his diapers and saw no reason to give them up. He was half asleep when the movie ending and his father rose from the couch scooping his son into his arms. Miku smiled resting his head against his dad's chest as he was carried back to his room.
"My you sure are squishy cub tonight. " His daddy said setting him down as he got out the changing supplies on the changing table.
"Yeah I'm kinda soggy tonight daddy. Can I wear the night diapers with bedtime bear on them? " Miku asked rubbing his eyes as he wrapped his arms around himself.
"Sure thing champ." Daddy told him as he got out the diaper and sat it down.
"Thankees daddy you'we da bestest." Miku lisped slipping into it as he often did when tired.
"Anytime lil guy." Daddy said scooping his son up into his arms and laid him down on the changing table. The papa bear made quick work of the diaper change having done it a million times. Off with the wet diaper, then came the wipes, powder, fresh night time diaper, and taped up the fresh diaper. Miku for his part was half asleep through it all though he did purr now and then. Being warm out his daddy just took Miku's t-shirt off and tucked him into bed with Griz his teddy bear. Miku smiled softly snuggling the large teddy bear as a pacifier was slipped into his mouth before he was tucked in with a kiss on his forehead. Miku was already off to dream land by the time his daddy turned the night light on for him.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
12 years, 5 months ago
26 Sep 2012 22:26 CEST
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